Hello and welcome to another Filmmaker’s diary! - 03/01/2020
Last week I did finished the short horror script completely and I've sent it to be proofread. Once it comes back (Should be tomorrow) I'll use that version to send to Festivals and so on. So, I'm exited to say it is 100% done. A script that I'm proud of, well written and ready to be shown.
This week, been polishing the other short script. The science fiction one. I really wanted to have both of them done and finished by the end of this week, but I believe it will take me a week more. Can't wait to start the feature, but I do want to have this two bullet prove before... So I might send them around. After all this time... gotta do the last sprint even thought I just want to start the next race.
Today I haven't written yet, but I think I will right after this diary.
Video Productions
Today I haven't been felling super exited... Woke up quite late and unmotivated... And was never able to fully motivate myself. Like I said I'm going to focus exclusively on the Real estate Videos now, for a couple months. I saw a great opportunity: I went to a meet up and got invited to a cruise. A one day cruise for Real Estate People. I had the idea, to propose a Video Commercial to the people. Like a 30 sec where I would water mark my logo and so and they could use it for free. I explained why etc...
I got the reply and they say... "We are already working with our partners for videos"... That did bummed me up a bit. Well, guess I still can go and Network... That it would had been a great opportunity and it would be free for them.... And it's a no... fuck. Then I also remembered a person close to me who (her family) is selling a house, I mentioned how videos are important plus some other tricks I have on my site and she told me: Don't know if that will help... Really bummed me out as well, kept thinking about that today. "Should I just quit this real estate video thing?... After all this work, all this time, all this money... "
Then the news with the Iranian assassinated general and the US.... Not the best either.
So I ended up, tuning out, eating some pizza and watching a series...
But fuck it, I am going to focus on the Real Estate Videos for the next couple months. Must find a client!!!
The freelance editing job got re activated this week. Finally some communication was heard. So it should be OK for now. Have some works ready to be delivered and tomorrow I should start editing the new stuff. - Maybe that will be the main focus for the week end, freelance editing.
Good Vibes
Despite the fact that today I was jus not on my game... It has been quite OK... I've been thinking and I think this year will be OK. Money wise - The issue of the last ones. The freelance editing should go smooth now and with that I should be able to cover all the expenses. Then at some point the video should kick in. - I'm not slacking, I'm not stupid and I'm not a bad filmmaker... So fuck it, this year it has to go. Have some nice time management, no 14H crappy office jobs... Yeah...
Video Jobs, quality time, finances in order, business running and script writing. Quite exited for what's to come.
Let's just hope there is no war and no financial collapse. And no natural disasters.
Wish you all a Fantastic 2020!!
As always, thank you for reading.
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Photos (except Logo) from Pixabay.com