No Man is an Island – Fiftywords Challenge

in fiftywords •  7 years ago 


Jane pulled the trigger.

The virus killed most of the earth’s population, zombified the remaining few. Now, the last one was dead. She was alone now, but alive. Uninfected.

They always said, no man is an island. Jane laughed aloud, the sound echoing back a wordless response.

Perhaps a woman.

Thank you, @miniature-tiger for organizing this challenge!

Image source: Pixabay

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Loved this! Well done! :)

Thanks so much! :)

Very nice. I love your closing line. Brr! (That's me shivering.)

Thank you!! :)

That was great! The cyncical laugh at the end was perfect!

So, I've seen these #fiftywords, and I'm so curious! Is it just that, with the tag?

Thank you!! :) It's a little challenge that @miniature-tiger puts together. Check out the most recent round-up post for more info.

This was my first time participating, but basically, I think there's a theme each week, and you write something that's fifty words (or less, but preferably exactly fifty words), tag your post with fiftywords, and go read the other stories! :)

The next theme is science fiction! You should join in :)

Thank you! I think I will!