Glori Hecker Defects

in fictionstory •  7 years ago  (edited)

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NASIR @nasir83

Akhirnya Glori seorang ahli IT tertangkap di tangan Interpol setelah 5 tahun menjadi buron Interpol atas kasus pembobolan sistem keamanan interpol yang menggembarkan dua lima tahun yang lalu. Penangkapan Glori menjadi catatan baik bagi tubuh interpol karena berhasil menangkap pelaku tunggal dalam kasus yang menjadi perhatian publik dunia kala itu. Penangkapan Glori tergolong dramatis, Glori ditangkap disebuah gudang tua di tengah hutan belantara. Penangkapan ini dipimpin langsung oleh Gudes yang merupakan kepala interpol.

Glori yang memiliki cacat fisik secara keseluruhan tidak melawan saat ditangkap, Glori hanya tersenyum sambil duduk dikursi kerjanya. angkat tangan, anda sudah terkepung dan jangan melawan kata Gudes sambil menodongkan senjata di belakang kepala Glori. Secara perlahan Glori menekan tombol kursi kerjanya untuk menghadap ke arah Gudes, Gloripun hanya tersenyum melihat ke arah Gudes.

Glori terlahir disebuah keluarga kaya raya, Glori merupakan anak pertama dari pasangan hebat Tropa dan Misul. Lahir di sebuah keluarga mewah tidak membuat Glori bahagia. Setiap hari Glori mendapatkan cacian dari Ibu kandungnya Misul. Misul merasa malu memiliki anak seperti Glori. Karena keadaan fisik Glori cacat tidak bisa berjalan, tidak bisa ngomong, dan Glori seperti anak terbelakang. Misul merasa malu disaat ada acara keluarga, tidak jarang Misul meminta Glori tidak keluar kamar kalau ada tamu di rumah.

Satu - satunya kasih sayang yang didapatkan oleh Glori adalah dari Ayahnya Tropa. Tropa memberikan kasih sayang kepada Glori, apa yang dimintakan Glori selalu dipenuhi, disaat Tropa libur kerja selalu membawa Glori jalan - jalan dan liburan. Tapi karena kesibukan kerja di luar daerah, Tropa hanya memiliki waktu di rumah dua hari dalam sebulan, selebihnya Glori tinggal bersama Misul dan pembantunya Yhongti.

Meranjak usia sepuluh tahun, posisi Glori dimata ibunya semakin jauh dari kasih sayang, terlebih Misul telah memiliki putra keduanya yang keadaan fisiknya sempurna dan telah berusia 3 tahun. Glori semakin terasing dan jauh dari cinta keluarga.

Akhirnya Glori mengajukan satu permohonan kepada Ayahnya untuk mengungsikan dia dari rumah, Glori minta permohonan itu dikabulkan. Atas berbagai pertimbangan, akhirnya Tropa memenuhi keinginan Glori yang dianggapnya oleh ibunya tidak berguna. Glori diantar ke rumah neneknya disebuah desa terpencil dalam hutan. Hanya Tropa ayahnya Glori yang mengantar, sedangkan ibunya dengan alasan sibuk tidak ikut serta. Glori menyalami Ibunya sebelum berangkat, serta memberi pesan kepada adiknya untuk menjadi anak yang baik dan mampu membawa nama baik keluarga, sedangkan Ibunya tidak memberi satu pesanpun kepada Glori saat berangkat, Glori hanya tersenyum disaat Ibunya memalingkan wajah tidak melihat kepergian Glori.

Dalam perjalanan menuju rumah nenek, Glori meminta kepada ayahnya untuk singgah ke toko komputer lengkap. Ayahnya memenuhi permintaan Glori. Glori memesan semua peralatan IT, mulai dari sistem komputer, sistem satelit, serta semua kebutuhan hardware/software yang berhubungan dengan IT. Kemudian Glori juga membeli ratusan buku yang berhubungan dengan IT. Ayahnya bertanya Glori, untuk apa semua itu Glori hanya tersenyum dan menjawab singkat Ayah, Glori akan mencari dunia baru

Dalam perjalanan menuju desa, Glori meminta kepada ayahnya untuk tidak pernah menjenguk Glori, dan Glori minta untuk mengirimkan semua kebutuhannya disaat Glori minta. Dan semua permintaan ini harus dirahasikan kepada Ibunya. Meskipun sedih, Ayah Glori memenuhi permintaannya.

Glori mendapatkan informasi perkembangan keluarga dan adiknya dari Tropa, sedangkan adiknya dan Misul tidak mendapatkan informasi Glori, Misul merasa bebas tanpa ada Glori. Misul memberikan sejumlah fasiltas pendidikan kepada adiknya Glori, adiknya Glori sekolah di sebuah perguruan tinggi ternama, sedangkan Glori tinggal di pelosok desa di tengah hutan.

