The Bench at the City Park - Chapter 1: Evergreen City

in fiction •  7 years ago  (edited)

It’s a hot Saturday and everyone is ready for the weekend. Some may have to go to work but the kids and the teens, and most of the people are free. Clearly, everyone has got something to do and most of them have begun early in the morning. And, before it’s forgotten, today is a big day at the City Park!

For many years, Evergreen City has celebrated its foundation anniversary. Every year is different and often more extravagant than the other. But, one thing has always been the same: The Grand Parade. Everyone’s always excited about it, especially the kids. There is a lot of spectaculars to see. They pretty much look forward seeing the people from the Circus perform on the street, what seemed like an appetizer of the Great Show later tonight.

“Wake up, sleepyheads! It’s a big day today.”, Mrs. Whitfield shouted from outside the kids’ room as she carries the laundry basket. She went downstairs to the laundry area and stockpiled the dirty clothes on a larger basket. She won’t be doing the laundry today.

The Whitfield house is modestly small, just enough for a family of four. You can find on the ground floor the living room, the kitchen, and the laundry area. Upstairs are two rooms: one for the couple and one for the kids.

Harvey began to crawl down his bed scratching his eyes with his left hand. He closed the book he’s reading about bees and pollination. He likes reading about anything about bees. He checked for James up the deck and saw he’s still asleep. He saw James’ new poster of James Bond. He thinks his brother likes those kinds of movies just as he likes bees.

Harvey is three years younger than James. James is fifteen. Harvey’s blonde hair, not quite lengthy, is combed to right. His eyes are as blue as the sky. James is tall for his age as his mother would usually say; His hair is black and his eyes are green he got from his mother. Mrs. Whitfield’s got Irish blood. He also got some wavy hair curling at the tip. Both have fair complexion, much like their mother and father, but Mr. Whitfield’s skin is a bit burnt because his previous work required him to go out in the field mostly.

“James, wake up! Mom’s calling us.”, said Harvey while he shakes James’ foot. James simply replied with a sleepy ‘yeah’, still having his eyes closed. Harvey continued to shake James and soon successfully woke him up. They went out of the room and climb downstairs to the kitchen.

“Grab some pancakes boys. James, get the honey jar on top of the fridge. Harvey, pour some fresh milk on the glasses. C’mon now.”, Mrs. Whitfield commanded as she continues to fry the eggs and bacons. Still a bit sleepy and dreamy, the boys heeded the order. Mr. Whitfield was on the dining table already when the kids went down. He usually wakes up early, but not as early as his wife. He habitually picks up the morning paper to read while sipping his black coffee.

“Good morning boys!”, Mr. Whitfield greeted. “Good morning Dad.”, Harvey replied. “Be careful with the milk Harvey.”, said Mr. Whitfield in a cautious quite deep-toned voice.

This scene usually happens on weekdays, when everyone of them must go to school and work. But, since today’s a big day at the City Park, Saturday seems to have become a part of the weekdays temporarily. James and Harvey goes to Evergreen Academy. Mr. Whitfield works at the Mayor’s office. Mrs. Whitfield works at the First City Bakery.

“Dad, are you coming with us to watch the Parade?”, Harvey asked.

“I will be, but I have to report to office first. Today’s different than the previous years, you know that.”, Mr. Whitfield said calmly. He smiled at the kids, and went back to his paper. James looked away to the window and saw his friend Tom and Vinch on their bikes. Harvey went back to slicing his pancake.

Mrs. Whitfield, of course, heard the conversation. “It’s alright Harvey. Dad’s gonna be there before you know it.”, Mrs. Whitfield said as she puts the eggs and the bacon on the plate.

It’s been five years since Mr. Whitfield began working with the City Mayor’s Information and Communications section. And most of the time, he’s not home, especially on some of the most important family occasions. He took that opportunity, when it was offered to him, not only because of the compensation and benefits, but because he wanted to work for the City.

“Eggs and bacon!”, Mrs. Whitfield exclaimed as she presents the additional breakfast. “Richard, the boys just miss hanging out with you. Right, boys?” James didn’t answer. Harvey simply gave a nod. Mr. Whitfield folded close the newspaper, ready to join the breakfast.

“Hey Mom, after the parade, can I go with Tom and Vinch?”, James asked.

“I think I can’t approve that James. We’re gonna have our family lunch, did you forgot that besides from celebrating our city’s foundation, it’s also our wedding anniversary, your Dad and I. Although it won’t be until Wednesday next week, but there will be no time over the weekdays. You can join your friends later after our family lunch.” Mrs. Whitfield contradicted, emphasizing on family.

James has long been friends with Tom and Vinch, since they transferred to Evergreen almost five years ago. James isn’t the kind who’s outgoing and loud, but he feels comfortable around his best-friends. The other two is quite the rascals, but surely James saw something in them that others fail to recognize.

“And, James, I promised all of you that we’re gonna have this lunch together. Right, Laura?” Mr. Whitfield recalled. Mr. Whitfield had been busy since he started working at the Mayor’s office. He’d leave early in the morning and go home late at night. Oftentimes, he’d be home early morn the next day.

