My First Attempt at Fiction...

in fiction •  7 years ago 

Charlie looked up and noticed he had ten minutes left before the clock struck midnight. It was another New Year’s Eve alone. Surrounded by thousands of complete strangers, he wondered why he even came to Times Square. He was an introvert and preferred to stay home most of the time.

If it weren’t for his co workers nagging for the past two weeks, he would be comfortably sitting on his couch in his studio apartment on the fifteenth floor of the Sixth Street Plaza Gardens complex. All he could think about was getting into his queen size bed and sleeping for ten to twelve hours.

If there was one good thing about New Year’s Eve, it was the fact that he knew he wouldn’t have to work the next day. Lost in thought about what he would dream about that night, Charlie was startled back to reality when a random girl kissed him with the sound of the roaring crowd starting to sing the all too famous ‘Auld Lang.

He had missed the countdown and wondered where the past few minutes had gone. With a smile on his face and not knowing exactly who pressed their soft beer tasting lips to his a few moments earlier, he started to walk in any direction he could to try and make his way through the masses.

He had completely lost trace of where he last seen Sean and Amanda. The two co workers who had practically dragged him to the New Year’s Eve fiasco were completely out of sight and out of mind for that matter.

As he made his way back to 6th street, he was somewhat melancholy about the night’s happenings. If anything he thought, at least he was able to feel the taste of another woman’s lips for the first time in two years.

Sober and drained of energy from being surrounded by so many people, Charlie made his way to his apartment and into his bed where he fell fast asleep dreaming about finishing off the night with the random girl who had come face to face with earlier.

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