in fiction •  7 years ago 

"I'm willing to testify," I said as I nervously moved the card between my fingers, immediately my companion approached me with her phone while nodding without making any sound.
Minutes later they came to take my statement,

-I'm glad you decided, I know you're afraid, but it's the best, you can start at the time you want ... - the agent said and sat next to me as he signaled his partner to take notes.

-My name is Isabel I was always a shy girl, rigorously educated by my father and fearful for my mother, I grew up in a very religious family and attached to good manners, but bordering on religious fanaticism, my father was extremely strict , and he never let me live with anyone outside our religious circle, after much insisting and thanks to the support of my mother allowed me to study nursing.

-It all started on a Sunday morning, we arrived at the temple when I accidentally tripped up with José, or so I thought at the time, sorry I apologized, but he told me that it was his fault and that he begged me to compensate for his clumsiness.

Joseph was an attractive young man and appreciated by everyone in the congregation, gentlemanly and always in a good mood and willing to support the church.
That day he invited me to have an ice cream, asking my father for permission, my father immediately said yes, I felt uncomfortable at that moment, because I had just crossed word with him, and I had never gone out with any boy before, but soon I cheerful.
Joseph seemed to have all the qualities that a man of faith must have.

Monday afternoon I pass by-Two vanilla ice creams please- Joseph asked the young man who was taking care of us
-but I want chocolate-I said shyly
-oh sorry, I thought you did not eat chocolate to take care of your face-told me
Ok, "I replied blushing, I thought he considered my face beautiful, I think he started to like me, no one had ever told me he had a beautiful face, nor did he, but I felt pretty at that moment.
-We will only take an ice cream and we will return to your house, I do not want to damage the trust that your father has placed in me,
-I agree, never before let me go out with a boy-, I answered
-I know, that's why I've noticed you, I'm sure you're a pure young woman and the most demure of the congregation-she said while her hand caressed my cheek.

-The following Sunday, José found a way for my father to give me permission to go out with him again, and so every week for a couple of months, and I fell in love with him.

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