Death: Observation of Human DestructionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in fiction •  7 years ago  (edited)

Death: Observation of Human Destruction
By: The Gore Force
Chapter 1: Entrapped

Trapped, is what this feeling is. Hopeless is within my heart. The lifeless corpse after lifeless heart. The shadow that follows man. There is a new taste within this world. The remorse that follows. Tails of the emptiness. Stories that unfold. When did the first person die; it must be in the billions by this time. I have taken many. This new flesh that is born requires a vessel to take its place. In this world that I reside.

I am death. Some call me that. Though, not the same as other stories of the grim reaper. No, that’s not I. I make deals with people that I save. I do kill people, however, but it’s to keep balance within this world. A new target Is bound to come. What will it be caused by, I wonder.

Within the timeless ether I am resting. Waiting for an opportunity to secure a new deal. The watchers call this the void. A vast emptiness where time and space do not exist. A light pulls me. I follow the wisp. A soul ready for harvest. That’s the only time the wisp appears.

Walking through the door the wisp leads me to. In the bright light into the shadow of the earth at night, it is the 1920’s Chicago, where the black-market reigns supreme. “Oh, how I love this time, in this city” I said to myself under my breath. Careful of the people not to hear me. Sometimes I lose my self. Prohibition makes things happen and move. It’s just wonderful. people dying left and right. It makes it far more amusing for me to watch. As I have secured many deals, and secured many souls.

“Help” a woman in the distance screams, as a man points a .38 special toward her chest. She looks like the escort type. This story has been ageless. People trying to achieve a free service without strings. I approach closer to get a better look.

He pulls the hammer back on the revolver “Give me your money, honey” The man exclaims with a threat. The time is ticking. Will he pull the trigger? I can’t let that happen. I hasten my pace towards the situation I focus my energy.

Skyscrapers must be eighty stories give or take on either side. With the cobble stone on the ground in this beautiful city night. The smell of the sewers is rather rank. Steam comes through the vents, and manholes. It must be around twenty Fahrenheit.

Power begins to flow from me, a blue fantastical mist flows towards the gun, protruding from my hands. This magical power is unseen by mortal eyes. The magical mist surrounds the gun, changing the gun-powder to lead.

Click, the man’s eyes, he frantically pulls the hammer of the revolver back for another try, click “Fuck” Again, click, “fuck” for all six rounds. Amusing he was about to take this woman’s life. Humans are one that is both amusing and creative.
The magical mist I control forms a dark blue colored scythe. I extend and reach back readying my weapon to attack the man. Swing, really fast a mist of blue and red follow in the path of my scythe. Taken his head clean off. His life essence is pulled towards me. I secure a new soul.

Blood spattered and spewed from the neck that used to exist. In the woman’s eyes that shown fear is now fear with a little relief the man is now dead and the blood splashed onto her body as she begins to smell of iron from the blood. Feeling the warmth of the blood that sprayed her face. She stands up and begins to run.

I focused energy, the scythe dissolved, mist begins to follow the woman surrounding her feet and arms. The magical energy becomes solid, she no longer can move. The magic looks almost like a ghost ice that formed binding her into position only allowing her to speak. Too bad she can’t see what is binding her.

She is speechless. This could pose a problem, but good on me I come prepared. I have this elixir that makes people comfortable within any situation that exists. I walk in front of her and turned towards her. She noticed the way I look. A faceless translucent shadowy figure, with a trench coat that is torn ragged, with things on me that looks like I am in a strong gust continually. While the air of the night is still. I grab her lower jaw force it open and pour the liquid from the elixir down her throat.

“W-what did you do to me? T-this doesn’t taste like anything I’ve had before.” She questions. “What do you want from me?” She said, with the elixir taking effect. As she begins to feel comfortable around me like I was her family.

“That is an elixir that should make you feel comfortable around me, and other beings.” I explain. it’s not addictive I never seen people long to take more, this magical essence within the bottle that the alchemists in my realm can create. “This instance is because I need you to be comfortable, numb your senses, and suppress your emotion.” I should leave it at that.