40 Tahun kemudian, dunia internasional di hebohkan dengan kasus pembobolan sistem keamanan lembaga interpol. Sistem keamanan lembaga interpol macet total, karena dibobol oleh seorang hecker. Selama setahun lebih sistem keamanan interpol tidak berfungsi. Hanya menampilkan layar hitam dan satu foto wajah manusia yang menyatakan dirinya "aku bisa". Ratusan ahli IT tidak mampu mengembalikan sistem yang telah dibobol itu. Foto itu kemudian dijadikan DPO oleh interpol, dan mengumumkan kepada publik dunia bagi siapa yang mampu menangkap DPO tersebut akan diberikan hadiah jutaan dollar.

Tropa yang bekerja di lembaga keamanan PBB ikut terlibat dalam membongkar kasus ini. Misul yang berprofesi sebagai investigator senior di lembaga dunia juga ingin mendapatkan hadiah itu. Tropa dan Misul gagal membongkar kasus yang mengundang perhatian publik dunia itu.

Satelit amerika tidak mampu mendeteksi sinyal hecker, beragam teknologi telah digunakan untuk mencari pelaku dalam kasus pembobolan sistem interpol. Interpol membentuk tim khusus untuk membongkar kasus yang dipimpin langsung oleh Gudes Kepala Interpol.

Lima tahun lamanya Interpol bekerja ekstra untuk mebongkar kasus itu. Pada akhirnya sang Hecker membocorkan informasi keberadaannya untuk ditangkap. Dilayar monitor sistem keamanan interpol tertera pesan "tangkaplah aku" di bawah pesan itu juga tertulis posisi koordinat.

Tim khusus Interpol langsung bergerak ke lokasi Hecker. Tim Khusus yang berjumlah 100 orang membawakan senjata lengkap untuk operasi ini. Tidak hanya operasi darat, operasi udarat dan laut juga disiapkan untuk melumpuhkan pelaku utama.

Gudes yang memimpin langsung oerasi ini mendapatkan keberadaan sinyal koordinat di sebuah gudang tua di tengah hutan. Gudang itu dikepung, dan Gudes mendobrak pintu gudang sambil menodongkan senjata di belakang kepala seseorang yang sedang duduk di kursi kerja. Dalam operasi ini juga ikut terlibat Tropa dan Misul. Gudes dan Misul kaget saat melihat isi gudang tua itu ibarat sebuah laboratorium IT. Dari luar terlihat gudang tua, tapi isi didalamnya sebuah laboratorium IT yang lengkap fasilitas dan tidak pernah ditemukan dipelosok dunia manapun, termasuk laboratorium perusahan komputer.

Secara perlahan kursi kerja berputar kearah Gudes, Gudes dengan posisi siap tembak berkata angkat tangan, anda sudah terkepung dan jangan melawan. Betapa terkejutnya Tropa dan Misul disaat melihat yang duduk di kursi itu adalah Glori, anaknya yang telah diungsikan karena dianggap tidak berguna dan membuat malu keluarga.

Glori hanya tersenyum melihat kedua orangtianya. Tropa berteriak jangannnnnnn Gudes, itu abangmu Glori. Senjata Gudes yang dipegang erat secara perlahan jatuh. Tropa, Misul, dan Gudes tertunduk lutut di hadapan Glori. Glori dengan berlinang air mata berkata Ayah, Ibu, Glori juga bisa seperti anak lain, hanya fisik Glori yang tidak sempurna, tetapi otak Glori mampu berpikir, terimakasih Ayah yang telah memberikan kasih saya kepada Glori selama ini, Gudes adikku terimakasih karena kamu telah menjaga nama baik keluarga kita, dan aku ternyata mampu mengubah dunia meskipun terasing di tengah rimba, tangkaplah aku Gudes yang begitu terpukul mendengar ucapan Glori, tangannya dan mulutnya kaku tidak mampu mengucapkan sepatah katapun. Misul bagaikan terhantam batu besar di kepalanya saat mendengar perketaan Glori.

Jangan tanyakan bagaimana akhir dari cerita itu, karena cerita di atas adalah cerita fiksi

@nasir83 adalah anggota #KSI Chapter Banda Aceh

Finally, an IT expert Glori was caught in the hands after 5 years of being a fugitive Interpol for the burglary case of the interpol security system that was touched two five years ago. The capture of Glori became a good record for Interpol's body because it captured a single offender in a case of public concern at that time. The capture of Glori is quite dramatic, Glori is caught in an old warehouse in the middle of the wilderness. This arrest was led by Gudes who was the head of interpol.

Glori who has a physical disability as a whole did not fight when captured, Glori just smiled as she sat down in her chair. Raise your hand, you are surrounded and do not fight Gudes said while pointing a gun behind the head of Glori. Slowly, she pushed the buttons of her chair to face Gudes, Gloripun just smiled at Gudes.

