A Memorial Lesson Learned Pt 5

in fiction •  7 years ago 

Memorial Lesson pic 5.jpg

“Class is dismissed! Have a good evening!” said Ms. Feila, the middle school teacher.
Finally, at last! The foreign lady was going to come in an hour and a half!
Emily was bursting with excitement. How much English did she speak? What did she look like? Was she tall or short?
Emily and her friends gathered together and headed for the dock, all of them talking.
“I can’t wait!”
“I am so excited!”
“Wonder what the boat looks like?”
They were now at the dock, and everyone was talking, exploring, or playing a game. Eventually, everyone decided to play freeze tag.
During the game, Tom tripped James and then tagged him.
“Tom!” said James, “How sly!”
Another time, Emily ran along the dam to escape freezer Hailey, hoping to go unnoticed, but it was not so, for Hailey saw her and took off after her. Emily kept running along the dam away from Hailey, who was still chasing her, but soon Emily accidently stepped on a wasp nest, and the mad wasps got out of their home, ready to defend it. Emily immediately screamed, turned around and ran the other way, almost knocking Hailey off the dam before she knew what was happening, and then it was Emily chasing Hailey, not Hailey chasing Emily.
Once they reached the others, Hailey screamed out the news, and they all started running. However, they ended up running around in circles to stay near the dock. Mr. Garfield came out to see what the commotion was, because of the screaming and running, and he immediately ran inside the building to get some wasp poison, and came back outside and saved the kids from some painful stings. They continued doing whatever they wanted until they heard a--
“May I have your attention, please?”
It was Mr. Aloise, and all eyes were focused on him.
“I have gotten everybody’s attention to let you know that the time is near, it is 4:25, and if you spot them before the watchman does, he gets fired!”
Everybody, including the watchman, laughed.
“I ask everyone to please talk quietly if you talk at all. The watchman’s microphone fell into the ocean, so he will have to shout, and we want him to be heard, so we don’t have to fire him!” he said, and everybody laughed again, and after that got very quiet.
It was soon 4:30. Everyone got excited.
Tom commented on how quiet everyone was, and Gabi had such a funny response that James almost exploded with laughter.
“Be quiet, James!” said Hailey, and soon everybody was about to burst.
Just then, the watchman shouted, “She’s here! She’s here! That little speck straight north of us all!”
Emily looked. Sure enough, there was that little speck, which soon turned into a boat.
When the ship came a little closer to the land, Emily could see that it was a rather small boat for travelling across the Atlantic Ocean. She wondered what it would feel like to be stuck on a boat for who knew how long.
The boat pulled into the dock, and a man inside the boat threw an anchor down. He had black hair, brown eyes, and seemed rather tall.
“The lady’s husband? Is it him?!” wondered Emily.
Some volunteer helpers carrying bundles to the dock building. A woman was also on board making sure that a dog she was holding by a leash didn’t jump into the ocean. The dog looked like a golden retriever. She also had brown-black hair, looked like she was in her fifties. She had blue eyes, and was wearing a skirt with many bright colors that made it glimmer in the sun, and her shirt was a dark black.
“Is that the couple that everybody has been talking about?” thought Emily to herself.
Eventually, all of their stuff was unloaded, and they got off the boat and walked up to the dock building.
“Is that… is that her?!” gasped Ellie in amazement.
“Indeed, this is the couple we have been longing to see for a week or so, and I will leave it all to them to introduce themselves!” said Mr. Aloise, and then handed over the microphone.
“Hello! I am Henry Macmea…”
“Hey, that’s my name!” whispered Henry Rosebud.
“…and this is my wife, Marie. We have come to live in America because Marie longed to. We hope you will let us live here.” Mr. Macmea said.
“Of course we shall!” said Mr. Aloise.
“We have just started learning the language, so I apologize if you cannot understand us. We will stay around and talk, if you will like to join us.
Everybody clapped.
“We shall let you stay as long as you like, but if you want to go home, you are dismissed.” said Mr. Aloise, and the crowd started getting busy. Moving around, some headed to talk to the Macmea’s, and some were going home.
Eventually the kids got to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Macmea, and they discovered that Mrs. Macmea didn’t speak English very well. Her husband spoke a little bit, and he tried to repeat in their own language everything said to them.
They got to help him change their money to American currency, and led them to a restaurant they could eat at, and afterwards they went home. Everyone thought they were super nice and wanted to get to know them more.
To Be Continued…

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