Jumanji (1995)

in film •  7 years ago 


Joe Johnston

104 Minutes

Release Date: 15 December, 1995

What's It About: A young boy gets trapped inside a board game, which is discovered 26 years later and he is freed. He and the other players must finish the game to reverse the events of what has happened.

The Good: Very imaginative world and interesting premise. I enjoyed the various timeline of scenes that helped set the story and show that Jumanji goes back a long way throughout history. Seeing it as a kid was convincing enough to be scary, such as the animatronic crocodile, and the CGI animals were a little unnerving, especially the monkeys in the kitchen, but the other practical animals haven't aged well, particularly the spiders. I quite enjoyed the gradual escalation towards the climax, resulting in the near total destruction of the Parrish mansion.

The Bad: The film is a little bit on the stranger side, being an adaptation of a book written in the 1980s. There are lots of different elements drawn in that are much more than just animals coming to life out of a board game, such as the hunter Van Pelt, who resembles Alan's father. This added mature element can be a little dark in the context of a children's story. Some of the animals, such as the spiders, may scare younger viewers.

Best Performance: Robin Williams as Alan Parrish, the heir to Parrish Shoes. He was absorbed into Jumanji in 1969 whilst playing with his childhood friend Sarah Whittle, only to be released in 1995 by the new owners living in the Parrish mansion. Williams brings a solid game to the role, taking on a parental figure role for Peter and Judy, whose own parents were killed in a skiing accident. There are some good laughs to be had with some of his scenes, into which he injects his own brand of humor.

Should I Watch It: A pretty famous fantasy blockbuster from back in the 90s and one of the staple 90s films. Definitely worth a look if you want to see what earlier high concept adaptations looked like. This was in a time before CGI took over, so there is still lots of practical effects to be enjoyed. It has satisfying worldbuilding and although it has an illogical resolution, it is wholesome fun for everyone.

Post-Credits Scene: No

Similar Films: Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005), Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017), Hook (1991)


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hello friend this amazing movie thank you for sharing

Everyone now are watching this legendary movie again because of the new movie shown at the cinemas. I’ve heard that the new version has changed the game setup. Have you watched it already?

I have to say that I really admire your style and format. It's just so clean, straight-forward, efficient and it delivers everything you need to know about a movie.

You offer a very easy, informative and enjoyable read :)