Curse (Tara)steemCreated with Sketch.

in film •  7 years ago 

On the first day of the summer, after finishing the final exams at the university, which in another city away from our mother city for sixteen hours, we were returning to it after we parted, driving the car with a wheel in the hope of short distances to reach our dear city, However, I began to feel tired after four hours had passed since we passed the last break, accompanied by two friends on my trip, who offered to rotate the leadership, but I do not allow anyone to touch my car at all ..

I just envy them because I desperately need to sleep, so only the car breaks down on both sides of the desolate road. The car stops to wake up my movement. Mohsen let him out of his chair and he opened his eyes with a liquid: "I do not want to sleep,

  • Have we arrived?
    "No, my friend. We still have two hours to get to the city. I do not hide a secret. I regret that I did not take a nap.
  • Mohsen: If you did not stop, Ahmed?
  • Fuel seems to have run out.

We waited in the car to pass by, and it was not long before we spotted that huge truck with a huge writing medium (the gypsy circus) and went down to the street and waved to it, to stop and slide behind the truck, a beard, and a full body at the end of his contract The fourth, dressed in dirty clothes, and a woman of old age in the place of the facilities, her tattoo in her chin and clothes are rickety, bracelets and necklaces of beads have filled her neck and her hands wrinkled, to descend the Roma man approaching us:

  • Can I help you, sir?
  • Thank you, our car has been disrupted here in this monstrous place, we have finished our fuel, do you have some of it?
    "I do not have the fuel," said the man, sighing. "But you can come with us. Our poor is near here and we will give you some fuel to complete your journey."
  • Muhsin replied: Well, what do you think, Ahmed, that I go with them to get the fuel while taking your cough until I come and ............
  • The man interrupts: There is no need for you to stay in this wild place, so we do not go out when the moon is full, because it is dangerous in these parts, why do not you come with us, and become honored guests until the morning, as you seem tired.

We looked at each other and our fatigue took us away.
"I do not want to bother you, sir, it seems that you do not have all of us, we are three.

  • Romany Man: Never Nuisance, Please.
    We accepted his generous offer in the hope that he would not bother them, and we woke him up and told him what had happened. He did not feel anything for the weight of his sleep.

We knew the driver about himself by the name of (old), and we rode in the front of his truck behind him and his mother, and knew about his mother in the name of (Murjan), there was a chair we can three of us together behind their chair, the cabin was already large, to approach and note the mother's acute looks, She opened her conversation happily when he told her (old) that we were coming with them, to welcome us with a bright smile.

At the end of the trailer, Atiq was glancing at us with diagnostic looks from behind the front mirror, and his mother crawled from the side mirror to us and looked at him until the situation became strange and we all saw the looks he exchanged and his mother was very suspicious. We focused on the road, ignoring their looks, to see on the road in the middle of the street the Yupian lupus, and as soon as I noticed the road to stop his truck, the old gypsy's cry was loud enough to pay attention to it if the chair turned upside down and the old man at the legs of her son Of brake pressure strength.
The old woman was clearly angry with her son for his poor leadership, so that she would only hit her head with her slender hands and the head of her son, cursed with insults and insults in her Roma language. The problem was fair. He was laughing so hard that he could not forget the sight of the old man. He was always below. He was always a nightmare for those who came from their places. He always saw the fall of others as an indispensable comedy. We tried to poke it to a stop, his laugh started Li, the old look that sharp view it from the side mirror.

When we arrive at the village courtyard we are surprised that it is only a big circus, where members meet to welcome the deceased, Marjana and their guests, to those who do not know ("circus: it is the tent or where people meet to see clowns, trained animals, acrobatics, Of tricks and humor, magic and sorcery, and other events.))

As Ateeq introduces us to the circus members, we are in a brief way to the large tent, which has more than sixty tents and more than 100 people, including the group of cheaters and clowns, the band that gives excitement to performances, animal trainers, and others.
We are on our way to the big tent, to see a glimpse of what will be presented inside of them who shoots the fire to almost touch our faces, some others with classic dresses balanced on the back to see longer to throw, dishes and balls and pick it as he walks on the long ouds,
To enter the tent empty of any audience, but we, to Kazani just in his hand, saying in a whisper voice:

  • Are we the only audience here?
    To be surprised Bmirjanh whisper in his ear softly Ksute:
  • No, my dear, but today the weekly our vacation.

Adel jumped from the unexpected surprise, as she was hidden at first glance, to appear and whisper in his ear and laugh the old corpse on his reaction, and share laughter.

Shouted Ateeq, who appears to be the master of presentations, saying:

  • Please sit down, ladies and gentlemen, you have been given a warm welcome, to offer you the greatest and most beautiful shows, in our majestic gypsy circus.

