Watch “Rakka” – The First Movie From Neil Blomkamp’s Experimental Film Studio “Oats Studios”steemCreated with Sketch.

in film •  8 years ago 


Neil Blompkamp is one of our favourite directors (partly because he’s also a Saffa) and has recently launched an experimental film studio, called Oats Studios which will be tasked with creating pieces of work that generally wouldn’t be supported by some of the larger studios out there. The first film to come out of Oats Studios is called Rakka and is a twenty minute long story about the aftermath of an alien invasion.

The aliens are lizard-like creatures called the Klum, who have taken over the planet using telekinesis and mind control and really enjoy coming up with absolutely savage ways of torturing the humans that are left on planet Earth.

Watch the short story below:

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yeah boy! So keen :)