“For your second question. I would like to make a deal.” I saved her life, now she owes me weather she likes it or not, else I will have to find another way for her to accept this deal.

“I don’t have much to offer.” She said, looking around her trying to comprehend the situation. She begins to fixate on a brick or something just passed were I am. The elixir is powerful she must think she sees something she doesn’t. I release the binding as the elixir took effect “What type of deal would you want to make?”

“Oh, you have plenty to offer. For your soul, I would give you….”

“My soul!?” She said in a worried tone interrupting me, stepping back instinctively she noticed that her binding is free. I wonder what she would have done if she wasn’t suppressed by the elixir. “If I give you my soul what do I get out of it?” she said. She crossed her arms and looked at my shadowy figure.

“What do you get out of it? I saved your life my dear, you owe me” I said.

“Well, what are my options?” she asked.

“What is your name?” I asked. I think that I must get to know her some time or another, it’s only appropriate. I think that goes with the customs of this realm.

“My name is Alison.” She replied looking at some fly that’s fluttering around. I guess that this elixir doesn’t make you able to focus easily. Interesting. Indeed.

“Well my dear Alison, what do you want out of it?” It’s fixed she doesn’t need to know that. I think she would or should be quite happy if I know humans.

“I would like to be able to help my son, get out of the city and be free from this corruption that is this city.” She said in deep thought, as if I was a gin going to grant her three wishes. “I would love to be able to get back at these people that have entrapped me in this; uh work. I would want world peace?”

“OK, you want to leave this city. You want to get back at the people within this city that harmed you. You want world peace?” That is how I understand her motives. These things all are contradictory, and make absolutely no sense. First, she wants to get out of this city to help her kid. The next thing she wants is to Initiate violence and have world peace? That is the most obtuse logic.

“How, come you are entrapped Alison?” I asked her after thinking about her statements.

“Wait before you answer let us get to someplace warmer than here.” Her lips are blue like she is bound to become hypothermic, she isn’t even shivering or noticed how cold she is. The effects of this elixir are strong. I must get back in touch with these people from the void that supplied me this tonic.

“Why?” she asked not even comprehending why we should change location. “Are we in danger?”

“No, my friend, you are simply getting very cold, your lips are turning blue.” I replied to her question. I formed a gate from my magic. “Go through please. It is for your health, I don’t need you to just give me your soul for no reason.” Meh, I love free souls but this makes things far more entertaining when goals align.

They both walk through the wondrous blue rimmed gate. On the other side, it was some beach on a small island. In the Caribbean. Not far ahead was a couple of chares overlooking the east. The sun is just starting to crest the horizon over the ocean.

“Why wouldn’t you just kill me?” She asked. We start walking towards the chairs as I lead her there. I find it fascinating that that’s her though after seeing teleportation.

“I shouldn’t the balance deemed earlier that one of you should die, me killing the other saved your life so you can live for a little while longer” I replied, “Lets grab a seat.” We sat down on the seats that where placed there ahead of our arrival, not seeing anyone around on this small island but a dock. They might return some time soon, it is morning after all.

“Back to the question at hand, why do you want to get back at those that harmed you?” I asked. Wondering why she asked to do this, while also wanting world peace.

“Well the bastards also have more people like me forced to, uh, work. I would love to liberate those people and free them from these sick people.” She explained. Oh, that’s reason enough for me, that makes perfect sense. Still contradicting both other statements. Leaving the city for her kid to live a better life, also the entire world peace thing.

“You said that you would like to have world peace, which may never happen, I love the idea of it though, but it wouldn’t be as interesting for me. The thing about wanting world peace and revenge. Excuse me, to liberate those others that are entrapped by their master. How do you not know they feel the same way as you? What if they like their master? What if their whole reason for being there is voluntary? Have you spoken with them?” I might be getting to far ahead for myself. “Are you jumping to conclusions, Alison?”

