A Day in the Clouds (Chapter 24) - The Hours Between 0400 and 0500

in fiction •  7 years ago 

This is a continuation of the Steemit-exclusive, original novel A Day in the Clouds. Be sure to check out the previous chapters to catch up with the story. Enjoy!

<< Chapter 23


The multi-talented @verbal-d (who, by the way, edited this chapter) has bestowed a wonderful gift for this story. Known for his lyrical rhymes, he's also a master when it comes to mixing melodious beats. To enhance the reading experience, play this on loop in the background as you read this chapter. Take a deep breath, and allow yourself to be consumed by the entire experience. Please be sure to follow and donate to @verbal-d! You can also follow his work on SoundCloud.

I went into this knowing full well that it could have been my undoing. It was telling that I didn't even have any plans on how I would have made my return. I was fortunate that all the other prisoners were asleep as Ari carried me back to the fortress. No one got the chance to bear witness to the shame of my defeat. That was, if that even qualified as a loss.

In my mind, I did my best to give our prison takeover plan the best chance it could get. The loss of their secret weapon would've proven to be the deciding factor in our endgame. Alas, my effort was for naught, and I was sure that I would only suffer the consequences of my actions.

Ari carried me on his shoulders, as he trudged back to the fortress. He reeked of alcohol, and his skin was hot to the touch. There were no words exchanged during our journey back. But, I knew that I should've been preparing for the worst.

Once Mamie and Dadier discovered what I had done, they would perceive it as a threat. Even worse, they would think of it as another escape attempt. I just knew that they wouldn't tolerate another indiscretion. My previous getaway didn't help at all with it. These were the times when the giants' inability to understand whatever I said was a disadvantage.

I ruminated about what had transpired, but I couldn't wrap my head around it. That thing ... it looked exactly like the creature I saw in my hallucination. Although, it was way smaller than I had anticipated. I thought it was as tall as the giants, but it turned out that it was only as tall as I was.

Was it in fact an offspring of the dreaded beast the other prisoners feared? Did its notoriety oversell its terrifying appearance? Why didn't it attack me? Or, was it just biding its time? Did Ari save me, or did he save it from me? Was I becoming more of a giant than I realized?

There was another thing that I found confusing, though. Why was there a gigantic chain strapped around the beast's neck? Was it used to keep it at bay to prevent it from eating the prisoners, or to hinder it from attacking the giants? It looked tame and docile, a far cry from what I had envisioned. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that the beast was even ... It was even asking for help. It couldn't be. Could it? Was it a prisoner like I was?

No matter how many questions filled my head, I knew that I would never have a definite answer to any of them. The giants were the only ones who could provide the answers I sought. The strain of the mission quickly took its toll on me. I was drained physically, mentally and emotionally. Keeping my head up and my eyes wide open soon proved to be tasking.

Ari carried me up the flight of steps with ease. The giant completed what was half a day's journey for me in mere minutes, if not seconds. He put me down on the ground, as soon as we arrived on the upper floor of the fortress.

    "Stay there," Ari commanded, pointing to a dilapidated cushion sitting in the hallway. The giant seemed irritated, so I did as he asked, not wanting to aggravate him. He looked like a leaner version of Dadier, but his face resembled Mamie's more.

Ari knocked on the cell door a few times before he decided to open it. He peeked inside, murmuring something that I couldn't comprehend. Whatever he said forced Mamie to rush out, looking completely distressed.

Mamie grabbed me beneath my arms, held me close, and squeezed me tightly. I tried to hold my breath as long as I could, but the stranglehold squashed all the air out from my lungs. The giant sobbed, as tears poured down from the side of her face onto the top of my head. Perhaps it was because she thought I was escaping once again. Or, maybe she felt relieved that no one else had witnessed her oversight. But, it didn't feel like that at all. Not even a little bit.

Her squeeze eventually became lighter, until it felt more like a snug embrace. I could feel the warmth of her body, and I could hear every beat that her heart made. It was in that moment when I felt no violent emotion coming from the giant.

She wiped her face with her arms, and then grabbed my hand softly. We made our way to the tiled torture chamber. I didn't resist, or even detest. The giant stayed silent, as she turned a valve to let the water pour out. She pulled my feet beneath the running stream, and rubbed it clean. The water was warm to the touch, and the pressure was just right.

It was all ... very confusing. More importantly, it didn't even feel like torture at all. Not a second did I suspect that there was a nefarious scheme afoot. It felt different from the previous times when there was a veiled sense of relaxation. This time it felt that the giant's intention was genuine. For some strange reason, I didn't feel unnerved about it at all.

