I never want to see you again. I never felt strong in my life, but now the weakness is drowning me.
Everything around me is too bright, too colorful. It hurts to look at the world, I feel like I don't belong at all. Like I lost the right tune, everybody around me floats in harmony. I feel clumsy and awkward and as if everybody stares at me because I destroy their peace.
"You did this", I'd like to say. But we both know it's not true.
The sad thing is that you always tried your best. You gave me everything and more and one day you woke up and realized I've emptied you. I've changed everything that was right about you, everything that could hold me. Until you were lost with me.
I don't know who did more damage, in the end, we abandoned each other, we abandoned ourselves.
We were never good for each other but we loved to live the lie. We joked about the things that divided us, that made us special, we never wanted to be like those who look for themselves in the faces of strangers. We hated ourselves too much to look for more of us.
Now we are nothing and we wait. Hoping to find closure one day, every day.
Aching every step of the way, it's so much harder without you.