Synopsis : The flash Season 4 Episode 1

in film •  7 years ago  (edited)

Season 4 of the flash started some weeks back and if you are a great fan of sci-fi, you'd love it. While I'm particularly unhappy that HR Wells died in season 3, I loved every bit of the previous season.

True, Savitar, the speed god was somehow relatively slower in the end and a lot of fans expressed their dissatisfaction about it. We are sure hoping we'll get to see better action at the end of this season.

Ps. Season 3 ended with barry leaving everyone to stay in the prison meant for Savitar in the speed force because the prison was 'hungry' for an occupant. He left Cisco in charge of team Flash
Season 4 Episode 1 Recap.

Iris here is the one who does the opening sequence instead of the usual Barry's introduction ''my name is barry allen and i'm the fastest man alive.....''

They start of the episode with action, Everyone is pumped up and after a female meta human called Peekaboo. Peekaboo teleports but can't teleport more than a few metres but she can do this rapidly that she's almost as fast as Wally. image

Cisco and wally are actively after peekaboo while Joe drives all through to their locations. Iris is at the lab. She alone is the eagle eye and she directs them on where this peekaboo goes. image

Wonder how she knows how to work the computers. I didn't say anything......

Iris finds the pattern in which peekaboo teleports from rooftop to rooftop. She informs Cisco who vibes himself to the next predicted place peekaboo will teleport too. As peekaboo lands, cisco throws his vibes at her and hangs her up in the air then opens a portal behind him. imageWally runs into peekaboo from behind and pushes all three of them into the portal. They crash on the ground where Joe waits to shock peekaboo with the meta human gun. The plan works and they capture miss peekaboo. image image

Night night princess.

Next scene is in the lab. Wally, Joe and Cisco are busy celebrating team Flash while Wally puts in that its team 'kid flash'. Joe doesn't subscribe to it though. They are all merry till Iris slams that one out of every three meta human they've caught has escaped in the past 6 months.

Booooooo! Kill joy

Now here, Iris is very very savage, reserved and strict. We know why though. She orders wally to practice for four hours

For whaaaat?

At home, during dinner, while Wally is busy practising, Joe, Cecelia (Joe's girlfriend ) and Iris are at dinner. Joe says the CCPD wants to replace Barry at the office. Iris agrees but joe is worried she'll be affected.

"Barry asked me to be strong, i'm being strong'' She claims. She leaves Joe at the table and leaves.

A new villan comes into town. A Samurai . Team flash quickly assemble.
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This samurai want to battle the flash. Wally.., sorry ... Kid flash says he's the flash and actually converses with the samurai in clear Chinese. Cisco is gobsmacked

Samurai : You're not the flash, you're not the best.

Cisco asks Mr. Samurai to back down cos they don't want to hurt him.
Cisco : what do you think you're going to do against us with a sword''

Errrrrr.... Cut you maybe... Durrrh. Ptffff

The Samurai stabs the ground with just a sword and a kind of white blast comes from it and throws Cisco, wally, joe and every police officer away. image image

You asked for it man....hehe

Samurai asks them to produce the flash in a day or else he'll destroy the city then he flies away.

Wait! A flying Samurai ? Should I call him eagle ninja? I'll leave the naming for Cisco

Team flash are actually wondering how the hell they're going to give this ninja the flash. A man who isn't around. Cisco then suggest that they could bring Barry back from the speed force without Destabilizing the speed force prison. Says he's been working on it immediately barry left with Harrison wells,Trina,Tracy,Felicity and Curtis .

Ciscoo... My man.

Iris flares up at Cisco. Asks why Cisco hadn't told them about it. Asks how Cisco is even sure barry is not dead yet in the speed force.
Does she even want barry back??

She then stamps it that Barry is gone and they should focus on taking down the Samurai

Okay, is it just me or are we not liking Iris again?

Cisco goes for a drink in a bar where Caitlin now works. Caitlin feels like she's no more a part of the team because she teamed up with Savitar in the past... Her other self, Killer frost. She hasn't worked with team flash for 6 months. image

Cisco tries to convince Caitlin to help him get Barry back from the speed force. She agrees to help him.

Iris goes over to star labs and starts calling Cisco out cos she wants them to locate the samurai . The lab is apparently empty and she uses the super computer to locate the star labs van and finds out Cisco had taken the van to the runway Barry had his first practice . She's crazy fuming now.
Durrrrrhhhhhhh. Who cares?

So Cisco invites Wally,Joe and Catiline over to the run way. Joe expresses his worry about Iris being unimpressed about what they're about to do. Cisco tell him Barry told them all to look up to him (Cisco ) when he's gone an not Iris. Catiline asks Joe to try to forgive her for what she did to him and Cecelia. Joe hugs her and invites her to join them in the evening. Cisco and Catiline then explain what they're going to do to bring Barry out.

So, I'm actually going to be explaining science blaa Blaa here. Oh God.

There's a red ball-ish thingy called a corksphere filled with Barry's DNA which will be placed on a container far away. Cisco will then shoot at it with the speed force bazooka when the corksphere engages. image image The corksphere will be thrown into the speed force by the speed force bazooka which will trick the speed force into thinking Barry is still in it while the speed force bazooka pulls barry out.

Wheeeeew. Science ish.

