Check out Neil Blomkamps' "Gran Tourismo" on Netflix right now.

in film •  last year 


It's based on a relevant and interesting true story, features clear characters you can't help but root for, and is overall well paced and fun to watch.

It follows the story of real life Formula 1 driver, Jann Mardenborough, who joined Nissan's racing team as part of a new program designed to get the best Gran Tourismo video game players in the world into real race cars. Seemed like an insane idea, but it worked and now Mardenborough is among the top drivers in the world.

If the marketers for this film had been smarter, in addition to trying to get gamers to go to the theater, they should have heavily targeted dads.

Between Djimon Hounsou's excellent and moving performance as Jann's dad trying his best to support his son's wild racing dreams (in spite of the totally legitimate fear that pursuing such an insane career would leave his son without a future) and David Harbour's wizened mentor on the racetrack, I think there's a lot for fathers to identify with in this film and if you are a dad, I really bet you'll enjoy this story.

Unless you hate sports movies or cars... In which case, this might not be for you.

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