Tales of shapes romance #27

in fiction •  7 years ago 

Is the man senile or something? Wondered the would explain why no one wants me to see him. The butler crossed the hallway silent-footed, carrying a silver tray that held a cut-crystal decanter and a single glass, and slipped through the half-open door of a large room.

Could get only a glimpse, but that was enough; there was a polished brass chandelier in there, with the buibs turned down to a mere glow, and a rug in the old, dim, jewel coloirs of a real Persian car-pet. She turned back to the nurse.

She thought, do they let senile people drink whislky? Surely not, I'm certain he would be very disappointed at not seeing me,'she said finally. 'my mother was a friend of his. The butler came out and crossed the hall again, without the decanter and tray.

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Nice one! Keep up