The Attack (Numb, Part 1)

in fiction •  7 years ago 


My drive to work takes exactly 15 minutes, every morning. The cars in front of and behind me are the same as every day. Everybody leaves their house at a set time to guarantee maximal efficiency. It’s a solid system, there are never any traffic jams.

I arrive at my work and clock in at 8:00. On my desk, a stack of documents awaits me, reports from the other branches of the company I work at. I need to compare them with our data in the system. I sit down and get to work.

At 12:00 I go out for my lunch break. The cafeteria is in the building right across the street. Inside, I’m handed a bowl of gray purée which has been tailored to my personal nutritional needs. I leave the building half an hour later. I cross the street when somebody bumps into me.

”My apologies”, I say, when I suddenly feel a sting in my right arm. I look down in confusion and see a needle sticking out of my arm.

That fucking bastard stuck a needle in me!

”Hey!” I shout after him but he’s already running away. Suddenly, I feel dizzy. And I feel … weird. My heart is pounding in my chest, so fast as if I was on a morning run. What is this? I feel hot and cold at the same time. I feel …

I feel.

My eyes grow wide as the realization hits me. I’m experiencing emotions.

I struggle to calm my breathing but it just won’t work it just becomes more and more hectic. I think I’m … I’m … hyperventilating!

”Miss, is something wrong?” A man has approached me and looks down at me. Only now I notice that I dropped to the ground and am sitting in the middle of the street, clutching my legs and pressing them tightly against my body. @suesa

I can feel something wet on my face but it’s not raining.

”I don’t know. I don’t feel so well. This man, he attacked me. He injected me with something!” I barely recognize my own voice, it’s so high-pitched! My whole body is shaking. The man tilts his head slightly.

”Miss, it seems like your emotion blocker is malfunctioning. I will call an ambulance for you. Please try to remain calm.”

Still shaking I finally manage to get my breathing under control but the tears are still flowing. My stomach feels weird as if I need to throw up my lunch.

My lunch. That disgusting, gray mass. How had I been able to eat that shit? Just the thought of it makes me so sick I could just …

”Miss! Those shoes were expensive! Please control yourself.”

”I’m sorry. I’m sorry”, I whimper and wipe the vomit off my mouth. I’ve never felt so sick In my life. I’ve never felt …

”The ambulance will be here shortly. I must now return to my workplace. Please leave the street, you are disturbing the flow of traffic”, the man says, turns away from me and leaves. It feels like he just pushed a knife through my heart. Does he not care? How can he leave me here alone?

But it’s proper protocol, you are supposed to call an ambulance and then leave everything to the professionals. He’s doing exactly what he’s supposed to do.

Why does it make me feel so bad then?

”Can I help you up?” A hand appears in my field of vision and without thinking much about it, I grab it. The moment I stand safely on my feet again, I turn to thank the person who had just helped me. It’s the man who just injected me with that stuff.

”You!” I hiss. ”What did you do to me? Reverse it!” He looks … apologetic?

”I’m sorry but this is not reversible. In fact, it doesn’t even work for everybody, that’s why I had to wait for some time and see if you’d show any reactions. I’m sorry I’ve caused you emotional distress, that wasn’t my intention. But I can’t foresee how exactly the awakening will happen.”

”The awakening?” That rings a bell. Something I heard about in the news. The awakening …

”You’re part of the rebellion”, I whisper when the memory stops avoiding me. ”You’re infecting people with feelings to recruit them.”

”You can’t infect someone with feelings.” The man seems offended. ”Feelings are natural for humans! They just suppress them now as soon as we’re born.”

”Feelings are a sign of imperfection!” I object. ”They lead to irrational actions, violence, and war! We have achieved world peace since feelings have been eradicated!”

”You really believe that, don’t you? You’re really all the same.” The man shakes his head. He seems … sad. I think.

Sirens grow loud in the distance. The ambulance. The man’s eyes grow wide.

”We need to leave, now! They can’t catch you.”

”No thank you”, I say. ”I want to go to the hospital and have them reverse whatever you did to me.”

”I just told you, it’s not reversible! And if they notice that, they will kill you!”

I wrinkle my nose and give him a look that I hope counts as condescending.

”I won’t believe any of your lies.”

”Fine then. Let them take you. If by any chance you don’t end up dead, try to find me. Ask for Lucifer.”

”Lucifer? Like the devil?”

”Like the bringer of light.” Without further explanation, he zips up the hoodie he’s wearing, pulls the hood over his head and walks away quickly, just before the ambulance arrives.

Two paramedics get out.

”What is your emergency, Miss?” One of them asks.

”I’ve been injected with something that infected me with emotions”, I reply truthfully. ”Would you please take me to the hospital to reverse this?”

