STEEM DOLLAR drops under $1 USD... MAJORITY ELECTORATE vote "F-URR" STEEM Account Reward Settings of SUSU Turn To 100% STEEM POWER!... A majority of crypto-enthusiasts agree, when the STEEM DOLLAR drops under $1 USD it is more profitable for Steem accounts with Author/Curator reward settings on ~ 100% STEEM POWER.
During a cryptocurrency bear market recession, it will become standard action to change Steem account reward setting's to 100% Steem Power. This is just what kind of adaptation takes place. No one really knows how a social media network may respond when cryptocurrency is involved. This shows that the consciousness of the Steemian has evolved. The learning curve of all the professed complexities has dramatically decreased. Only good things are going to happen from this point forward! - Dr. Cashflow Dollaz (October 2018)
STEEM drops to $.45 USD... NEW INSTANT STEEM ACCOUNTS OVER 1000 SINCE BEGINNING OF FIRST QUARTER ~ ON BOARDING FOR STEEMING NOW TRENDING TO TOP NEARLY 100,000 BY FIRST QUARTER 2020! As long as the price of STEEM remains relatively stable under $.50 USD we could see STEEM POWER usage dramatically increase as more social networkers choose the on boarding with the convenience of purchasing extra delegated STEEM POWER... Soon you will be able to purchase STEEM as well!
JUST IN FROM STEEMIT CITY... Dr. Cashflow Dollaz, Mega-Steem Church prosperity preacher and financial fortune coach to celebrities and religious evangelicals world-wide has just testified to the FBI, CIA, and NSA all he knows about the latest inside hack of cryptocurrency market firms! Deposition of the doctor was for nearly 10 hours total for the 3 blockchain enforcement agencies in the hunt for Satoshi Nakamoto!
Blockchain official sources said Dr. Cashflow Dollaz was caught in wide probe in search for Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin and the Father of the Blockchain Technology. He is a person of interest as to the possible whereabouts of Satoshi Nakamoto. Sources report that the good doctor was shocked at the suspicion it brings to his religious business customer base ~ Dr. Cashflow Dollaz is concerned his religious business may suffer some temporary set backs because of the bad publicity!
Until Next Time Happy Blogging!