Vorpology is the study of Vorpals, as primarily established by Alicia Deathwish and her associates. Though the field sometimes requires tangential knowledge of casting and the Inverse, it does not technically include those subjects, so those interested in gaining the fullest understanding of Vorpology should also research those topics separately.
As for what Vorpals actually are, that itself can be a point of great contention. Given their diverse and chaotic nature, there are many hotly contested beings that are included in the classification for various reasons, while some are excluded despite otherwise fulfilling most of the criteria. Those beings of interest that are not classified as Vorpals, but otherwise fulfill criteria, are given a special classification to store relevant information under.
Common attributes of Vorpals are:
- Ability to reside in the Inverse for indefinite periods of time.
- Some form of regenerative ability that allows the subject to be functionally immortal.
- Limited memory or other heavily restricted cognitive functions.
There are five standard types of classification for Vorpals, based on widely observed trends.
F – Feral: No higher brain functions, memory basically nonexistent(always less than 24 hours)
S – Subcognizant: Mostly human, with a memory between two days to two weeks
C – Cagemaster: Abilities similar to casting, memory at one to several months long and capable of altering other Vorpals/more quickly regenerating them
D – Demiforms: Vorpals with highly unusual properties, hindering classification as other types(inanimate, partial existence, very specific rules)
L – Leviathan: Massive Vorpals rumored to be capable of ending entire worlds, memory limit unknown.
Numbers are assigned based on order of discovery. So, a classification ID might look like this: V-F004.
V – Subject has been classified as a Vorpal.
F – Feral classification.
004 – Fourth Vorpal to be classified as Feral.
This concludes the introduction to Vorpology. Further information may be acquired through authorized personnel based on a need to know, though some Vorpal entries have been specifically declassified for public viewing.
This is promotional material for my book series, Gatekeepers.
Gatekeepers, Book One: Unquestionable Truth
Gatekeepers, Book Two: Order of Gravitas
More specifically, here is the book I wrote that follows the early exploits of Alicia Deathwish.
Same post on Minds