RE: Filmmaker’s Diaries - End of November !

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Filmmaker’s Diaries - End of November !

in filmmakersdiaries •  5 years ago 

Awesome! Nice to have you back and to read that you haven't been sitting still last month. It seems like you have been doing something similar to me. Did I inspire you? ;>)

I also read and listened to ( audio book ) The Art of War, a couple of years ago and found out, last month, that an hour or two of writing ( max ) is my thing. I don't want to feel bad though when I skip a day. Things should not feel too forced. If something doesn't feel fun and making changes ( to your approach ) doesn't help, something is clearly off. We should always take negative signals ( feelings ) as a sign that something is not right.

Btw, that horror screenplay contest reminds me of partaking in something similar, 10 years ago, in Spain. I wrote a screenplay based on the story of "El Chupacabra". Never heard anything back ( think it was a Mexican contest ) but it was fun to do anyway.

Let's try to meet up in January. I feel 2020 is gonna be an awesome and very creative year :>)

Um abraço

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Hey, yeah felling bad is indeed not good. It is like adding extra stress to your life. But in general I like to write everyday, it just gets me going. And yeah 2H for me as well hehhe. Plus some extra motivation when it's right.

Should write a short about that festival... the one who doesn't reply heheh

Yeh, I do have a good felling for 2020!! Hope it is great for everyone!!!