“I hope it’s gonna be true this time.”, Harvey reluctantly said and took a bite of the bacon.

James stood up. “I’m gonna prepare now.”, he said as he climbed up the stairs.

“Get back here James!”, Mrs. Whitfield demanded. Between her and Mr. Whitfield, she’s more of the fix-it-right-now and understand-things-quickly person. She wants things to be clear and clean as soon as possible. She doesn’t want things getting out of hand because of giving it more time.

“Let him go, Laura.”, Mr. Whitfield said. “He’ll understand it sooner or later. Give him time to think.” Mr. Whitfield on the other hand is more calm and reserved. He criticizes the situation silently and come up with the best resolution in the end, although not as quickly as what Mrs. Whitfield would have preferred.

Harvey followed his brother with his eyes until he vanished upstairs. Harvey is more expressive than his big brother James, but less expressive as most kids in his age are. He did not give any comment on what had just happened and rather continued on his food. After all, he didn’t know what to say.

“I don’t know what to do with that kid anymore, Richard. He’s been like that since I don’t know when. He just does what he wants and sometimes cared less about things in this house.” Mrs. Whitfield continued to lament what’s been happening to them as if there’s no resolution at all.

“Oh, stop it Laura. It’s just his hormones working on him. Sooner or later James will grow up to understand why certain things do change. Right, Harvey?”, Mr. Whitfield lightly responded as he gave Harvey a subtle pat on the head. He got his pancake, put some eggs over it, folded it, and gave it a big bite just like a sandwich.

Mrs. Whitfield did not reply anymore and just sat down by the table. She paused for a while, crossed her fingers between each hand, and put them on her forehead as if praying, and gave a deep sigh. Mr. Whitfield continue reading on his paper, checked his wrist watch, and stood up.

“I’m gonna go ahead now. See you later at the parade.”, Mr. Whitfield said and took a last sip of his coffee, gave and quick kiss on Mrs. Whitfield’s forehead.

“He’ll be fine don’t you worry much.”, he softly said, and messed Harvey’s hair. He quickly reached the living room, took his car keys near the big mirror, and sprinted through the front door.

“Bye Dad!”, Harvey yelled, although he wasn’t sure if he was heard. He then stood up, went to her mom, and gave her a quick warm back hug. They then heard the car’s engine gradually moving away until they can’t hear it anymore.

Mrs. Whitfield gave Harvey a kiss on the cheek and said: “Thank you honey. Now, go back to your breakfast, and we still must prepare for the parade. Harvey ran back to his seat and continued his meal.

* * *

“It’s Saturday, and today we celebrate the 450th founding anniversary of our beloved Evergreen City.” And so, the radio chatter continued. Mr. Whitfield is on his way to office. He usually listens to the City’s official radio station, bringing all the news and updates to the city people, as he drives to office.

The Evergreen City is small with a population of a hundred thousand residents and documented migrant workers. However, it is considered one of the successful cities there is. Although it is a city, people lived simple lives, as satisfactory as it can be. A few rich families reside in Evergreen, almost influential in politics and business. Despite that, the rest of the population generally feels fair and just, as the city’s poverty index level is very low, at least per latest surveys.

“Good morning, Sir.”, Mr. Brown, the main door’s security guard, greeted in a less energetic tone.

“Good morning, Wilson. Are you okay?”, Mr. Whitfield replied.

“I’m okay, Sir. Nothing to worry about.”, he responded with a forced smile.

Mr. Whitfield went upstairs and was then approached by his secretary. She reminded him of the quick event status meeting, along with the department and section heads important to the event, headed by Vice-Mayor. It’s almost 7:30 A.M. and the meeting’s about to start.

Vice-Mayor Fordman is presiding the meeting. He is sturdy and has a powerful, intimidating personality. He’s rumored to run for mayoralty on the next election. Mr. Whitfield a bit dislikes him.

“Good morning!”, the vice-mayor bluntly said. “Time is running out. I want a quick report from each of you, and, if there’s any issue, spill it out now, so we can fix it immediately.” And so, each person voiced out initial accomplishments and raised specific concerns that might affect the event.

Mr. Whitfield began his report. “I have all my bees and ants ready on the air and on the ground. The City Police department has been coordinated with and we had the final briefing yesterday. They should be having their meeting before each squad is dispatched in essential locations, identified during the event planning. Also, there will be police disguised as civilians, as stealth monitors spread across the city, especially during the parade. For now, there is no immediate concern but all our communication lines and monitors are open and secured.” He’s the last one to give a report.

“It seems all is going smoothly. For the raised concerns please provide resolutions as you deemed necessary and make it quick. Relay this meeting to all concerned. Adjourn!”, said the vice-mayor.

Everyone went out the board room and began to work on their responsibilities, sharing what transpired during the meeting to their subordinates. Mr. Whitfield went to his office and did the same to his team. He’d wanted all information and the communications stream to be open but secured against potential dangers of terrorism or whatever it is that will destroy the City’s peace and order. His team coordinates with the City Police department and the security teams of private companies participating in the parade, including guests, such as the Cirque de la Nuit.


