Stranded Alien Observes Religious Temples In Chiang Mai, Thailand

in fiction •  7 years ago  (edited)

I’m currently stranded in Chiang Mai, Thailand. If you have to be stranded on Planet Earth, Chiang Mai is a great place to be. Why? One of the reasons is that it has amazing religious temples.

Today’s walk was to observe and take some photographs of religious temples in this wonderful Earth city. I’ll share some pictures in this post of the ones I really enjoyed looking at and also share some views from my Alien perspective on the topic of religion.

On our planet the scientific community has lobbied both parties and their representatives to make religion illegal. We have a two party system and I’ll share our political system in future posts since it effects how our lives are regulated by the two ruling parties. They also put a gag order, so no one is allowed to talk about religion. In my village there are a few “criminals” who don’t comply, and we secretly talk about things like religion and other gaged and illegal topics. As you can probably tell my planet is a tyranny when it comes to religion.

From what we have figured out, they passed the law secretly and it’s only for the eyes of the representatives only after it was passed. Later they classified it top secret, probably so they can make sure no one publishes or talked about religion and that it was once alive on the planet.

One of our representatives who knew my grandfather said that the Freedom and People’s party where lobbied to come to a conclusion that religion is a destructive force on the people, especially the uneducated masses who become less useful to society if they are allowed to believe in religion. In other words the ban on religion was for the greater good of the people. At least that is what the Representative was told in a secret committee he belonged to.

I have never seen a religious temple until I came to Earth. We speculate that a long time ago the leadership of our planet has ordered the destruction of all the religious temples on our planet once religion was outlawed by the legislature and marked top secret.

To me the temples here in Chiang Mai are just an amazing site to watch and never get bored of. I try to say a prayer every day and to reach peace, truth and joy with my faith in the creator.


In the neighboring village when I was attending seventh grade biology, they where teaching me something similar to your Darwin theory of evolution, saying basically that life is an accident, a random event. They don’t even mention a creator or design or engineering of life etc.. But they did show the complexity of a cell and that is when I realized that there is no way that from simple molecules such a complex machine arose at random.

So I had a hunch that life on my planet was designed by some external force. A creator. My grandfather always disagreed with his Freedom party that he belong to. He use to be a local representative and retired from the World Parliament, he started meeting with a few friends who disagreed with the political system and talked about their beliefs. One time he told me that there use to many religions on our planet and many nations, but that no one is allowed to talk about it any more. All was removed from approved literature and approved sites online.

He would go to prison if he got caught talking about it, so he only talks to a few open minded friends who can keep a secret and also talks to me, since I was a young kid. But he stressed to me that I was not to talk to anyone about it, since I would not be able to finish my education or get a good paying job in the future. So I tried to keep my mouth shut, even that it was hard.

My grandmother always said shssss, with her finger over her mouth because someone might hear us. She would go to the front window and watch worried that someone might come in and hear us. Luckily we never got caught which is one of the reasons I was able to come to Earth. One day I’ll share more about how I got to this wonderful planet and and am able to enjoy freedoms like walking around Chiang Mai and looking at these amazing religious temples.

I also noticed religious monks in orange robes walking around Chiang Mai. They look so peaceful. I didn’t take any pictures of them since I was not sure if that would be offensive to them. But it was nice just looking at them walk around town. They seam like they know their purpose in this Universe. It’s quite a site to behold.

I’m really happy for you Earthlings that you have the freedom to explore religion and can talk about it openly and not be banned in the name of science like on my planet.

I haven’t figured out how all these temples where built? My guess is from donations? They look amazing and there are so many just here in Chiang Mai.

Also I noticed the Earthlings from places outside of Thailand love to visit them (just like me) and take pictures. I can’t wait to visit their countries and see what kind of religious temples they have.

I’m going to be here four more weeks here in Chiang Mai, then I’ll move to a new country on this planet to learn more about other diverse cultures on planet Earth. I’ll keep documenting them in my posts so when I finally get the universal communication device build, I can transmit this information back to my planet. I’m sure they will not be happy about your freedom here on Earth. In fact I know it’s going to be a shock, but my father came up with a way that once I get the transmission working I can plug this right into the three television stations and the approved version of our Internet.

I just have to make sure my identity doesn’t get revealed so the government doesn’t harm my family. We faked my death before leaving for Earth via the universal transporter. I’ll tell you more about the device in future posts that my grandfather started building with the help from a great Earthling (He never said his name to my grandfather, but I suspect I know who he was). More about this great man and what he transmitted to my grandfather in future posts.

Also if you don’t believe in religion, I hope that this post didn’t offend you. I did talk to some Earthlings who believe in science and think I’m a nut-case for believing in a creator. All I can tell you is that I have studied engineering before the party kicked me out of college, and I do believe in science and religion at the same time and I think science is the proof of a creator. What do you think?

I’m in the process of figuring out what country on Earth to visit next. As you can see from this post I like Earth’s religious temples. What country has the best religious temples that I can visit? I want to visit the best ones so I can document it and show how amazing this planet is back on my home planet.

Well that is all I have for today. Maybe I’ll share something else in the next post like food for example. The food on your planet is 100+ times better then back home on my planet. You Earthlings eat very well, compared to us. Stay tunes, I’ll share some more views of your amazing planet Earth from a perspective of a stranded alien.

Peace, truth and freedom to all beings in the Universe.

Stranded Alien.

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I have studied engineering before the party kicked my out of collage

Ooh, you were part of a collage! How weird!

I'll write a post about the College of electrical engineering which I lasted only 1 year before they kicked me out. It's a sad story, my father got drunk when he heard the news.

Ooh, you meant collEge, not collAge.
Sorry for the noise.


Thanks @vcelier, as you can tell English is an an alien language to me. But with Youtube I'm getting better. My native language is a bit easier since there is no spelling problem, since it's one letter = one sound (with no exceptions). In English one sound can have multiple or different letters, which is the hardest for an alien like me to learn. But with time I'll get better.

PS: Once I figure out how to make decent income on Earth, I plan to hire a virtual editor.

@strandedalien, my comments were jokes, I hoped I did not embarassed you.

I had realized that English is not your first language. It is not my first language either, but I have been living in an English speaking country (Canada) for more than 20 years, so my English is not too bad (I think).

I see that you have make spelling corrections. Good for you.

No embarrassment @vcelier. I love the freedom to write, and part this freedom is making mistakes and learning form them! I'm glad for a platform like Steemit, where I can get fast feedback and get better at the craft of writing! It's past midnight in Chiang Mai, and I will go to bed now. I have an idea for what pictures to take tomorrow and what to write about (hopefully with fewer errors).

Do a Thai massage course and get a certificate there ;)

Not a bad idea @felixxx, I might try that. One of my Earthling friends from the country i landed in, said her best massage ever was from a Thai lady and when she went back to Thailand it was a sad day for her. Right now I'm watching my Thai Baht currency and I try to spend as little as possible.