10 Tips On Writing Music For Film & TV

in film •  7 years ago 

IMG_8324.JPGThere seems to be a common belief amongst aspiring song writers that if you are not connected to someone on the inside, signed to a major label or in some "secret society" it's merely impossible to get a TV or film placement. But that's really not the situation. While there is no magic potion to guaranteed success, here's 10 tips to Optimize & heighten your chances of landing placements. Welp in no special order here goes

  1. Research the music director, Its good to know who you are dealing with before you decide to work with them. Put sum respek on their name 😎

  2. Write music with purpose or story, Songs that make you visualize fit very well on film.

  3. Always Provide Quality over Quantity, Presentation is everything. One Quality song can land you endless opportunities☝🏽

  4. Offer Clean, Dirty & Instrumental versions. Variety is very important for the film editor & it makes their Jobs a hell of a lot easier. 🙌🏽

  5. Only Submit Relevent Material, Don't send a song in English when they are specifically requesting a Korean Pop song😐🤦🏽‍♂️

  6. Try not to submit offensive music, that sh!t can get you blackballed 😂😂😩

  7. Diversify your Catalog. (Crossover Genres) If you have to collab with a Korean pop singer to land that placement do it! 🙃

  8. Register your Music with With your performance rights organization. Handle yo bizness & get every dollar you deserve💸

  9. Keep submitting music, Every no gets you closer the yesses. Be persistant 🎯

  10. Believe in yourself. Faith can move mountains.🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

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