Fiction Story : Love In Dream Finally Be Real

in fictionstory •  6 years ago  (edited)


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Beautiful sand beach I was in the middle of it, like in a dream. The blue ocean, the waves of the sea dancing split the great rocks, and the palm trees that swung as if to greet me. I'm glad, there's my time for myself. I walked on the beach and constantly mengkhyal. To the extent to see a strange object that is not proprietary who joined the waves carried water to the waves, precisely in front of me, the beach. And it turns out after I grab and I noticed the shade was a unique and strange binoculars. Which I then brought home. I kept paying attention to the thing, and I thought it was a valuable thing because there was a small inscription on the binoculars that the binocular owner's name was written. "ROPER DRAMISION". Like the names of a nobleman. I was also willing to menyimpanya.

"Zoy from wherever you are, mother worry about you, honey ..?"
"From the beach to refresh the mind". I replied
"Oh .. next time you have to say goodbye before you leave home, yes dear!"
"Yes, mom"


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It feels really bad if my life continues like this, I try to live it. And I still think about the odd binoculars. Who ya the binocular owner and the name. Ah .. I tried to ignore it. I rushed into the room to clean up and find a box to store the binoculars. Strange, why my bedroom window opened by itself. Whereas I had closed it. Maybe it's wind, yes wind. But what if it was not the wind.

"I'm hoping it's him, the mysterious man in my dream who came at nightfall. I hope that's true of him. Crazy ... maybe for most people, because there is someone in his life who wants to meet a ghost. But even if he is not real or even practically soulless creatures. I still think he exists. Now I want to meet him directly. I have many reasons for that, either if I would be comfortable if nearby. I'll be with him. "

My life seemed to change, the moment after last night. That is after I say all my ambitions. And I began to realize that there would be a new thing that would happen in my life. My dream of a handsome man came in my world, I wanted it so badly. I never dreamed that my future will not live on earth but in an unreal world. I wondered why it was in my dreams, was it something to do with my future life. If it is in an unreal life, then I live surrounded with a human without a life, or commonly called a ghost. The word "GHOST" must be everyone thinks they are creepy creatures with their messy appearance added with blood on the hands, eyes missing, ears bleeding, maybe one of their legs is missing. Well ... it's horrible to imagine. But whether there is a good ghost and look good not creepy. But what I want in a story is that it exists. For some people think it's strange. If a ghost is a creature to be feared for its visible, visibly creepy appearance. Zoy ... what's on your mind this. It's strange to think of things that are not worth thinking about. They have their own world no need to think about. Especially if I have to talk about this strange thing with others, surely they think I'm crazy or weird. In a thought the thing to think about is the real or realistic thing in life, that's the opinion of some people who have the right thinking. I started thinking about it from night to morning. I could not sleep that night thinking about it.

"Zoy ... sweet, this kid this morning, you do not go to school?" My mother shouted right in front of my bedroom door.
Hassttt noisy, unimportant words that every day I hear from my mother's mouth. I wondered very much how my father had lived for several years with my nagging mother. I can only be silent, it affects my psychic in mingling, making me a person who spends my time to be quiet and do not want to know this unimportant world affairs. My dad always thought it would be hard work for money. While my mother who just stayed at home just to laze. And I as an only child to always be sued school. See this world full of each ego. There is no tolerance in life to love each other to be together.


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Right in front of the mirror I looked in the mirror of a pale-looking man dressed in clean white, with brown eyes like a delicious piece of chocolate, his little hair on the back making him look manly.
"My binoculars ... you found him, lady?" Asked the mysterious man as he approached me.
My body vibrated the wind blowing here and there to make my room curtains draped here and there. Makes the atmosphere tense. Unconsciously my head nodded and my body turned toward the man. Without saying much he took his binoculars and smiled beautifully at me. One word I remember before he left.
"Thank you sweet lady, you are so interesting," she said with a smile

For the first time I received such a sweet remark from someone. I do not realize that the man is real or not. He was suddenly in my room, strange not. I think about where he came from and where he came from. He came just picked up the binoculars that I found. Until I forget that today I have to go to school.

