Shocking things happening with fostered children in Portugal

in fight4truth •  7 years ago 

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Some years ago, happened in Portugal the Casa Pia scandal. There was a criminal organization in foster care system that used to provide young boys to influencial politicians and TV stars, so they could sexually abuse them.
In Portugal, in a very recent past, judges and prosecutors didn't use to like to investigate or judge these cases, because they were/are nasty. They didn't even used to like to talk about them.
And of course, the boys wouldn't feel very confortable to talk about this either.
In Portugal, the victims of these crimes receive little money for damage reparations, processes take years or decades, courts are completely insensitive so the victims will have to tell their abuse histories dozen and dozens of times, justice is very corrupt and all crimes are subject to prescription, even serious offenses, and precription times are always lower than 10 years.
The well-known TV presenter Carlos Cruz was in jail for being part of this paedophilia ring, between some others, but names of very influencial politicians were mentioned(former socialist President of Parliament Jaime Gama and actual President of Parliament Ferro Rodrigues and a lawyer said on TV that the proofs against them were similar to the ones against the people that were arrested and the only reason they were not accused was because their crimes were old and their crimes had prescribed.

Curiously, their party (Socialist party) is always making laws to protect paedophiles and to complicate the work of policemen that investigate those crimes.
That party is the one that is ruling the country now. They are also giving more and more power to social assistants to remove children from their families and removing penalties and punishment for those social assistants when they make mistakes.
Today, in Portugal, if a family is poor, an anonymous denunciation is enough for the child to be removed from their parents, without any investigation.
If a mistake is proven, nothing happens to the workers of Portuguese Social security that were responsible for that.
More recently there was the IURD scandal. IURD is a oficially a church but, in practice, is a criminal organization. They were accused for many crimes but as they are rich and control the Portuguese and Brazilian corrupt systems, nothing happens to them.
IURD's "pastors" and "bishops" are not allowed to have their own children. They are subjected to vasectomies.
So that church had an orphanage in Lisbon to provide "sons and daughters" to pastors and bishops.
Children were removed from the homes where they used to live with their biological families through alliances with corrupt people in Portuguese Social Security system that used to invent false accusations about biological parents(poor people) so they could have many children so bishops and pastors could have a wider base to choose their favorite one to adopt.
About this situation, there is a campaign happening in Portugal, with many famous people participating, whose name is "Não adopto este silêncio"(I don't adopt this silent)

image collected from pixabay, from the author Bess-Hamiti (Check his profile here )

(photo from - famous Portuguese commedian Ricardo Araújo Pereira, for the campaign "Não adopto este silêncio" )

Check more about Casa Pia Scandal (english):

Sources to help me writting this article (Portuguese)

Personal note: I don't use to be very emotional but these situations revolt me strongly as a father. There are people out there that are really evil. I use to tell to my son to tell me everything, to make sure my son trusts me a lot, that I don't judge him. This is very important. I recommend all you guys to tell and show to your kids all the time that you like them EXACTLY AS THEY ARE. I do this and it works very well. All the best and stay safe people.

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Relevance:Pedogate, glad to see you enjoying the rewards that come with greater effort. Good Article!


very nice video.