If network that fully support mobile devices mining you are looking for, then fiiicoin platform is what you need.
In a real sense, mobile devices are not suitable to use for a profitable mining because of their limited storage capacity, weak computing power and low battery power these make it unable to maintain a full blockchain network 24/7. Again it is a well-known fact that phones get infected with malicious apps that use it to mine coins for the creator of the app. More so in order to synchronize data on a block-chain system, cellular network requires 4G technology and if the node can be run on the mobile devices then it can solve all the bandwidth in a short time. AS we are all aware that before an idea come to your mind, is as well been revealed in the mind of a thousand persons. Fiiicoin is designed to beat the limitations of mining with mobile devices in blockchain technology. Fiiicoin mining consensus is proof of capacity and evidence of delegated capacity algorithms that will achieve cellular mining and allow cellphones to fully synchronize with their networks.
FiiiCOIN as a platform, a crypto-currency based on decentralized blockchain technology specifically designed for mobile devices mining purpose only. It’s created stability and business viability. Fiiicoin is designed based on cellular mining where every smart phone user will be able to participate in maintaining a full chain-block network without relying on expensive mining machines and graphics cards. The main purpose of making this coin is to make use current resources; especially smartphones to participate in the mining process. Even non-IT users or crypto fans that are financially handicape to invest can get rewards by only taking part in the cellular mining system.
• FiiiCoin Network Architecture:
• FiiiPOS
• FiiiPay
• FiiiEX Exchange:
• FiiiCoin Network Architecture:
Fiicoin is a peer to peer network architecture that will be constantly connected with multiple nodes to synchronize data in the same network.This simply means that the node connected to the server are given the same opportunity and privileges to interact with each other in a flat topology. All the active nodes periodically provide heartbeat data to the tracker to indicate they are still active in the network
• FiiiPOS
FiiiPOS - The Only mobile instant cryptocurrency payment terminal in the world to be compatible with up to 1500 cryptocurrencies. Supporting unique DPoC. Over 2200 POS already launched in Asia and 15000 on order as of September 2018.
• FiiiPay
FiiiPay - Mobile Wallet App compatible with FiiiPOS. Over 350k registered users as of September 2018.
• FiiiEX Exchange:
FiiiEx - CryptoCurrency exchange platform built to support FiiiPOS and FiiiPAY .It is a crypto currency exchange that will allow users to trade crypto currencies online like other existing exchanges.
In conclusion, there are lots of benefits you stand to get in holding fiiicoin. To mention but few are;
Fast single-signature verification
- Even faster batch verification
- Fast signing capability
- Fast key generation
- High security level
- Fool proof session keys
- Collision resilience
- No secret array indices
- No secret branch conditions
- Small signatures
- Small keys
- Low transaction fee charge.
The Token
Name Coin:Fiii
Total Supply:5,000,000,000
Total CoinForSale:420,000,000
Launch Price:$0,12USD
Soft Cap:US$15,000,000
Hard Cap: $ 40,000,000 USD
Trading Pairs: BTC, USDT
For more information visit:
Official Website : https://fiii.io
[Social Media]
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/fiii.io/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/FiiiLab
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/fiii.lab/
Telegram (Chinese): t.me/fiiicoin
Telegram (English): t.me/fiiicommunity
Youtube : https://bit.ly/2J7EHMy
Medium : https://medium.com/fiiilab
Messenger : m.me/fiii.io
LinkedIn : https://linkedin.com/company/fiii-lab
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5052417.0