Tick ​​tock tick ... long time clock sounds loud right next to my eardrums. My eyes were dizzy, dimly lit, and sick stomach. Without an interval of time to get my feet out of the room I suddenly fell on the floor just in front of the mirror I stood up.

I opened my eyes slowly, I just prayed when I opened it I'll regain consciousness. But it did not match my expectations. white mist hovered here and there, a cold wind began to pierce the body. Where I am, surely this is not my world. I kept looking around me, but there was only a cloud of fog and white white earth. Is this a heaven where all the good people will be placed here.

"Lady, is not that you? Who found my binoculars, why did you get this far? Are you following me? "Some strands of questions that mysterious man threw at me.
I'm just confused, why I met him again. It's weird what a dream.
"Sorry, I do not know anything. and yes it's me who found your binoculars that "
Some of the questions he asked and asked me to make me feel comfortable inside my heart. Finally I got to know and knew his name, and his name was exactly the one on the binoculars I found. ROPER DRAMISION, a beautiful and handsome name. I began to be invited around in the white world right where he lived. I was told what kind of experience he had experienced. The one that fascinated me was when he told me about his experience when he got here. And I realized that he was a creature who did not exercise. Somehow the fear did not come out of my mind, this sense of comfort overcame my fear. I was invited to meet one of the elders in this white world. His house is right in front of my present counterpart. I'm confused as to why Roper is going to meet him. There was anxiety in my brain.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry I can ask for your time for a while?" Roper asked as he took me that might be thought Roper I would run and run away in fear.
"Yes cu, okay. Come here in and sit down ". Invite the owner of the house
"Thank you sir." I said and Roper simultaneously.

Without waiting for a long time we directly sat next to each other while waiting for the master out of his secret room. A few minutes we waited for him to come out while carrying his ancient book. It made me a little surprised. Actually Roper's goal to bring here is to ask how I can get back to my world. But the feeling of hesitation finally arises in my head, I am confused about having to leave or I have to stay. If I go to my world, it will not make my comfort come. But somehow I feel comfortable here, I feel calm and peaceful. Moreover, coupled with the Roper beside me.


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Zoy louis and Roper dramision, you two young men of the same heart and heart. "A sudden phrase from the mouth of this host.
Roper and I immediately startled, what is the meaning of what he said. Then he gave me advice and understanding. He immediately told me that the portal where I can get back has been closed. Roper is confused but why I do not yes. He also continues to tell the story of a different love world that eventually lovers couple must be trapped in this white world. And he and Roper have both experienced me. I'm confused, it's not just me who keeps this love and I have it from the first time I met him. Without waiting long Roper took me out of this place.

Right in front of the old man's house Roper suddenly took my hands and looked at my eyes with taste.
"Miss Zoy, this heart is beginning to die helpless to keep silent without speaking, will you stay here with me, I'm the first to feel this comfort. And this is the goal I've been looking for. "
Without saying much I immediately smiled and nodded to him, he was not giving me a choice but he gave me a phrase and everyone would want it if he had been comfortable and saving love. This is the purpose of Roper's life that is almost the same as my life's purpose. Now I choose to leave my world for my love, I will leave my world where I am only one who is not so important. In the white world there will be no such thing as hate and anger, here everyone lives in harmony and understands one another. This is where everyone will be able to feel the real love.

The portal where I can get back has been closed, nothing will penetrate it. Whether he is strong, a ruler, or a god can not be. This is where I start a new life, with Roper.
In the real world exactly where my body lay lying awkwardly, my mother and my father cried hysterically that made my home atmosphere became crowded and raided by the villagers. My mother kept calling my name as if that would make my soul and body unite.

"Goodbye father, I choose not to continue with you does not mean I do not love you but I have to find my greatest goal in my life"
The thread that I keep saying in my mind right now. This is the destiny of love. Now I can be with the person I think he is.

3 months have passed, I'm used to my life here. Now the conditions in my real world house are different, for some reason I'm not there it makes my father and mother closer and loving each other. They just understand the importance of love when one of the people in their lives has gone. Such a great feeling of love will arise as one feels a great deal of sadness. That's where they will know the importance of love. The unreal love finally I have now turned it into a reality.


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