Mamie sniffled between sobs. I felt compelled to console her, but I didn't know how to. If only she understood the way I spoke, then everything would have been much easier. I tried to learn their language to better convey my thoughts, but it was still misunderstood.

The giant's eyes were glassy, and her movements were muted. For the life of me, I couldn't comprehend why her demeanor was like that. I expected the giant to be fuming upon the discovery of what she would suspect as a foiled escape. But, the reaction she had was completely unexpected. It wasn't anything that I could ever prepare for.

Without words, the giant expressed such profound sorrow, that I couldn't help but be moved. The reasons for it may have eluded me, but my sympathy extended even to my fiercest of foes. I sighed, as I tried to figure out the root of her melancholy.

Perhaps I had it wrong all along. Maybe this wasn't a prison at all. What if the giants gathered us together to save us from the harshness of the outside world? In their own weird way, perhaps they were trying to keep us safe. In that regard, could they have been the heroes all along?

These vague glimpses of the past continued to be detrimental. I didn't know which were real and which were constructs of my fractured mind. Were they even subjecting me to torture? Maybe they were trying to repair my brain, filling in the gaps in my memory. I had never once stopped to think about it that way.

This may have very well been yet another ploy, and yet I ... I didn't have the slightest suspicion that it was the case. Was I too far gone in their re-education? If I was, was it so bad to be?

Mamie aided me as we made our way back to the sleeping quarters. She didn't illuminate the room, so as not to wake the others. Fortunately, our eyes had already adjusted to the darkness.

I took the long route, circling the room until I got to my bed. Passing Dadier, I couldn't help but notice that this head remained exposed to an attack. If I had violent intentions, I could've ended him right there. Alas, the kindness that he had shown me recently made me think twice about an assault. Instead, I placed my lips on his forehead and gave back the energy that I had siphoned from him. Even under duress, I would have never turned to theft. What was I to be if I were to lose all my principles?

Walking further, I happened upon Teten sleeping without a blanket. The room was getting colder by the second, and she might have gotten sick if her body would have remained unguarded. In a different instance, I would've just left her she was and let the harsh cold creep to every orifice in her body. But, that was for a different instance. I grabbed the corner that had already fallen to the ground, and secured the blanket to keep her warm.

Eddie lay restlessly on his appropriately sized bed. Out of all of us in the room, he was the only one to have a bed that was right for his size. I stared at him, and couldn't help but feel a sort of kinship. Even though I tried to deny it, he certainly did have a striking resemblance to myself. If he was indeed a clone, was it so bad? If that was the case, he would have all the fire that I possessed underneath all of the giants' programming. I resolved right there that instead of fighting him, I would make him an ally, and teach him all the ways of our people. We'd be the last Sachaphoyans, and I wouldn't have to feel so alone anymore.

I felt light-headed, upon scaling my bed. Mamie laid down beside me, perhaps to keep a close eye in case I decided to wander off yet again. My body sunk slowly down the fleecy cot. The giant wrapped her arms around me to keep me afloat. The bed undulated to the silky rhythm of the night. Slowly, the unrelenting darkness crept towards us, ready to engulf us whole.

The warmth that Mamie's body provided kept me calm. I didn't mind losing myself to the looming shade, if I indeed still had pieces of me left to lose. This was the safest I had felt in a long while, and I took comfort in that thought.

I placed my hands on Mamie's cheeks, and planted my lips against hers. Entrusting my safety to the giant, I transferred the last of my viento to her. It took all the courage I could muster, but somehow it just felt right.

    "Isle la view," I whispered softly. Was this the right moment to say those keywords? Somehow, I felt that it was. A warm feeling slowly came upon me, taking the place of where my viento was.

Mamie hugged me, and replied with the same words. I closed my eyes, and felt the warmth slowly course through my body. Maybe being a giant wasn't so bad after all. I was tired of fighting, tired of being alone, and perhaps if I gave in, I wouldn't have to be. By that time, I couldn't even remember what I was fighting for, or why I was even fighting.

Everything suddenly felt like a dream, and in an instant I was back gliding through the clouds. I couldn't see the ground below, and I wasn't in a rush to find out. Whenever I did decide to dive down, it would be interesting to see what adventures awaited me. One thing was for sure, whenever those adventures arrived, I would be ready for whatever came my way.

The extremely passionate @ryivhnn has created this magnificent viento-inspired artwork for this story. Close your eyes and picture this masterpiece, as you imagine Ledd soaring to new heights. Please be sure to check out @ryivhnn's wonderful artwork and in-depth logs of her experiences with homeschooling her children. You can also become a patron of hers on Patreon so that you can support her regularly.


<< Chapter 23


And that, my friends, is a wrap. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Stay tuned for the final SILVER LINING.


