7 black and white photos. Day 6:

in filmphotography •  7 years ago 

• Seven black and white images that represent an aspect of your life.
• Present one image every day for seven days.
• No people.
• No explanation (I'm breaking this rule...It's my blog I can do what I want)
• Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge

I'm short on time today so I'm going to keep this short. I used to do a lot of photography. I shot both film and digital, some for fun and some professionally (most of my professional work was portraits and concert photography). When I moved to New Mexico in 2008 I got heavily into film photography (mainly because my roommate worked in a photo lab and would process my photos for next to nothing). I owned several film cameras...medium format, 35mm, and polaroid.

Fast forward to 2011 when I moved to New Orleans. One of my first weeks there I took out my favorite 35mm camera (a minolta X-700) and shot a roll of black and white. I then tried to find a new photo lab only to discover there were none. My only option was to mail the film out (which I just never got around to). That was the last roll of film I shot on that camera, and it sat undeveloped until 3 months ago when I went to visit family in New Mexico and brought it with me. My old lab there still operates. So here is a photo I waited almost 7 years to see. I apologize for the quality, I no longer have a scanner so I took a photo with my iphone (oh how far I've fallen since my photography days!).

Now that I'm in Athens I'm thinking of starting up film photography again...many things in Greece are still done the old fashioned way, and I'm hoping that means photo labs haven't been extinguished by digital yet (nothing wrong with digital, but there's something magic about waiting to see a roll of film developed).

So lets reminisce on the good-ol'-days for a minute. Are there any things you miss or still cling to from the days before smartphones and internet everywhere? Or are you fully in the new is better boat?

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Beautiful :)

thank you so much!

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Very nice!

thank you so much!

You're welcome.