”Of course, Miss.”

The paramedics approach me and grab my arms.

”Hey, that’s a bit tight. You’re hurting me!”

They don’t react to my complaints and just grab me a bit tighter. While they’re dragging me to the ambulance, I start to question my decision to not follow Lucifer.

Picture taken from

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Monster GIF was made for me by @saywha and @atopy

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So creepy, awesome story. I can't wait for the second part,to know what eventually happened to the young lady. I hope this story gets a sequel.
I really hope the world doesn't come to this though, emotions are priceless. It completes our personalities.

The awakening?” That rings a bell. Something I heard about in the news. The awakening …

This line brought back a lot memories from other great fiction stories. Thanks for sharing.

Well, this is a great start to an intriguing series. Lucifer injecting emotions? That would be exciting. I can imagine the robot-like existence before the injection. This is like the trailer of an awesome movie. I can only sit back with my cup of popcorn and stretch my legs for comfort as I see we are about to enter a rollercoaster ride of an amazing journey.

Well you can't blame people from following Lucifer that easy after attacking you.

"The professionals" do make the paramedics sound like assassins.

Aren't they? 🤔

Not sure yet, but I'm sure we'll see. Fun twist: Lucifer is actually just a regular terrorist trying to hire people by lying to them and the paramedics are good guys.

Hmmm i cant picture the genre now, but all i deduced is that the story itself is thrilling, the plot is well placed. Hmm i love this.
A little lucifer twist made it thrilling

Another great beginning :D

Really looking forward to what this story unveils.
It has a completely different vibe from your last one. This one has a darker feel to me. Probably because it resolves around emotion suppression. A lot of things can result from this.

Thanks for sharing!

dam lucifer dragging us to hell! geeez

Makes me want to get back to writing fiction. Have a few stories to tell in this brain of mine.

Why not do that? Steemit is like the best place for it! :)

Yeah. I spend most of my time writing for my clients. I do need to start writing at least 500 words a day towards a book.

Feelings blocker. That's a fun story premise for sure.

And I am not at all creeped out my skin.

Lol. Why do you do this to me? I thought the name Lucifer means not to be trusted... What a start! You have my attention :)

Hmmm born emotionless, that actually sounds like bliss to me lol I wonder what the government did, perhaps injected all babies with a long lasting prozac cocktail?... I think Lucifer is a pain in the proverbial, fancy disrupting perfection like that!...Reminds me of the garden of eden lol

And I liked it, I read out when the second part will be?

This week, either tomorrow or the day after. Depends on how much time I have.

I will not miss it.

nice post, ı like

Sometimes the comment section of steemit article can be very entertaining. Especially in a post greater than two hundred words :)

It's so annoying

Please upvote and follow me friend? :P

@techslut lol.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Well aren't you a fast reader with a low rep score!


Good post:)

very nice post...

Nice storyline! Does it have any roots in Equlibrium movie?

I don't know that movie so: no :D

Another great story, well done! I hope she makes a break for it, before it's too late.

Why that person did that to you. Did he steal something from you. And are you okay now.

It was because @suesa owes him money.

Lol... so funny.. people should please read at least the first half before commenting

I know :D Well people sometimes only want attention with comments.

But so much room for trolling!!!!

So much room for.. what? Trolling?

Troll the commenters who don't read the content. For the lols. :)

The what?

Please notice the "fiction" tag. It's the first part of a story.

omg your drive exactly 15 minutes @suesa

Congratulations for not reading past the first paragraph.

i reading full paragraph frnd @suesa

Nice post @suesa

My apologies. I don't consider my comments to be spam at all.

I actually enjoyed your post and meant no disrespect.

Alright. I strongly recommend to stop posting the same gifs and pics as comments. Many see that as spam.

Thank you for your feedback. I really didn't understand that.

I discovered and have had fun making different gifs for use here.

I just didn't realize that it might be seen in a negative light. Your input is valuable and I will use the gifs (hopefully) more wisely in future interactions. :-)

It's always a good idea to write a comment that actually references the post. That makes it seem a lot less spammy :P

I understand. Thanks for your patience and your help in assisting me to be better at/with the Steemit experience! :-)

I learn FAST! See? NO Gifs here! :-)

But not good enough for an actual comment instead of an eye-cancer causing gif you posted under several other posts too? Looking at your comments, you like to spam. Not the best behavior.

If everyone is fitted with a blocker, how is she so quick to identify her affliction? And where would she have learned the vulgar language if everyone is always "proper"?


Your writting languge is really cool, I won't be ingenious. By the way, it seems you are related to medicine)

I'm a biology student so yes, kind of related to medicine

great post like it.....
keep it up!!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Suggestion number one: don't advertise yourself below other people's posts.