Renderyard Supporting Filmmakers

in filmmakers •  9 years ago 

Hello Everyone,
I hope your well I'm thrilled to join Steemit and become part of this amazing new Free! community of like minded creative people. 

Like your self I have watched in dismay as the potential of the  video on demand market place has been dominated by large platform  companies that have rapidly squeezed out the available independent films  from the market place. With ridiculous video codex and huge file sizes  that ultimately only have to be of a high enough quality to watch either  on a PC or on a hand held device. And then the low revenue returns and  sales numbers after spending so much time, money and effort just to get  your films onto those platforms.

For the last year my self and a  small team of brilliant people have been working away in the back ground  to redevelop and relaunch the successful Renderyard film platform. I'm  really thrilled to announce that a few days ago we went live with the  new film sales platform that allows any filmmaker in the world to easily  upload a video to our platform and choose from four revenue streams to  monitise their content. These include Rent, Buy, Subscribe and Free  which includes video advertising. We have included an important geo  blocking facility that is controlled by our admin system. And allows any  uploaded film to be selected to be seen in either one are a multitude  of available geo locations and blocked from all others around the world.

As part of Renderyard' s ethos which is 'Supporting Filmmakers'  of which our web site has over 6000+ accounts and users and over  10,000+ social media connections that include Twitter, Facebook,  Linkedin and You Tube we offer a Free alternative to the silly yearly  fees that certain platform's are charging their users with no guarantee  of sales. Instead we split the sales / rental / subscription price of  all movies 70/30 with the content owner. We have partnered with Pay Pal  to receive both Pay Pal and credit card transactions and this will soon  include Bitcoin currency purchases.

The platform has a  transparent real time payment system so when a sale occurs the payment  is automatically split between Renderyard and the filmmaker after Pay  Pal take a small processing fee. The divided payment is then sent  immediately to both accounts so the filmmaker gets there sales share  immediately and also receive a notification email of the sale. So no  more invoices and no more chasing payments, and no more waiting three  months to see if you have made any money.

Finally all users can  login to there account and go to their My Videos page and see all there  uploaded videos which each contain a visible sale number of how much  each film has earned and this is automatically updated each time a video  rental or sale occurs.

To use the platform simply login using  your existing account details and password. Or if your your a new user  you can create an account in minutes and you can also attach your  Google, Twitter and Facebook to login to your account.

We invite you all to take a look at the web site  

I'm very interested to hear your feedback and any ideas you may have to  its improvement. This is phase one of the web site and we hope to do  regular platform updates every 6 months to make it the best experience  we can for both filmmakers and distributors. 

Thank you, 

Mark Reid - Renderyard Founder & CEO 

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