They do it all and there's no Barry anywhere. Obviously they failed. Then our grumpy girlfriend, Iris shows up behind them looking all disappointed .
In the city, it's a normal day until the speed force opens up beside a bus and a speedster speeds past and out of the city then stops in front of a farmers truck. Its barry, full bearded and naked. He collapses
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Next scene is at star labs where Iris is really heated and blaming Cisco. Joe puts in that Cisco was just trying to help, Caitlin adds too. Iris then turns on Caitlin and shades her for being away for long, getting particularly angry at Caitlin's use of the word "We". Cisco challenges her and tell her it's like she doesn't even want him back. They're about to get into a heated argument when Joe gets a call from Cecelia. They all head to CCPD
Cecelia says Barry was found 300metres from the city and was brought back to the city. She takes team Flash into an empty room where Barry is. Barry is squatting and drawing figures all over the wall. imageHere, we see the first glimpse of hope and happiness in Iris eyes. She calls him and he looks back. Almost as if he remembers her and team flash, Barry stands and smiles. They smile back too but the smiles change into worry as soon as Bary starts talking nonsense about past incidences. Seems like he's run mad. Catiline says its neurological. They then take him to star labs by tranquilizing him.

Catiline says in the next scene that Barry is either suffering from a condition that makes him think all he is saying is sensible or dementia due to his time alone in the speed force. Cisco decides to try to decode the symbols Barry keeps drawing everywhere. They decide to wake Barry up thinking he would be back to normal but they're shocked again because he's still saying gibberish and nonsense . Cisco mentions in this scene that he made Barry a new suit.

Can't wait to see it Cisco

Iris talks to Barry who is excited to have a marker and starts drawing figures.
Iris, you forgot to thank Cisco.. Haha

Barry suddenly starts running haywire in the lab, he knocks down wally and Joe then Catiline quickly shoots at him With a cold gun. They decide to put barry in a containment cell meant for evil meta humans

The samurai comes back and they get the alert. Wally wears Barry's suit and pretends to be the flash. He and the samurai battle. Wally actually got to punch the samurai several times but the samurai kicks him off and boldly states that he's not the flash. He stabs wally in the leg and tosses him around. imageSays if he doesn't get the real flash by nightfall, the city is coming down. He flies off again.

Ha.. Flying samurai ... Back to the story.. I need to stop digressing.

Cisco decodes the figures barry keeps drawing and its actually a sentence. "THIS HOUSE IS BITCHING"
Errrrrr..... Okay....
Cisco breaks down at the failure and walks away. Caitlin goes to talk to him.
Joe takes a shaving stick to Barry and shave all the beards off his face. Our hero now looks as handsome as he used to look. Eye candy.

The samurai is back again and this time., he means trouble. The police along with Joe go ahead and surround the samurai , guns corked. The samurai demands for the Flash but iris later shows up and asks the ninja to take her captive because she believes the flash will come looking for her. The samurai takes Iris away. image Joe is very disturbed and he runs back to star labs telling them the samurai has got Iris. Mid way, he pauses and runs to the containment cell where Barry is, drawing figure as usual. He tells barry that Iris is in danger at first but Barry didn't do like her heard. Joe Shouts louder now.


Barry stops writing and looks sideways. Lightening sparks in his eyes and he blasts through the tough doors of the containment cell which no metahuman has ever done. He's so fast, he couldn't even be seen. He takes the new suit Cisco made and head out of star labs with maddening speed. Team flash is happy.
Catiline says Barry is moving so fast, even faster than wally and soon Barry meets up with the flying samurai who is flying over some windmills that power the city. The samurai shoots with his sword at one of the mills and then at many, Barry dodges through the falling windmills and runs up a falling windmill. image imageHe jumps from the mill and lands on the samurai He takes Iris of him, cuts one of the wings and runs down to safety with Iris while the samurai crashes. He opens the samurai 's mask and finds out the samurai is a robot. Then the samurai says "welcome home Flash"
Woooh.. Barry's back.

Back at the lab, they check Barry vitals and he's in top shape. Cisco comes up with a name for the Android samurai.... Samuroid. They all thank Cisco for bringing Barry back home including Iris....... I thought she wouldn't. Catiline too joins team flash again. She goes back to the bar she work in and tells one odd looking guy to tell a lady she was out. The guy tell her there's no going back. Catiline walks away but the guy pulls her back. Catiline turns to killer frost and knocks the guy down with a touch of ice on his forehead. She walks away
At home. Barry and Iris talk about love ish and their future. They kiss and then they hear sirens. Barry promises to be back quick and leaves to solve whatever it was that was causing trouble.

The next scene is in an unknown place. A lady dressed like a scientist assembles another samuroid and talks to a man on a floating chair with wire thingys oh his head. It appears these people are behind the samuroid. The lady asks the man for the next step and he answers
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Recap of episode 2 will be posted soon. Stay tuned.
I hope you all enjoyed it.

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the real problem with this sugar-coated Disney version of the Flash is that we never see his POV; everything would move in ultra slo-mo, no-one could ever hit him or surprise him, yet countless times he is attacked, injured, knocked unconscious. This is such a lame show. A real Flash would be invincible like the charcters in SHIELD or X-Men.

True. I used to think so too but that goes to show that he's human.

Quick silver was beaten in xmen Apocalypse and shot dead in avengers age of ultron.
Superman who can be as fast as flash still gets beat up.
Supergirl too.

Having a super hero who doesn't get beaten once in a while can be boring. Thats why we love Jackie Chan movies. No matter how good of a fighter he is in the movie... He'll always sustain some kicks.

I hate flash and I would picked a basket of Rotten Tomatoes over it

Hahahahaja Ttop why?