Glori was born to a wealthy family, Glori was the first child of the Tropa and Misul columners. Born in a fancy family does not make Glori happy. Every day Glori gets a snip from Misul's mother. Misul feels ashamed of having a child like Glori. Because of the physical state of the handicapped Glori can not walk, can not talk, and Glori like a retarded child. Misul feels embarrassed when there is a family event, not infrequently Misul asked Glori not out the room when there are guests at home.

The only affection that was acquired by Glori was from his father Tropa. Tropa loves Glori, what Glori asks for is always fulfilled, while Tropa off work always brings Glori the streets and vacations. But because of the busy work outside the region, Tropa has only two days at home in a month, the rest of which live with Misul and his aides Yhongti.

Moving the age of ten years, the position of her mother's eyes Glori far from affection, especially Misul has had a second son who is perfectly physical and has a 3-year-old. Glori is getting alienated and away from family love.

Finally Glori filed a plea to his father to evacuate him from home, Glori asked that the petition be granted. For various considerations, Tropa finally fulfill the wishes of Glori that he considered by his mother is useless. Glori was escorted to her grandmother's home in a remote village in the forest. Only his dad's Tropa was drove, while his mother with a busy excuse did not participate. Glori greets her mother before leaving, and gives her sister a message to be a good child and able to carry the good name of the family, while her mother does not give a message to Glori on her way, Glori just smiles as her mother turns away not to see Glori leave.

On the way to grandmother's house, Glori asks her father to stop at a complete computer store. Her father fulfilled her request. Glori orders all IT equipment, from computer systems, satellite systems, and all hardware / software related IT needs. Then Glori also bought hundreds of books related to IT. His father asked * Glori, for what it all * Glori just smiled and answered shortly * Daddy, Glori will be looking for a new world *

On the way to the village, Glori asks her father to never visit Glori, and she asks to deliver all her needs as she asks. And all these requests should be secularized to his mother. Though sad, his father fulfilled his request.

Glori was not informed of the development of his family and sister from Tropa, while his sister and Misul did not get Glori's information, Misul felt free without any Glori. Misul provided a number of educational facilities to his sister Glori, his sister Glori school at a prominent college, while Glori lived in remote villages in the middle of the forest.

40 Years later, the international community was hit by the break-in of the Interpol security system. The security system of the interpol institution stalled completely, having been burglarized by a hecker. For more than a year the interpol security system is not working. It only displays a black screen and a photo of a human face that claims to be "I can". Hundreds of IT experts are not able to restore the system that has been hacked. The photo was later turned into a DPO by Interpol, and announced to the world public that whoever captured the DPO would be awarded millions of dollars.

Tropa who works for the UN security agency is involved in dismantling the case. Misul who works as a senior investigator at the world institution also wants to get the prize. Tropa and Misul failed to dismantle the case that attracted the world's public attention.

The American satellite is unable to detect the hecker signal, a variety of technologies have been used to locate the perpetrator in case of burglary of the interpol system. Interpol formed a special team to dismantle the case led by Gudes Head of Interpol.

Five years Interpol went the extra mile to dismantle the case. In the end the Hecker leaked information of his whereabouts to be arrested. The monitor screen of the interpol security system printed the message "capture me" under the message also written coordinate position.

Interpol special team move directly to Hecker location. The 100-member Special Team brought a complete weapon for this operation. Not only land operations, ground and sea operations are also prepared to paralyze key actors.

Gudes who led this direct oeration to get the presence of coordinate signals in an old warehouse in the middle of the forest. The warehouse was surrounded, and Gudes broke down the barn door while pointing a gun behind the head of a person sitting in a work chair. In this operation also involved Tropa and Misul. Gudes and Misul were surprised to see the contents of the old warehouse like an IT lab. From the outside looks old warehouse, but the contents in it a complete IT laboratory facilities and never found dipelosok any world, including computer lab company.

Slowly the work chair turns towards Gudes, Gudes with a ready-to-fire position says * Raise your hand, you are already surrounded and do not fight *. How shocked were Tropa and Misul when he saw the one sitting on the chair was Glori, his son who had been evacuated for being useless and embarrassing the family.

Glori just smiles at both of them. Tropa shouted don`tnnnnnn Gudes, that is your brother Glori. Gudes' grasping weapons are slowly falling. Tropa, Misul, and Gudes bowed knee before Glori. Glori with tears said Dad, Mother, Glori can also be like another child, only the physique of Glori is not perfect, but the brain of Glori is able to think, thank you Dad who has given my love to Glori all this time, Gudes my sister thanks for you have guarded the good name of our family, and I was able to change the world even though isolated in the middle of the jungle, catch me Gudes who was so shocked to hear Glori's words, his hands and his mouth stiff not able to say a word. The Misul was struck by a boulder in his head upon hearing Glori's mapping.

Do not ask how the story ends, because the story above is a fictional story

@ nasir83 is a member of #KSI Chapter Banda Aceh

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nice story.... sangat menarik membaca real story

Follback lah bang

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