in fiction •  7 years ago 

•Have you ever wondered how you can live a life without much food but your mood always keeps looking good? It is impossible but a possibility. It can happen through the effectiveness of happiness, joy and good thought. People keep pondering and may have mistaken happiness to a similar thing with joy but the both comment differ in symbolic value with from other. In the scripture the Bible speaks much more often of joy than of happy, so there is a legitimate reason to say that happiness and joy are not one. If we gaze earnestly at these things we will see that

*HAPPINESS: This is an emotion in which one experience feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction of bliss and intense pleasure. What causes happiness is earthly experiences and material objects, it’s emotion is outward expressions of pride and feelings of joy. It only last for a short while based on outward circumstances. “happiness is just a product of moral lifestyle “.

*JOY: This is a stronger less common feeling than happiness, witnessing or archiving selflessness to the point of personal sacrifice frequently triggers this emotion and feeling spiritually connected to God. What causes joy is a spiritual experience in positive ways, caring for others sometimes through sacrifice with no possible personal gain. Witnessing justice for the less fortunate, feeling so close to God and expressing gratitude and thankfulness to God the creator of all things. 

• In my own opinion of view I would say happiness and joy are the greatest medication someone could ever have on the surface of the earth, if the above mentioned takes effect in your life, you will definitely at a later or succeeding time experience inward peace.

• With happiness and joy you will find out that food and nutrition is just a process to term down the body in the atmosphere of hunger. Food helps in the bodily development and some other aspects but does not really affect your life in some other area. “the truth about this is that when there is no joy and happiness there will definitely be no appetite to eat and when you cannot eat there is no possible way one can look healthy”.

• Without happiness and joy life is left with lapses both in physical, mentally, spiritually and otherwise. Many question may arise but this is the truth because there are too many people out there who have good food and more to eat and if you look at their outer frame you will see them as people who are not fleshy despite how wealthy they are. With this we can now begin to construct a mental image about all the nutritional ingredients being consumed by these people and where the ingredients maintain possession in their body, still there will be no specific answer. 

• I examine the life of people who are sick,  many who were dead and gone etc. Sometimes despite the nutritious substances being offered to them to sustain their life and to keep them revived for further medical assistance in other to obtain adequate state in health, they will not still make it. “This is because there is no happiness and joy in them”. Sometimes their state of mind might have been fear grips over death etc. 

• If you are asked to trace out the sequence in the life of the healthiest people of nowadays you will find out that there is nothing more to their health than joy and happiness. If in all likelihood you have encountered these set of people they may easily tell you about their inability to incur a satisfying meal that is suitable for their good looking health, yet they are very contented with whatsoever they take into the stomach through the throat. 

• Too many people persistently endeavor to strive joy and happiness but are lost of where these things can be found, meanwhile there are people who are stalked up with happiness and joy in their daily endeavors, in their in and out movement etc. Happiness and joy are like the air, it is all around us and we all are entitled to become partakers of these things, it is absolutely free and anyone is capable of achieving it, if there must be a price to pay in other to earn happiness and joy then it really determines your prize as people do say that nothing good comes easy. This in essence implies your awareness towards giving out the beat of you so as to acquire the beat from the source you expect to archive from. 

• The source of happiness and joy is revealed and can be acquired through knowing God and keeping his commandments, “Eccl. 2:26 God gives wisdom, knowledge and joy to anyone who pleases him. But to the person who continues to sin, he gives the job of gathering and collecting [wealth]. The sinner must turn his wealth over to the person who pleases God. Even this is pointless. [It’s like] trying to catch the wind” with knowing God and keeping his commandments you will not only have joy and happiness but will rather experience expansion in all your assiduous effort towards a specific goal. I delineated with people concerning the issue of knowing God so frequent, knowing God is not all about going to church neither it is all about the title nor the post a person has but rather it has to do with your mindset, how willing you are to serve God with all your might and a sincere heart.

• God is loving and thus supplies us with what is necessary, what you should also know is that God is not a father of Christmas to share or give us what we want when we are desperate of having them. “Psalms 31:19 your kindness is so great! You reserve it for those who fear you. Adams descendants watch as you show it to those who take refuge in you.” It means God’s favor enriches us as everyone are entitled to participate in the rain that fall, the sun that shines for the rich and the poor, the good and the bad people and also for every living creatures. As everyone are participant of these things, we should also know that there are several things our God offer and also proposed to give to his children which cannot be of the reach of everyone like the above samples. Some people may say we all are children of God, all you need to do is to know that he bless those who fear him more abundantly with no limitations of joy and happiness, all you have to do is to serve God with sincerity and fear, because anyone who is serving God with a sincere heart shall always inherit happiness 


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