in fiction •  7 years ago 


Obinna was afraid, confused and was sweating furiously, he looked around and noticed Ngozi was no longer in the hut, he decided to check the compound and he saw her cutting fire wood she looked so thin and unkept,there were bruises all over her body , gods of of my fathers what have i done to my wife, he then moved closer to her and touched her she turned instantly when she saw it was her husband she knelt down immediately Obinna am sorry I did not mean to wake you please forgive me, Obinna raised her up, nkem(my own) its okay am not angry and why are you awake so early my wife, Obinna i wanted to prepare your food early before going to the stream and then to the farm, nwunye m(my wife) its okay go and sit down let me cut the fire wood and prepare the food, my husband thank you i can do it, nkem go and sit down Ngozi was scared and confused at the same time,Obinna cut the firewood and cooked the food served the food and when they finished eating he knelt down and said Ngozi my wife am sorry for all i have to you Ngozi gbaghara m(forgive me) i promise to change from today and treat you like a queen that you are please my wife,Obinna agbaghagorom gi (obinna i forgive you) thank you my wife and he hugged her.

Later that afternoon he left and did not return early.........

To be continued

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