in film •  6 years ago  (edited)


Good morning guys :) For all you die hard, TERMINATOR fans out there. Guess what! Your Getting another film. An man what a film it will be. With lead actor Ghost rider star, Gabriel Luna!
and further roles from Blade runner and dead pool confirmed.

This is sure to be a ELECTRIFYING FILM

Yes you've guessed it! An it really wouldn't be Terminator at all without him. The Terminator himself "IS BACK". ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, is set to return.

But wait! The ridiculously insane news doesn't stop there. Sarah Connor actor LInda Hamilton, from films 1 and 2. Is set to make a return. Finally we will get to see her take on Judgment Day once again in style. It's been far to long, Terminator creators.

An I for one can't wait to see that. "In our opinion, she was the best female actress of all the films!

The icing on the cake "JAMES CAMERON" Will once again be directing the film. Not only that, he will be ripping up the last 3 terrible films. An creating a direct sequel to terminator 2. Which in most peoples eyes, is the best Terminator film.

Make's you think? If they are bringing back Linda Hamilton and Arnold Shwarzenegger. Will they also bring back EWARD FERLONG?

"We certainly hope so"

The film is set to hit cinima's on November 22 of 2019, SO, "YOU BETTER PREPARE FOR JUDMENT DAY!"

James Cameron & Tim Miller on 'Terminator' Reboot

Are you looking forward to the new reales?
Do you think they can do the franchise justice?
Who's your favorite actor Or actress from all the Terminator films?
What role do you think that Arnie will play?
Whats your favorite thing about Termintor?

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