Oakwood Street lies south of the City Park. Most of the under-privileged residents are situated in this part of the City. Most people don’t go here unless otherwise needed. Although the City’s violence index level is low, often those involve at petty crimes lives at Oakwood. It seems this zone is witness to many covert operations.

On a windy Wednesday night, three days before the celebration of Evergreen City’s foundation anniversary, at a narrow alley way in Oakwood, two men seems to be preparing themselves and their guns. That doesn’t sound “petty”.

 “The boss said we need to be on the run now. Marquez called and he already has information about the family’s itinerary on Saturday.”, said the man wearing a black suit.

“This City’s big day on Saturday will be filled with a whole lot of adventure!”, said the other man while putting bullets on his gun. Both gave a fiendish laugh.

The two men finished things up and walked towards their van parked at side of the street. Just as they were crossing the dirty, dim-lit street, one of the man noticed two kids on their bikes. They pretty seemed alarmed. One of the kids turn his back, seemingly checking if they were being followed.

The two men looked at each other and quickly went inside the van. The van started to move. The cat-and-mouse chase began.


The meeting had just ended and the participants went on to their offices to relay the information to their subordinate, when the Mayor’s secretary came looking for Mr. Whitfield.

“Mr. Whitfield!”. The Mayor’s secretary called. “Excuse me gentlemen. The Mayor needs to see you.”

Mr. Whitfield was talking with a few colleagues about the event. “We’ll talk about this later.”, he said to them. “You look stunning Evelyn. What’s this about?”, he asked.

“Oh, thank you Richard.”, she replied, smiling. “Actually, I really don’t know. He just called for you. Now, go on. I’ll be heading to the cafeteria first.” Evelyn gestured her hands on her tummy.

Evelyn and Richard has known each other for a long time. She lived back in Moss Town, a few miles west of Evergreen, where Richard and his family roots are. They were neighbors. They went to the same elementary and high school. Her family moved to the City some twenty years ago.

* * *

Richard knocked on the door, waited for a while until he heard “Come in!”. He opened the door and saw that the Mayor is talking with someone. He was about to go back out, but the Mayor saw him.

“Please, Richard, come on here.”, Mayor Freeman said. “Mr. Parker here is just about to leave, right?”

“I’ll be going ahead now Michael. My wife and the kids are now enjoying the parade. I must join them.”, Mr. Parker said. He stood up and nodded to acknowledge Mr. Whitfield, who is quite a few steps far from the Mayor’s desk.

“Sit down, my friend.”, the Mayor said. “I called for you because I have a favor to ask.”

Mr. Whitfield was quite puzzled, as it is the first time that the Mayor himself seemed to asked something personally from him. Well, of course, tasks assigned to him, which the Mayor often would instruct, may seem to be similar. But he felt this one entail utmost urgency.

“I’d like you to go to the archives and retrieve the secured metal box with this code.”, the Mayor replied.

Mr. Whitfield took the piece of paper with the written code. He memorized it, and put it back on the desk.

“After I retrieved the parcel, what should I do with it, Sir?”, Mr. Whitfield inquired.

“Ah, yes! Of course, I almost forgot. You must bring it back here to me.”, the Mayor instructed.

“I understand.”, said Mr. Whitfield and it made him even more curious. “I have to get to the Beehive first, Sir. I have not relayed to them what we had talked about at the meeting earlier. If it is not that urgent--”

“It’s alright Richard. I’ll be waiting.”, the Mayor interrupted. Mr. Whitfield simply gave a nod to acknowledge.

“I’ll be going now, Sir. If there’s no more concern--.”. Mr. Whitfield stopped as the Mayor smiled and gestured his hands. What added more to his interest on the parcel is the fact that Mr. Parker was there prior to the request of Mayor Freeman. “What is that businessman doing here?”, he thought.

Mr. Whitfield went out of the office, and headed first to the Beehive. He thought he’ll make the information relay to his team very quick, so he could do the task given to him personally by the Mayor.

* * *

“Busy day at Evergreen City, eh?”, Mr. Williams said as he approached Mr. Whitfield. He is the Deputy Head of the Information and Communications section and one of Mr. Whitfield’s closest friends.

“Yep. And so, let’s begin.”, Mr. Whitfield replied. Both walked to the Beehive. It is the command and control center of the city’s closed circuit television (CCTV) and communication lines, critical to maintaining security, and peace and order.

The Information and Communications Command and Control Center (I4C) has been called the Beehive because the workers seem to be like busy bees going to and fro within the center. They receive reports thru calls or text messages, about almost anything, especially those that require emergency responses. The center is fortified with high technology machines and equipment. It has been made possible because of the city’s partnership with the International Research and Development for Technology (IRDT). The Mayor apparently has a direct relationship with its Chief Director, but no one knows exactly how.

“Mr. Whitfield! Excuse me, Mr. Whitfield!”, one of the bees hysterically called. The parade has begun.

(To be continued)

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Lovely post just try to add some more images to your post to make it attractive @mrchaperone!!

Thanks for your suggestion. :D I'm currently thinking about that. Gonna add pictures to aid imagination of the reader.