Back to school - for Parents and children

in fiction •  7 years ago 

A new day, a new year! The holidays are over and school is starting tomorrow.

She is so excited to start school again she can hardly sleep. Her name is Kate. She is doing grade 7 this year. She loves school especially drawing pictures. The whole day Kate was busy getting ready for school. Her schoolbag is packed, her school clothes  already iron and hanging on her wardrobe.  Mom just left her room after saying good night.


She thought of all the things she is going to do tomorrow. She will see her best friend again, they couldn't play much this holiday because Lara and her family went away on holiday. But she can't wait to hear all about Lara's holiday.  She is going to meet her new teacher and all her class mates. Finally she dosed off and fell fast a sleep.

She started dreaming. She dreamed of how mom woke her up for school and she got dresses. She had her breakfast and then left for school. Kate took the buss, it was the first time that she did it on her own. The strangest thing happened. Everyone on the buss kept on staring at her and she couldn't understand why. She decided to ignore it and not make a fuss of it. At school after they left the buss the same thing happened. Everyone that she passed was staring at her , she started to feel a little uncomfortable. 

"What is wrong with me" She thought to herself.  She ran into the bathroom to go and see what was it that everyone was staring at. She could not belief her eyes .....She has put on the wrong dress and to make matters worse she didn't even brush her hair.  She was so humiliated and didn't know what to do. Before she could help it she started crying. "Why didn't anyone said something, why didn't her mom say something. Now everyone will mock me," Kate thought to herself. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice. She couldn't see at fist who it is because of all the tears that filled her eyes. After whipping it off she saw it was Lara her best friend. 

"Whats wrong my dearest friend, why are you crying?' Lara asked

"Can't you see in what a mess I am? I feel so humiliated!" Kate replied and stated sobbing again.  


Lara went and sit with her friend. She took Kate in her arms and asked her to stop crying, with a soft caring voice. 

"I have a plan" Lara said.

Lara got up, went to the mirror and start to wet her hair. Kate was confused. "What are you doing?" 

'You'll see", Lara said and smiled at Kate. 

Kate got up and walked slowly to Lara. Lara went into one of the cubicles. She was gone for about 5 min and then came back. She dressed her clothes up side down.

"Okay, now I'm ready, lets go" Lara said and took Kates hand and opened the bathroom door.  Only then she realized what her friend has done. Lara was helping her to feel less humiliated and helping her to face her class friends. 

Kate woke up with a shock, only to realize it was a dream, she was so relieved. 

Before she went to sleep again she realized that although it's just a dream that is what true friendship is....standing by each others side. 

Kate went back to sleep again. This time without a dreaming.

The next morning, her mom woke her up. She got up got dressed and when she came to the door she remember her dream. She went back to the mirror just to make sure that she got everything on right. She started smiling  and thought to her self:" I can be so silly sometimes, thank goodness for dreams".

That night Kate fell on her bed, tired but happy. Her first day back at school was so special, Lara bought her a nice bracelet and they spend the whole day together and talked about the holidays. She really loved Lara as an sister. She realized that day, Lara really cared for wasn't just in the dream but also in reality. When ever she felt down or sad Lara would do something crazy to cheer her up. 

She was so thankful for her.

Thank you for reading my blog.


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