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Everything @ezzy and @dreemit said! It was a beautiful ending and brought tears to my eyes too. Be proud of the work you've done here.

That's so nice of you to say, my friend! :') I'm just glad that it's being received so positively here. Warms my heart to no end! These comments you leave is why I gave you a shoutout in the latest last SILVER LINING.

This was a labor of love, and I'm torn about my feeling about the ending. On one hand, I'm glad that it's over, while on the other, I feel like a huge part of me has been taken out.

I imagine that feeling is quite common when an author finishes a book. It must be such a wrench. Thanks for the shoutout - appreciated!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Shoutout well deserved :D I reserve them for special occasions to preserve them, and make them special every time. Thank you for your continued support, my friend :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yo my bro!

Man, talk about a tear-jerking end to your spell-binding saga! You got me, man! All the angry, violent thoughts, frustrated confusion. All that negativity melted away to reveal Ledd's true essence. The love he had bottled up inside came flowing out and I don't think I could have thought up a better ending than yours. Simply perfect! :)

That's just the storyline. But what about the narrative? Well, here's where you excel. When a reader feels as though they are as one with the character in question, you've got it nailed. And you've got this area of expertise well and truly mastered. Excellent flow, structure and pacing. A great piece of literary artwork that is now forever bound to the Steem blockchain. How absolutely awesome is that!

I'm so very proud of you, @jedau and so should you be of yourself too. An exemplary achievement if ever there was one. Now where to next from here, my friend? :)

I couldn't have explained it better, my bro! :') Believe me when I say that I mapped out every possible ending for this, and while this isn't the universally popular choice, it's one that I feel tied everything up neatly. That is, taking into account Ledd's state, the time of the day and everything that has happened before this point.

This has been such a tiring labor of love, but I don't regret any minute of it. It's been such a trying journey and I feel a bit torn about concluding the story. I feel like a part of me has been lost and forever bound to the Steem blockchain as well..

Thank you for all the support, @ezzy! Truly. I wouldn't have had the courage to upload this without your urging. You and @dreemit have both been huge sources of encouragement, and I count myself lucky everyday that I stumbled upon you guys when I did.

I really wish I could say that I have a clear path ahead, but it's more barren than clear. It's scary and exciting at the same time. I'm standing on new ground, and I don't know how I'm going to move forward. Just relishing every moment :'D

You will always have my support, bro. That is one constant that will never change, no matter what. :)

Brother, that means the world to me! Know that you always have my support the same way. Man, I'm really thankful for this fellowship we've slowly been building up here. Feeling all of the appreciation makes me look forward to the times ahead :D

Excellent work dear friend @jedau I admire his way of handling the times and the sequences of the story, as in that part of the reading, the giant does not try to torture, reflecting that maybe he is saving something, who has not Ever dreamed to see the earth from above as if we were flying over the cloud.
Very prefect and talented dear friend, thank you very much for these beautiful gifts
have a beautiful day

Thank you, my friend! You've been an awesome commenter and person :D Looking forward to supporting each other still moving forward!

I don't know why you would have mixed reviews about this ending. Not only was it a bit of a surprise, which is great for an ending, it was a nice surprise, it was a closure that I previously did not know how you could accomplish.

I felt relieved that he decided to stop viewing them as the enemy, I feel that your cousins must have also really loved this, that it would give them hope and make all of the trials they've gone through with him worthwhile.

When he said Isle la view, it melted my heart. Wow, such a tender ending to an action packed story. Amazing my friend, definitely worthy of a standing ovation from a large auditorium packed end to end.

This is a book I will thoroughly enjoy reading from cover to cover.

I feel the same way.

Nice! Thank you for saying that :D

For the sake of not making people realize of alternative endings, I won't elaborate on them hahaha! I don't even know if they reached the end yet, they haven't gotten back to me regarding it. It's the start of school here, so they're at their busiest, I guess.

That's the exact reason why I wanted the staccato in the previous chapter, so that the ending would take the tender route. It warms my heart to know that the scene melted yours, sister.

A standing ovation from a large auditorium? Now that sounds like a scene from my dream haha! Really though, even if only one person enjoyed, then the whole thing was worth it :'D

You have been such a great cheerleader from the start, all the way to the end. The encouragement that you have provided has really given me a huge boost to push through tough times. I don't know if I would've still remained on Steemit without you :D

Aw Isle La View indeed! What a lovely ending man. It was a tearjerker and a half reading his acceptance that perhaps all was not as he saw it.

Well done mate!

Aww thanks, dude! I hope you get to read the SILVER LINING immediately after. Did the delay in reading the ending affect the emotional aspect of it?

