Sorcery - 17

in fiction •  7 years ago  (edited)

This seemed to begin to anger her even further, but strangely Nicole checked her temper and resumed in normal tones, "So why didn't you compel me to be okay with it and save us the argument?"

Nancey was looking at the ground as Nicole asked her question. She stared off towards the Demon Wreath and replied "Because you're my apprentice now. If I didn't ask, then you really would be my slave."

A screaming howl started again, and just as it started to die down, a second joined in.

Nancey glanced up at Nicole as Nicole asked, "What's the significance of the second hound?"

"Maybe they were using two hounds all long?" Nancey weakly suggested. "Or they just brought in back-up. Probably locals to the area that are planning to wedge us up against untamed forest so that we have no escape."

Nicole didn't like the sound of that. "Why would they be hunting us so damned fervently?"

"Dedication to the mission? The Pursuers will have no problems with coming this close to the forest. They can spot these weeds," Nancey gestured towards the Demon Wreath and continued, "just as easily as you can. They'll push right through here as they chase us."

"Then why aren't we still going?" Irritation was creeping back into her voice.

"Because we can't go any further unless you're ready."

"Oh, believe me, I'm ready. If it's death or some mild discomfort, or lack there-of when I should be experiencing discomfort, I'll choose the latter." Nicole explained her choice, and then "Why are you hesitating?"

"Well, we can't do it here. If we do it here, then the dogs will be able to pursue us after we leave the forest. We need to wait until we've gone further than the dogs will go before we mask our auras. Otherwise they could pick up your new trail." There was something about Nancey's description that bothered Nicole, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Then if we can't do the aura trick now, then that means I'm going to be vulnerable to these parasites while we make our way into the forest proper?"

"Yeah, but I'll protect you, and you can keep watch, and we should be able to avoid the more dangerous spores. For a time at least." Somehow her explanation didn't make Nicole any less weary of the plan.

Another screaming howl rose, soon joined by two more. They were closing in on three sides. Nicole was ready to get moving.

"Okay, so how do I recognize the more dangerous Demon Wreath plants and avoid their spores?" Nancey was expecting Nicole's question and preparing to answer it, but she was visibly uncomfortable with it.

"It'll be pretty easy to spot." She explained while still looking at the ground. "Well, the plants wont, but they'll have an aura that extends just beyond the plant."

Most plants have an aura but you have to scrape away their bark to actually see it, unless you're looking at their flowers, Nicole reflected.

Then Nancey dropped the other shoe as she lifted her gaze, "They'll look almost exactly like my aura, but as you get closer they'll look more like your aura because they'll start to mock yours in order to compel their way in."

Nicole's jaw dropped. Nancey was looking her in the eyes now, carefully watching her response.

"Okay, let's get this over with. If I think about this any more I'm going to run kicking and screaming into the Pursuers, invalidate my oath, and end up even worse off. How do we proceed?"

"First, we re-hydrate, then, take my hand and I'll lead us through. And again, watch the plants for auras, watch the sources as well as you can, and whatever happens, do not draw on a source that the plants are touching."

Nancey pulled out her flask and took long pulls. Nicole did the same. Then she replaced the stopper, slung it back over her shoulder, and held out her hand to Nancey. Nancy nodded, took her hand, and then they headed deeper into the forest.

"I've been meaning to ask, have you been here before?" Nicole asked. "I mean, how do you know where we're going?" Nicole could visibly see Nancey's shoulders tense up as she asked her question.

Nancey forced her shoulders to relax before answering. "Well, you know how you're really good at seeing the sources? Heck, you can probably even make out the detail of the sources that are obstructed by other objects or sources."

"Yeah, you telling me you can see the sources and auras of those greater Demon Wreaths from here? How close are we?" Nicole asked.

"Nope. I can't see the sources at all." Nancey explained with a chuckle. "I actually have no idea what they look like. I mean, I've been shown sources before, but I've never seen them with my own eyes and I've certainly never seen the ones that are out here in the forest."

Previous - 16 | [17] | Next - 18


Apologies, again, for lack of art, it's been a busy week!

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Having not read any of the earlier episodes I wasn't sure how i would go with this, but decided to give it a go. Glad I did, too. I got the drift of the story, as least as it is contained here in this segment. And the writing flowed so well. I wasn't jarred out out of it at any point, and actually found myself wanting to read through.

Thank you!

Since I wrote this as a part of a complete chapter before posting it here, I wasn't sure how well it was going to split up into smaller pieces for steemit. Especially since the chapter this one came from didn't have as much going on in the smaller segments as it does going on in the entire chapter.