All the latest Movieland investigations from detectives Dick Japowski & Joey Arizona.
The Arizona Case Files
Stars Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999)
It's been a long, long time in a galaxy far away since I've seen this movie. I remember how exciting it was when the trailer came out, there was going to be a new Star Wars movie and it looked pretty cool. I remember going to Woolworths' midnight opening to get my hands on the VHS....and now for the life of me I don't know why. This movie sucks and it sucks hard, and Jar Jar Binks is actually one of the least sucky things about it.
For a while I've wanted to watch/rewatch the Stars Wars franchise in movie timeline chronology, and what better time to start than on the 4th May...but I don't know if I've got the midi-chlorians for this.
Rewatch: 1.5 Doughnuts
The Many Views of Detective Dick Japowski
Saturday the 14th Strikes Back (1988)
A party of monsters move into the basement of a family home and look to the young teen of the house to lead them.
This sequel to the underrated original is charming enough, but is lacking the gags making it a bit of a groaner.
First watch: 2.5 Doughnuts
The Arizona Case Files
The Happytime Murders (2018)
One by the one the washed-up cast members of The Happytime Gang TV show are being killed off, and it's down to a grizzled puppet P.I. and his old police partner to solve the case.
This is definitely not a movie for everyone. If you took out the puppets and often obscene humour it'd be a half decent detective flick, and while not all the jokes work, in fact they're sometimes a little uncomfortable, there are some genuine laughs along the way.
If nothing else it gets points for doing something different, it doesn't always work, but at least it has originality and Hollywood could do with more of that.
First Watch: 3 Doughnuts
The Arizona Case Files
Staggered (1994)
Neil's getting married in a couple of days, the problem is the wedding's in London and he's just woken up naked on a remote Scottish Island.
Recently I've been rewatching the sitcom Men Behaving Badly, and it reminded be of this obscure comedy I rented back in the day also starring Martin Clunes (which apparently he also directed).
I remember watching this several times way back when, but there's not really much to keep you coming back in 2019. It's amusing sure, but if you missed this the first time round you've not really missed out.
Rewatch: 2.5 Doughnuts
The Arizona Case Files
Floyd Norman: An Animated Life (2016)
Documentary chronicling the life of Floyd Norman, legendary storyboard artist and animator, hired and fired by Disney twice, and there at the early days of Pixar. Working on everything from Sleeping Beauty to Toy Story 2.
A must watch for an true Disney fan or animation enthusiast, and lighthearted and entertaining enough for everyone else.
First watch: 3.5 Doughnuts
The Arizona Case Files
The Eagle Has Landed (1976)
A group of German paratroopers led by Michael Caine invade a small English town with a view to kidnap Prime Minister Winston Churchill who happens to be staying nearby.
Much better than it sounds I assure you.
Rewatch: 3.5 Doughnuts