RE: Star Wars films, ranked

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Star Wars films, ranked

in films •  6 years ago 

After watching The Last Jedi, I'm convinced that the Star Wars universe is headed for the trashcan. It makes the prequels look good.

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The Phantom Menace should have been only the two Jedi's rescuing the Princess. And throw in Darth Maul as the Sith operative to counter the Jedi special ops move. Should have been brave and made it a special ops film where a small force infiltrates the Trade Federation takeover and rescues one person. And then has to get past Darth Maul.

The 2nd film had some great action sequences. but well, Hayden was so wooden, it really killed that film.

And I really liked that last one in the prequel series, Revenge of the Sith. I liked how we got to see how Anakin became Darth Vader.