RE: The AI

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The AI

in fiction •  7 years ago 

Excellent story! IF AI was like that, it WOULD be great! Regrettably far too many absolute simpletons seem to believe that once AI is created (assuming it's not already here in the first place...), it will probably clean the planetary slate & maybe roll the genetic dice to see if something a little more benign arises. Maybe I'm just being cynical? As long as we lack the gumption & the guts to force the scumbags, psychopaths & the puppetmasters to do the right thing, the crap here is just going to get deeper and deeper. I'm not expecting some mystical messiah to save us, that's something we're going to have to do for ourselves without destroying our humanity or losing our soul.

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I have other ideas about AI...this was just a story...nothing could go wrong...go wrong...go wrong..