To start with the games and moves that are a mixture of excitement and danger, and the swing of light and agility, to the ridiculous and entertaining clown section and then the paragraph of trained animals that amazed us the ability of predators to obey their executioner, the performances were accompanied by exciting music, About a beautiful girl from the most beautiful girls I have seen in my life, she danced in the middle of the ring on the sound of Spanish steps fast, her black eyes Kalha, dark hair dancing right left, to mimic her dance that grabs the hearts, Z definition (old) girl for us as his daughter (Tara) ..

We enjoyed the performances very much, presented us with dinner, smiling to me with obvious admiration, so I thought that Marjana and Atef had noticed, and if they had noticed that he had not been bitten by a lip, after dinner he guided us to the tent where we would spend the night and leave and wish us a good night.

  • Optimizer: For the first time in my life brought an offer to the circus has enjoyed the right.
    Adel: It was wonderful. If it had not been for the old woman who bothered Safavi, she would have glorified me with that sharp look since I turned in my chair. The Lord help me so that I can not remember falling when I saw her. She was very funny.
    We all laughed and sighed:
  • Did you enjoy the last show, did you see the beautiful Tara, I did not see a similar to that girl, I may come back.

Muhsin looked at his watch and said, "Well, let's sleep. It was a hard day, and now it's nine o'clock. We have to wake up early.

He covered my friends in a deep sleep longing to meet their parents, and grew eager to see Tara tomorrow.

I woke up from my hibernation on the sound of drums, I did not know the drums important, they must wake up their predatory animals, wait a moment .. I raised my hand at the hour that it is two o'clock in the morning, I went back to sleep !! Now the sound was different, the sound of a wolf wailing, but fortunately the sound was in the yard and not beside our tent,

  • Did you hear this, Ahmed?
    Sound grew clearer, as if he is approaching, he said, claiming courage:
  • Yes, let's check it out.
    I came out and improved, from the tent, we did not see a reason to wake up fair, heavy sleep, and perhaps there is no reason to doubt.

We turned around behind our tent and started chasing the sound that was no longer just for the wolf but for a group of predators. We followed the sound to see a crowd of the circus crew. We hid behind a big rock in the corner of a tent, so the picture was clear and the wolves muttered with words. I thought I was in one of the movies. I did not even think that what I see there could be real. I turned to Mohsen, who was so rigid that he looked at the imam, so much so that he did not bother with his eyes. At first he thought he had lost his mind. The clowns were completely deformed, , Firefighters like Frankshatian monsters, and the musicians with pygmy dwarves They are sharp with arrows and spears in a basket on their backs, an old man who was in the process of turning into a despot, who is balanced on ropes and sticks are nothing but zombies swayed, girls dancing like bloodsticks.

(Tara) does not have a presence between them, while (Murjanh) was a charming green witch carrying a broom in her hand, clustered circularly in the middle of a strange signal painted with blood, and a large amount near the drawing on the floor, and coral says:

  • We will be free from the eternal curse tonight, and come back free from the fact that we are half human beings and half monsters, by sacrificing these young men,

The laughter of the witch is heard in the circus corners, and the rest of the crowd cheer for the big night, so that I and the optimist can glide at each other,

  • Get up from your shock on us to escape.
  • Mohsen Paki Bahla: We are finished .. Finished completely.
  • We can not escape, do not you see that they are preparing for the ceremony, I will go to get Adel while you are, fill these two bottles with fuel ..
    I took two bottles of water from which the circus crew drank. There were a lot of water bottles and some very large containers containing fuel. I noticed that they had these vessels on the ends of the circus and poured water on the floor and handed it over to refill it.

I hurriedly saw one of the pygmies coming hastily to see me and began to throw at the arrow laughing. I avoided arrows that barely missed their course, so I pushed back so that the arrow would get past me in a few seconds at the hands of Tara. I thanked God for that, They are not just like them (Tara) ..

She took me to another road, closer to our tent where we were.
Tara: We have to hurry before the dwarf tells them to come behind us.

  • Can you tell me what just happened? And what curse are they talking about?
    Tara: I'll tell you later, now let's get your friend first.

I saw our tent, there is nothing more than bringing a fair, so two of the Frankashtin monsters want to enter the tent to bring us, and Tara turned to me saying:

  • wait here .
    I went forward and said to them Wait I will wake them up and bring them to the big square?
  • By Objection: But ...........
  • I do not want to hear but, I want obedience, go and I will bring them myself.

Tara entered the tent and entered behind her, awakened just from his sleep with a whisper. Let's run away. He woke up in surprise and inquired about the details. Later, when we came out of the tent, we saw the wild dwarf, to see him just unaware of the thing in front of him. In the big square and hear the response to the old man's laughter, the dwarf kicked him away from us, and fled towards the place where he was being improved. It was just the poor being and the effects of sleep disappeared from his eyes.

We heard their heavy footsteps behind us, but they did not see us yet, so they were distracted by a fire at the end of the circus, exactly where Mohsen hid, a smart move. He heard a fair cry, burning one of the fuel drums to give us time to escape. Mohsen ran toward us, Tara brought us to one of the tents.

