in fictionstory •  7 years ago  (edited)

Episode 7

           FILTHY  WEALTH

The news of Bamu's sudden wealth surprised all. There were many questions on how he got his money. The kind of exotic car he brought caused a serious argument among people.

Expectedly, Bamu suddenly became the rave of the moment. Many people paid him Visits and Bamu spoiled them with money. They easily forgot about his past so as to benefit from his generosity. Only a few were concerned about the sudden change in his status and so distanced themselyes from him.

Meanwhile, according to his plans, Bamu showed off tohis schoolmates tempting some of them to start to envy him, thinking that his lifestyle was admirable. Those ones seized the opportunity to beg him for money while some pleaded with him to put them through how he made it.

Apparently , the Principal was not surprised but he regretted the fact that those currently associating with Bamu had shallow minds and could because of that jeopardize their future for a fake and temporary thing. He knew. that Bamu must have cut dangerouscorners and was sure that it would not last. The Principal warned all students to beware because such kind of wealth could mislead them. He encouraged them to face their studies and come out in flying colours So as to be able to fulfill their destiny. He stressed that that was the only solution to a good and lasting success.

Similarly, Abe, Mope Tunde and Sina were not moved at all. They were very optimistic about their future and so would not want to toy with it. They were all ready to fulfill their dreams.

Abe wanted to become a lawyer, Mope, a doctor , Tunde, a police officer and Sina, a teacher; They all believed that one day they would all get to the peak of their dreamed profession through hardwork and so would become a celebrated.

Kunle, the Principal was happy for the four students. He was [happy for their vision and commitment to fulfil their dreams. He encouraged others to take a cue from them. He
further advised that it would take determination and hardwork to be really successful.

Each time Bamu was in town, he brought
different items for people and also came in different beautiful cars. He usually spent money lavishly on all. Meanwhile, Pade and Jagua were among his former schoolmates who benefited a

lot from his generosity. Although they were both not too bright at school, that notwithstanding, through concerted . efforts from teachers they were both improving academically. But they began to lose interest in their studies and at some time, were no longer satisfied with what they were getting from Bamu Instead, they also wanted to go into his business so that they too would be able to spend like him.

Their parents were against the move but they tried to convince them that there was no problem. Yet their parents would not agree with the idea. Instead, they advised them that they should work harder because dumping education for money at that tender age would amount to 'chasing the shadow'.

Unfortunately, they did not listen. Instead, they allowed Bamu's way of life and ill-gotten wealth to blindfold them from the realities of life
and into disobeying their parents. After a while they expressed their wishes to Bamu and he agreed to help them on Some conditions.

Firstly, he took them to a shrine where they swore an oath to him that they would always obey him and Would not divulge their secrets to another person. Secondly, he would always collect half of whatever they realised from them and thirdly, they would not refuse any instruction The gave them However they were warned that disobedience or breaking of any of these Oaths would amount to death automatically

Pade and Jagua in their stupidity, for the sake of the glamour they saw around Bamu and without good reasoning on the implication of oath taking, agreed to the conditions Bamu gave to them. Their parents knew nothing about their actions.

Very soon afterwards, they abandoned their education and left town for Lagos to Bamu, without their parents knowledge.

Image source :Google. Com

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