Edward Scissorhands (film): an odd, but wonderful film

in films •  7 years ago 

They year was 1990 and I was at a point in my life were I was beginning to transition to seeing films based on directors rather than actors. Tim Burton had made some of my favorite movies up to this point, so I didn't allow the extremely strange name and story of the film to turn me away - and I'm glad I didn't because this movie is done brilliantly.


With a title like this it should come as no surprise that the story is a bit "out there." Edward is a synthetic human who was created rather than born by an eccentric member of a community who was an inventor of curios devices. Unfortunately the creator dies before he finishes Edward and thus he must live his life with sharp blades instead of fingers. He is discovered in the now derelict mansion by a kind-hearted member of the community who is a door-to-door Avon salesperson, who takes Edward home with her so that he doesn't have to be alone.


Thus begins the tale of how difficult it can be to fit into a new community and I suppose the fact that he has scissors for hands could be some sort of extreme metaphor. At first everyone welcomes him and he is actually extremely popular as it is discovered he has a penchant for cutting hair.


But for reasons that I will let you discover on your own, eventually the town turns on him and despite the fact that he can cut the bejesus out of you and can be considered a monster, he has very little in the way of evil going on inside him.

It is worth noting that Winona Ryder became the fantasy pin-up girl for every teenage boy in the world during this film. I was one of those people and I still kind of have a crush on her to this day despite her performance in the Aliens franchise.


The music in the movie is outstanding and this is the 4th time that Tim Burton and Danny Elfman have worked together. Both of them cite this film as being their favorite or at least "most personal" work that they have ever done.

This movie has tremendous rewatch value and the characters are perfectly cast. The movie is near flawless and even the things that are flawed such as the neighborhood seeming a bit "fake" was likely done intentionally.

9 / 10

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I watched this movie long time ago, not long after it was filmed, when I had about 10 years, and I loved it. But of course at that time I liked many movies and cartoons, that I don't like anymore at all. So recently I decided to watch this movie again, even though I was expecting disappointment. But it didn't happen. This is one of the rare movies that I liked then, and I still love now - I only have forgotten how good it really was - to me maybe even better now then it was before. It's just a beautiful story. Some people said that this is totally unrealistic film. Of course it is! What did you expect? It's not supposed to be realistic. Why should it be explained how exactly was he created? Does The lord of the rings explain where exactly is middle earth supposed to be? It's also not supposed to be a comedy or horror, it is just supposed to be a story, a story so touching that my eyes got wet many times in the film. It's also a moral film that teaches you shouldn't judge others by the way they look. But most of all it is a love story - pure and innocent love that happens so rarely. He couldn't even touch her, but he would do anything for her - even let her go... When Edward says that he knew it was Bill's house all along and then Kim asked; "so why did you do it then?" and he answers: "because you said so". This part of movie really blew me away. If you haven't watched this film yet, then what are you waiting for?

ah! i remember this movie, it was so weird to me at the time, i was pretty young, and the movie did not take the direction of the other normal movies im used to seeing, i'm not sure i finished it, i got weirded out lol, and never bothered to check the synopsis, now that im reading your review, its actually not that bad at all...lol i remember the guy was a pro at cutting trees into shape

I really thought I would like this movie, I usually like interesting stories about alienated characters, but this was just too sentimental.

The movie's number one problem: the characters are too cliché. I know they wanted to go for a fairytale style story, but that doesn't mean the characters have to be 100% artificial. Couldn't they have done a bit more to minimize the feeling that we're watching mindless, one-dimensional caricatures simply existing for the sake of the movie? The characters have almost no depth at all. For example, why did Kim ever fall in love with Scissorhands? She never had a reason to, and the explanation given was not good enough. She went from almost being disgusted of him to... LOVING him? Not just being his friend, not finally accepting him for who he is, or even just his best friend, but loving him...romantically. That's completely absurd. She was initially disgusted by him, but it's after seeing him on TV and finding out that he would "do anything for her" that she begins loving him, I feel silly just typing that. I'll tell you why she fell in love, it's because the plot called for it.

In the end when Ed saves the kid from being hit by the van, that felt like a convenient scene to throw in to show Ed as a hero and to draw empathy, but it makes no sense at all. Why would The Dead Zone's Anthony Michael Hall keep driving full speed after seeing the boy in the street? Even if he was drunk he would've made some attempt to swerve after seeing his girlfriend's brother about to be hit, and you can't tell me he didn't see him. I honestly wanted to like this movie, it's sweet and lighthearted, but ultimately failed because there was too much in this movie that was contrived.

I have seen the Edward Scissorhands movie ever multiple times, and this movie kinda holds a very special place in my heart. It's probably because I could relate to Edward-I don't have scissors - in that it is a simple story of a man who just wants to fit in. This is one of Tim Burton's storys, and he is a very criticized director- he is either loved or hated. Some people consider his stories to be too dark and strange, but when you get inside his head, you realize that he is a pure genius. He thinks absolutely outside the box and doesn't just resort to what Hollywood wants, he knows his audience and does not insult their intelligence, he brought us a charming story about Edward Scissorhands.Edward Scissorhands is truly a masterpiece and in my opinion will always remain a treasured classic, because all in all this is one of the most beautiful movies of all time.

I remember watching this one too. Such a lovely and weird story at the same time in an adorable way. I too watch movies based on directors(for sure) and then based on the plot.

This movie is fantastic. It's amazing. Has an excellent cast, excellent director, excellent plot and excellent music. It's a truly wonderful, imaginative and cool film. It may make you cry, it may make laugh and it's also romantic so there's a bit of everything for everyone.

This film is about a man who is really cool by the way called Edward. Edward has scissors for hands instead of hands.He is really sweet and kind though and played by the adorable and hottest of hot Johnny Depp. He is an awesome actor and plays this part brilliantly. This film is great for one of those nights where you are feeling mysterious and ready to face a world of normal and abnormal people. Just for the record this movie was directed by Tim Burton and is an amazing watch. 10 stars easily.

Hehehe @gooddream just how many movies have you watched? They are quite a lot...lol

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, even though I feel the writer needs serious help for coming up with such craziness...lol

Yes it is! It has been part of our childhood.. i could watch this movie over and over again..

Johnny Depp has really made quite impressive acting here! Plus Winona Ryder is a legend..

Posted using Partiko Android

Very good old film and story :) I like it .
And I like also film music the soundtrack also .

saya menghargai post anda


Tim Burton is a great director and can get a great cast out of movies. I remember seeing this movie in the theaters and loved it. It gave me more love for the acting chops of Johnny Depp even at an early age since seeing him on 21 Jump Street.

This was the first film that Depp & Burton worked on together and Burton must have seen something in Depp from this movie as they have collaborated on several other movies together since (Ed Wood, The Alice In Wonderland Movies, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Dark Shadows, etc.). They are a dynamic team and a force to be reckoned with at the box office it seems.

But this was an incredible review without giving away too many spoilers, and you hit the nail on the head when it comes to people back in the day going to see movies based on directors. I am the same way. For instance, while I was not a big fan of the original Star Trek franchise, I saw the newer ones because they were directed by JJ Abrams and I loved them. He brought something to life to them for me that made me enjoy them.

Thank you for a great write up!

I saw that movie a few times when I was a kid. A little bit strange movie for a kid but fascinating...
When did Johnny Depp go from playing parts like this to a drunken, repeated role?