Cast Your Vote

in fiction •  6 years ago  (edited)

Once a year you wait inline,
ready to pick a name not yours nor mine,
an odd one for sure who've you've never met and
that's likely a chance that you'll never get.

Voting like this, to me at least seems,
a very queer thing to be doing indeed.
Instead of this nonsensical, puppy cock, farce,
I think of my voting as what goes in my cart.

We vote with our forks,
our knives,
and our spoons,
some times other utensils a pen or a plum.

For can't you see when you look around me
that the world is more shaped by what's on your plate
then the views you support in political debate?

You cry out for the trees, sad pleas indeed,
but you vote against them
buying up wood for that new desk you need.

If no one bought wood you're sure to soon find
that the buying of wood becomes quite out of line.
The lumberjacks quit for
without demand whats the point of it?

So walk on my brothers, my sisters, my friends.
I've planted the seed with a slight of the hand.
Surely you'll think of this at next checkout time,
and realize the fate of the world is your fate and mine

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