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Great great story! I would love to create it into an audiobook.

I'm glad that you like it. I kind of pulled out of thin air. I suspect the second part will be much more difficult to envision and create.

I've only recently heard of Steemhunt, btw, and I've been meaning to check out what exactly that is. Also I noticed you are posting from your WordPress blog. I'll check your blog out tomorrow when I have some time. Would you say that posting stories to the blog is it worthwhile endeavor? I thought about opening a blog myself but I wonder about the initial cost vs ROI.

Well, I created a guide to on using Digital Ocean and only costing $5 monthly no initial investment due to the fact it's paid monthly.

I still need to get a domain but that is also not very expensive. Much cheaper and secure that shared hosting.

Great story. It will serve as an inspiration and so really impressive. 😍😍😍😍 brilliant article. Can't just collect words to describe emotions. Hope you understand.

OK then.

Nice post...


Good work, i really got into it.