Learn about the history of Hand Spinner

in fidget-spinner •  8 years ago 

Let's get on a bit Fashion - A toy "hand spinner" that keeps a mysterious boom around the world. What is interesting just turning around? I thought that my heart is tired. There is no reason for fashion.

A video explaining how such a hand spinner was born and became a boom was posted on YouTube. If you look at this, you may be able to ride a bit in the trend of hand spinners?

Roughly speaking, in 1997, Catherine Hettinger of Oklahoma State developed a prototype of hand spinner. They apply for the patent as "spinning toy". Originally it seems that the toys made for the patients with myasthenia gravis.

However, at the time when the fancy toys such as Farby were making a lot of use, too simple hand spinners were not able to get on with mass-production contracts with manufacturers and never saw the sun.

Time change and the end of the year 2016, suddenly in the United States " Fidget Spinner (aka hand spinner) will be winding up. Also at the same time, there was a coincidence that the rectangular toy 'Fidget Cube' which also kills time is successful in cloud funding. In such a fidget boom, fidget, Spinner, which swept across the nationwide classrooms and offices.

Unfortunately, inventor Hettinger failed to pay the renewal fee of the patent ($ 400) in 2005 and the patent which became the prototype of the hand spinner will be expired. If she still owned the patent, she may have been rich. In addition, this Wired article also introduces a scientific approach to keeping hand spinner rotating for the longest time. If you want to earn one by hand from now on hand, please also read carefully here.

This boom, how far will it continue ...?

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Just remember everyone, it is just a toy

Interesting ! thanks for ur video comment and findings @cryplectibles

I never had one :)

lol ... that's a good one @schamangerbert