You know I think it did. Had I been reading it continuously without the gap it would have had more punch! Not that that takes away anything from it!!

Haha! Now I don't know if I should tell you "tsk" or "aww that's too bad :(" I shall endeavor to write something that packs the same punch even if the chapters are read years apart haha

I would go for tsk, I did have a good reason though!!! :O)

Spending time with your family on vacation isn't a good reason ... It's a great reason, dude! :D

Yay!! It is indeed!

I couldn't help but look forward to the day when vacations are the norm, and we're getting paid to take them.

"Do I have to? I mean, do I really have to go to the Maldives again? Ugh. Fine."

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@jedau my friend, I finally made it to the end of your story, and didn't want to end without a final comment, and acknowledgement of your efforts. I liked the way in which you wrapped this up, yet left that very small element of doubt, of question within Ledd's mind. A sense of comfort and completion, but a small 'what if I am wrong?" - just enough.

He has gone through monumental growth, but as all humans experience, is there ever really true completion? The journey was intriguing, imaginative, descriptive, exhilarating, and personal. Worth following along, for sure.

Enjoyed it a lot, well done sir :)

Oh shoot, I don't know why my reply to this yesterday didn't send. I'm trying to remember what I wrote down...

Gaaahhhh I can't quite recall, but it goes something along like oh, I just replied yesterday to feel free to comment whenever you finish a chapter, little did I know you had already finished the whole story! Haha! Did you leave off from Chapter 18 or are you just a fast reader?

I appreciate all the kind words, mate! :') I did want to give it a sense of completion but leave room for uncertainty, much like life. Everything I wrote on here was intentional, and there were a lot of scenarios considered before I ended up with this one. Great of you to notice that tidbit! When I started this, I really wanted it to be entertaining and informative, so I'm glad that it fulfilled its objectives somehow.

Now that the story has ended, I feel a part of me has been ripped out and etched forever in the blockchain. But, the reception you awesome people have given me has more than filled that gap in my soul. It's so amazing thinking that writers I admire enjoyed my work. Warms my heart to no end. I'm glad you returned to Steemit when you did, brother! Now, to a 100% recovery for you :D

Nothing worse than writing out a lengthy reply just to have it fail on you. You seemed to have made an amazing recovery though. Thanks for coming back for a second attempt.

I'm not working at the moment, so I read through your story every chance I got, one chapter at a time, between other things. I got through in a couple of days I think. I decided not to comment on each chapter but when I reached the end (I was eager to find out what happened!). But wanted to wrap up my thoughts when I did reached the last chapter.

I'm feeling better than I have in many months. I think writing everyday is helping. And reading, especially at Steemit. Just trying to remained relaxed, not easy in this world, but I'm up for the challenge.

And ultimately I missed watching developing ideas such as your story happening in real time, and being able to participate in such a thing at a true grass roots level. So here I am :)

Take care, enjoy your break (forced or otherwise).

And it happened again with this one! What the!! Hahaha!! Currently dealing with the internet provider, and it's slowly being restored as we speak. Fluctuating intervals between disconnections.

Even if you didn't comment on every chapter, the comment you provided was really meaty so it proved to be enough :D If reading on here helped, then I'm super glad I was able contribute! You contributed enough, mate. I appreciate you catching up when you did. You're a real inspiration to many. And, I'm sure you'd be able to watch future stories in real-time. I'm just happy you're back :)

Internet down, frustrations up. It's a universal language. I speak it fluently. Yes been back at Steemit daily now, feeling rejuvenated. Keeping an eye out for my regular reads, and you are top of that list.

Awesome! That's so great to hear :D Talking about you feeling rejuvenated and back at Steemit daily. Being top of your read list is icing, and I appreciate the distinction! Oh how far humanity has fallen in the thralls of internet that we have come to depend on it daily. I hope that I would build a stable income stream in the coming months so that I wouldn't have to be grinding it out daily, and wouldn't need to rely on the internet too much.

That would be nice. Being able to log or not, according to choice, without the stress or deadlines! It has its advantages, but like a lot of things in life it can be a two edge sword.

I agree, it's a fine balance for sure. Having the freedom to do what we want without worrying about finances is certainly the dream!

One of these days I'm going to figure out what the Replicant threat is. ;-)

Blade Runner, dude :D I just riffed off your handle of "More Human Than Human"

Hahah... okay, I'm clearly not as creative as you are. :)

No, don't say that, man. You're hella creative! All of the innovative solutions you think of lends credence to how creative you are. Coding is an art form, and you are a Picasso ;)

Sounds good to me! :)

Now that you're making your way up in the witness rankings, a blockchain title is in the near future as well :D