Tara is breathless: Do not worry for now, you're safe here.

  • Well it's time to tell us everything, about any sacrifice and any curse, for a moment I thought I was in a horror movie.
    To start Tara with the narration:

  • One day I went to the forest to get some herbs, and on my way I met a young gypsy from the tribe competing with us, we were competing for the circus shows, and what made matters worse is that they separated us only the forest, and soon the young man fled, The young man to call me from my family and they wanted to marry me, and it was the same position in his tribe, so we decided to escape in the early morning to come and take me from here and people slept ..

As soon as the morning came until it was on time, but my parents grabbed him and killed him after torture, I heard a cry from him, his mother heard it came and gave us all a curse:
(I curse you, my murderer and my son, I curse you in the darkened night and the perfect moon, You will turn into monsters, the little one of you dwarf, and the great of you is a machine, the whine is a predator, the saliva is dead, the dancer of you is a vampire, an old despot, and its damned corpse is a charming witch for a sample. The face of evil will be trapped between the monsters there is no way out of them, and will not bring you human beings, and if he will eat him alive, or mourn a monster, but your clan is not a way out of their creditors,

From then on, they kidnap and bring anyone on their way to try and decipher their curse that is constantly failing, then eat them alive. I tried as much as possible to help the prisoners, but when I tried to get them, they accused me of being the cause of their abuse.

  • Just dismayed: If I saw it was real, let us run away before they find us.
    Tara: Listen, guys, they are not going to invite you to leave. I smell the smell of my old father.
    Mohsen cries: My God then, what is the solution? Has anyone survived before?
    Tara: No one has escaped their claws, but if you can reach the main street, the place where they found you, you will be able to escape. Do not worry, I will help you.

I said very confused: Well, watch us the way, we will pass the dense forest.
Tara: Wait for me. I'll go and light one of the fuel drums. Once they go to put out the fire, make sure you carry these things and run away.

  • Tara opened one of the boxes and pulled out a pistol with a silver lead, a peg and a torch, plus some fuel for the car, and a large cleaver.

We shared the widgets just took the gun while I took the cleaver, and the optimizer took the pegs, and the fuel flasks.

Tara started to the farthest corner of the circus from us, and only a few minutes before we saw the fire rise, shouting that they were here, flocking from every corner and heading to it, leaving us to the wind to go through the thick forest to the main street, Otina of strength, publicly we manage to get to our car, to hear the voice of a wolf near us, it must be old and smelled our smell ..

As for me, I would move the group to jump in front of me and complete its transformation into a ferocious wolf. Then I saw the cleaver in front of it, waving it to the right and left to frighten it, so it was not until I broke on it and before I was a prey, we heard a bullet shot to calm down the dreaded. With the gun, we completed the run again, leaving an old man's corpse returned with his death, and the voice of the old man with the force of his hands, crying to him, until we cut the street and begins to fill the tank with fuel, what to the minutes to hover coral over us on her broom like a crow, Her hands, just avoiding her landing with her temple acknowledged B until it landed on the ground.

Muhsin completed filling the tank with fuel as she approached Adel and threatened to kill him. He pointed the gun at her close and took him from his trembling hand and threw him and accused him of strangling him.
"The head of the police station, who was standing at the top of the head, said to her," Let's see the monsters, and we are surrounded by all sides who want to attack us.

I am still sad for my father, Atiq and my grandmother, and now after their death I became the leader. I have no place but with them, in the hope that I will prevent them from killing and abducting innocent people. They have already killed many people, and I hope that whatever happens do not tell anyone what to do. Got or saw it here ..

Which we promised him after we sank in words of thanks and reverence.

We rode our car back to our city, to enter Tara, between the trees back to the cursed circus, followed by the monsters, something went in my chest, and at that moment the car stopped,

  • Why did you stop the car, Ahmed?

I was sweating deeply I felt hot and pain gripping my body unable even to mutter, I answered sharply:

  • My God, there is something that has happened
    .... the best .. that ............. Graduated ....... from here?
    Mohsen Bahala:
  • See, Adel .... Look at Ahmed that he is full of poetry !!

I opened the door of the car and went out to the road, my feet did not strengthen my pregnancy, fell to the ground.
Mohsen and Adel are trying to find out what is in me and I hold my head, which is restless with pain .. Moving right and left, while my eyes are burning me hard, my hairy body becomes hooves, I see with my eyes the smallest things like a microscope, teeth teeth.
To hear Mohsen screaming panic:

  • God, he turns into a mustache, must have Atiq had bitten him when he attacked him, he did not notice that while we were trying to save our lives, let's run away, Adel.
    Just scared:
  • O God of the heavens ... Ahmed ............. Ahmed.

Mohsen: Let us run away, stupid one, they will chew us like chewing gum in the midst of your cry.
While Adel and Mohsen are moving away.
My pain subsided, to see in front of me on the road two things moving fast, reaching their delicious smell to my nose, to come and grow instinct instincts I was very hungry.

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