When the Tomboy Hooded

in fictionstory •  7 years ago  (edited)

When the Tomboy Hooded

Queen Anggitha Jovintha her name. Usually called Anggi (school, house companion) or Githa (family). Judging from its name, you think that Anggi is a Feminine figure, is not it? If you think like that, you're wrong! On the contrary, he was a tomboy. Hair cut like a man, in the room scattered posters are not clear, in the room of all robots or Marvel characters, ahh .. Anyway all men, deh! He also befriends boys. But, he still respected the teacher because he was polite and a clever student.

Anggi pedaled his black folding bike, heading for school. Arriving at the parking lot, he set out his bicycle. He headed for the class while carrying his black bag. "Woy, Nggi!" Cried classmate, as well as her sohibnya, Hendri. "Napa, Ndri?" Asked Anggi as he put his bag on the shelf bag, behind the class. Hendri approached Anggi. "Loe already ngerjain pr Ipa?" He asked. "Dah, I know, really. You want to cheat, ya .., "said Anggi, then handed Pr Ipa book. "Thanks yes," he said. He copied Anggi's answer. In any case, he returns his book to the owner.

Ding ... Dong ... Bell ... !!!
The bell sounds in. All the students went to their respective classes. Anggi took out Pr Ipa's book, Ipa's notebook, Ipa Package Book, Prima LKS, and Stationery. After praying according to each belief, Mr. Eko, teacher Ipa Anggi class entered. "Good children! Collect the Pr that you gave a week ago, "said Mr. Eko. All collect. Only 3 children did not collect, namely Adzra, Isyah and Qiqih. They were punished by Mr. Eko.

Ding ... Dong ... Bell ... !!!
The bell sounds breaks. All the students scattered outside the classroom. Anggi with her boyfriend's close friends, playing soccer.
Anggi Group with opposite group is only 2 points difference. The Anggi Group wins. Group Anggi dues, and eat with friends playing football. That's the rule. If the winning team will treat the losing team. Close friendship.

Ding ... Dong ... Bell ... !!
Second bell sound. All the students pressed into the classroom. Anggi picked up a book of PAI (ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS LESSONS), PAI Books, THAWAF LKS, and Pr PAI Books. Do not forget the stationery. Anggi to the PI Room (Islamic Lesson). It's a special Muslim. And the non-Muslims, there is space respectively. Anggi immediately sat on her bench. Mrs. Aminah, as a teacher of PAI, went into the PI room.

"Okay, go to page 54. Chapter 4. Its Title About Veil," he commanded. Anggi opens Package Page 54. "Well, mom explained a little. Veil is identical with Muslim women. It is an obligation for Muslim women. Please note, a woman who is baligh, required to cover the nakedness. Aurat of the woman is the whole body, except the face and the palm of the hand. How to cover her nakedness is wearing long clothes, and wearing a veil. Many benefits of wearing a veil for Muslim women. Cover hair from dust, beautify face, and get reward. 1 Step girls out of the house without covering the private parts, 1 step his father to hell, "said Mrs. Aminah. Anggi was gasping. "Well, open the LKS Thawaf book on page 34, work on parts A and B. Parts C and D are used as Pr," continued Mrs. Aminah. Anggi does it thoroughly.

"Mah, Pah, if Githa use hoods fit the streets or school, okay?" Anggi asked his parents, after school. "Tumben, Gith. Not usual, "Mama sneered. "Kepengen wrote," said Anggi. "Are you sure, Gith?" Papa asked. Anggi nodded his head with enthusiasm. "Sorry dear," said Mama, making Anggi become lost spirit. "Sorry dear, because we can not refuse your wishes," Mama continued. "HORE !!" Anggi shouted. "Thanks Mah, Pah !!" exclaimed Anggi. "Next week, yes, mah!" Anggi said. Mamah just thumbs up his thumb.

"Eh, if my appearance berijjaban how?" Suggested Anggi. Anggi with her 3rd chum, was eating at the Canteen. "Ehm, how, yes?" Said Rony. "Yes, if according to your heart desire, yes not papa," Indra response. "Surely you look pious plasticity," said Hendri.

Good Mah, his shirt with his veil, "said Anggi. She saw her long uniform and long skirt. And the veil has its name. Queen Anggitha J

Anggi looked at himself in the mirror. She is beautiful with a veil. Inner Beautynya out! After the farewell, he rushed to school. Arriving, he walked to the classroom. He hesitated, as he stared at the class. "Um, Assalamualaikum," salam Anggi as he entered the classroom. Everyone stared at Anggi. "Waalaikumsalam," answered all in a surprised voice. "Since when did you look like this, Nggi?" Laughs Erlina. "Today," Anggi said. Everyone laughed. So did Anggi. He also habitually wearing a veil, starting today. He began to feel the meaning of wearing a veil. Despite wearing a veil, her tomboyish nature still sticks to her.


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