Fiction Story - Dog and Cat Conversations

in fiction •  7 years ago 

 Cat: "Hello my bro, how's your day? "

Dog: "Ah songong lu, sok-sokan pake English all! "

Cat: "Well, occasionally may dong bro, nowadays English is really important lhoo .."

Dog:  "But you do not need to practice to me dong, lu know if I'm just a  village dog, let alone English, Indonesian aja gw still not bener. Just now you've become a Singaporean pet yes .. "

Cats:  "Not so brader, ane just a practice that has been ajay to ane, hehe ...  Moreover, the employer is not actually a Singaporean bro, they are  native Indonesians really. Just look at them, like most Indonesians do not you? "

Dog: "Lha, I think the Singaporeans, because lately if I play to the place lu is always empty and quiet. There's only a maid. Keep fit when I asked you to lu, lu said that the master is again in Singapore. "

Cats: "True braders, they often go back Singapore-Indonesia, usually only a week, but that is now a long time ago. Good thing ane ready stock food, so ane ga never kelaperan. "

Dog: "Emangnya, they are in Singapore doing cing? "

Cat: "Ane do not know bro, but yesterday ane sih could hear them both chatting. Ane's employer who man said, if he again dapet gede gede banget. 25 Milliard bro. "

Dog: "Busedddd, 25 milliard of money all? "

Cat: "Iyalah, cook daoon .."

Dog: "Lu really good ya have a master tajir so, want what aja already available. Want to eat already in siapin, want to play toys to buy. Lu also have his own room, soft mattress, very different ama gw, eat wrote still nyari in the trash. "

Cat: "Yo'i dong sob ... Ane a peranakan cats, even though ane born here, but I have a descendant of Caucasians. So it should be life this ane should always seize the treasure ... hahaha .. "

Dog: "Belagu lu. Uh, what does his employer do anyway? Must be a successful entrepreneur huh? Have a gold mining company? Got two national television stations? Chairman of a political party? "

Cats: "That ane know hell, he's just a bro ..."

Dogs: "Ah well? Not really so loh. Eh cing, let the village dog, but I understand the salary of civil servants. Clarify Pak Sarmili tuh, civil servant class 3A, just have a bike duck one, the house is very small. Tong  trash also, every day the contents of salted fish muluu .. Bandingin  deh same master lu, there are 4 cars, Toyota Alphard, Mercy, Land Rover,  jazz. I know it's expensive car all cing. Not to mention clay house that kayak palace, continue to frequent the streets to Singapore. Ah, I can not believe that he's just a civil servant .. "

Cats: "Bener kok bro, he's just a civil servant, same kok like Mr. Sarmili, group 3A as well. At first ane also wonder the, but gradually ane cuek, not ane affair, which is important to live ane prosperous. But now ane more confused nih bro, it looks like ane should find a new rich employer .. "

Dog: "Loh, what's up with cing? Masters lu is now less rich what else ?? "

Cat: "Well that's bro, yesterday's ane's employer came home tuh. Keep  ane master who is a woman crying while triak-triak bro .. (Oh emasku,  oh my 40 diamond, oh my luxury cars, oh my palace is magnificent, oh 25  milliardku ... please, do not leave me ..) Ane's so scared too bro, it looks like ane masters will soon be poor ... "

Dog: "Loh, how come? So what? Your employer is bankrupt? "

Cats: "Ane is less tau boss, but yesterday looks ane masters really  lethargic, yesterday ane house is also really crowded, a lot of people  wear brown shirt is the same black deh .."

Dog: "Police do you mean? "

Cat: "I think it is, but different from the usual police, this is the elite bro. On the shoulders are many accessories, there are like jasmine, there is also a star. Ane still know them, just usually if they go home wear uniforms, wear regular coats aja .. "

Dog: "Oh, if that's a cing officer. Keep going, keep going? "

Cats: "Keep ane employer in take bro, ga tau deh where. Ane afraid really ya, who ngasiin I eat who ntar .. Anyway ane must cepet get rich new boss bro .. "

Dogs: "Hence, next time if nyari employer do not look from outside aja dong. Rich but the result nyolong complicated business. "

Cats: "Yo'i bro, this ana also want to the presidential palace, just  aja ntar sir president want membihara ane, it's nice every day ane  streets naek toyota crown .."

Dog: "Bah, where do you want the president to lu toyota crown, what can you do? "

Cat: "Easy bro, ane's the most expert in terms of lick-lick. Ntar pak President ane rayu let ngebeliin ana car .. 😀 "

Dog: "T * # ... luu 

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A kitten will typically weigh about 3 ounces at birth. The typical male housecat will weigh between 7 and 9 pounds, slightly less for female housecats.