RE: Francis & The Pitfalls of Chilvary

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Francis & The Pitfalls of Chilvary

in fiction •  7 years ago  (edited)

I did not see any contradictions
The one that you mentioned is not
As for unjustified clames i thought that i would give them if some one asked because i did not want to write a paragraph
He is greedy because he took all of nicholas belonging
He belives himself to be chivalrous as he did not rob nicholas as soon as he can but saved first from the rascals
The setting is medieval we know that because there is a knight and a noble
Chivalry is the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code.
They can be mutualy exclusive and they genrally are taken to be but the hook of the story is that this is not the case with fransis
--So he is a greedy chivalrous knight

It felt forced because
The noble had no gards or servants with him
Despit being rich he had no means of protecting himself
When fransis was introdused i could tell that the stage was being setup for his introduction
There where also the cheesy oneliners

If the world was unrealistic i could not tell where the fantasy lied if fancis is spacial why does he need to rob he could make a lot of money just from showing his skills
Or if all knights superhuman and had a thing for showmanship then why did the rascals fight him instad of runing away
He wore armour so why did they attack him with a swords and a arrow which would do nothing agenst it
If they could penetrate it why did fransis ware it
There was no mention of what kind of armor it was t to be so i had to take it to be plate armour
If fransis is so super human than why did he ware any armour
If he needed armour protection why did he not cover his face
This shows that both parties are fools
The real reason fransis wore armour is to show that he is a knight and the author did no in research medival period apart form movies
The introduction is short and uninteresting
I read it four times and could not find anything good to say
the onlything i got from this is that the story isgoing to be power fantasy with a bland badass named fransis
if it is not then it is a bad introduction for the uninteresting francis

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Chivalry is the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code.

But Francis does not abide by it so you are wrong.

If the world was unrealistic i could not tell where the fantasy lied if fancis is spacial why

were unrealistic*



This is just the prologue...

He wore armour so why did they attack him with a swords and a arrow which would do nothing agenst it

Both those weapons can pierce through armor. Also, his face was not armored as evinced by the description of his face.

If fransis is so super human than why did he ware any armour


You are just nitpicking without proper reason. Also, don't bother writing any more because I won't bother reading any more.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

First contradictions or unjustified claims now nitpicking without proper reason i should not have wasted my time