“I don’t think so.” Alison said. “What could make you think that?” I know each one of these people. They all feel like a slave. They aren’t at all happy with what is going on” She continued. “I think it would be a great boon for this operation to end.” It seems like she is ignoring that this is all going against her idea of world peace, also getting out of the city for her kid to live a better life.

“I ask you, how do you think going after your captors would then aid you in world peace. or even help you in your wish for world peace? If you want world peace why would you then want to attack and liberate those that are still captured. You would be initiating force. Thus, you wouldn’t be achieving your goal of world peace.”

“What, does this have to do with our deal for my soul? She asked.

“This discussion has everything to do with your requests, as a deal for your soul.” I am trying to lead her into a solid Idea of what she would want.

“I think that you might be right about these three requests being, well contradictory if that’s what you are getting at.” She said.

“I don’t think I would need a lesson from you on the matter of right and wrong though.” It’s a fucking disaster when she equates what I am doing to what she isn’t doing, what she isn’t doing is the lack of perspective and principled conclusions. The principle I hold is whatever retains the balance of the various realms I am watching. It is true I do kill people. However, in killing people I preserve others, and retain balance.

“You mistake for what I am suggesting this isn’t about morality or ethics.” I said. “I am not being hypocritical. I am not suggesting that you going to commit a sin for seeking to liberate your fellow people.” Doesn’t she understand that your philosophy requires a principle first to base your ideals on? “I don’t care what you are going to do, however if that involves killing people, that could become quite lucrative for me.” Now the whole Idea might come together with for me. “It’s not that I am trying to teach you how the world works or the ethics behind it.”

“Then, what can you offer me for my soul?” She asked.

“Now, just hold on.” I said. “We will get back to that.” I would simply use her eyes, and see what she might just do. Wait that’s simple though, however the soul is something I do need to… Now, I’m getting sidetracked, this is getting too interesting.

“Rank your top three goals in order.” I told her. “By what you want the most.”

“My son’s wellbeing, Then, liberating my fellow people. Finally, if I can’t ask for world peace. I would like to have one million dollars.” She stated. The elixir should be wearing down soon.

“What is your work by the way?” I asked.

“Some call me an escort, others call me a whore.” She explained. “However, I am forced to do this. It’s not abnormal to be part of this trade under duress.”

“Where is the leaders of this prostitution ring?” I said “The pimps, and strong arms of the operation? If I were to kill them and free your fellow humans, would you then give me your soul?” I finished my offer.

“Absolutely, now what about my kid and money?” she asked.

“I can help you two relocate, and give you a couple thousand dollars to get you started. In your new life.” Now where did I put that contract that needs to be signed. After fumbling around for a little bit, and he pulled out the paper, and a needle for her finger to be pricked to be signed in blood.

“Now that we are about done here. Please sign this contract. You still will have ownership of your soul until the point of my behalf is done. The other thing is I will also like to borrow your eyes from time to time to keep tabs on you” I asked her, this is very good news very lucrative.

“Hand me your finger.” I asked she moved her finger towards me. I pricked her index finger with this needle to draw some blood. Not too much, but it’s some of hers. “Please sign here, when you read over the contract and agree to the terms.” Words began to form in front of her eyes. Without me penning what it said, I did it by my own powers.

Daylight is breaking through the clouds; the sun is now fully risen. “Done” she said.

“Where is the leaders that entrapped you? And where is your home?” I asked.

“The leaders are in a building two blocks up, in tavern called the Fishing Pool. My home is on 3442 8th street, in that apartment complex” she said.

I open the gate to that street and we both walk through. “Have a good morning, rest well.”

“Thank you.” She said, with a smile, it seems that the potion worn off right on time, and the boy was leaving for school, she ran towards her kid and hugged him. He didn’t see me, only people that I allow see me would be able to see me, within this realm. I sent some of my essence to protect her and the kid. This allows me to observe these two from the void.

“Have a good one” I said and she smiled.

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