Fuck you FaceSpace, I got me a Steemit now!

in filthystill •  7 years ago  (edited)

172AC148-DAFE-4D3B-9CB6-B07FDACD2AFE.pngHiya folks,
My name is Matt Olson (or Mathew whatever is fine, I didn’t do Matt on here cuz I’m sick of being associated/ with that baseball player, ugh) and I’m very excited to start utilizing Steemit so I can dump my piece of shit, beat up, broken down social media platform that likes to scarf up all my data and hock it to a bunch of soulless corporate data hoarders. Or even worse, willfully handing over ALL the intel (let’s call it was it is, shall we?) they’ve unethically gathered on me over the years to my absolute least favorite semi-imaginary (but everyone believe in so poof IT’S REAL!) and completely fucking illogical brainchild of the blue blood sociopaths and aspiring future authoritarians of the days of antiquity- Government!
Anyone follow any of that? If so, we should be friends. And no, not “friends” FB style, where I don’t know who the fuck you are but end up accepting you on the off chance I met you and forgot or your picture looks nothing like you for some reason. Truth be told, I’m an independent musician so I’ll take anyone I can get to potentially sell some merch, turn onto my music etc. It’s shamefully shameless I know....or is it not? I’m not very comfortable with anything that makes people into marks even if it’s completely socially acceptable and everyone does it. I try and push myself to focus on it more cuz without working on that, it’s gonna be hard to keep any kind of following without touring, which is not really possible right now but not something I will ever rule out.
For those of you who don’t know me or my story, I was a founding member of the band Filthy Still out of Providence RI. We were a high energy, what we called for lack of a better term “punk bluegrass” band that blended punk, bluegrass, (obviously) classic country, folk, (good) classic rock, old skool metal, rockabilly and probably some other shit i can’t think of into a surprisingly not terrible sounding mash up that people seemed to like for some reason. I played banjo, electric guitar, mandolin, lap steel, dobro and sang lead on some of the songs and back up vox on the rest (if your listening to us for the first time or have heard us before I am the one who sounds like a girl according to many folks). Jesse Roderick is the other songwriter/vocalist who played acoustic rhythm guitar and later on, did foot percussion after our drummer left the band in 201(5?). You can check out our stuff on Spotify, iTunes and Bandcamp, among other places.
Unfortunately we stopped playing together in 2016 after touring for over 5 years non-stop (close to it at least) in the USA and Europe because of.....well I guess you could call it a falling out. I don’t like to get into publicly but its really shitty and makes me kinda sad just thinking about it cuz I certainly made some mistakes that I regret even though I don’t believe it to be entirely on me. Enough with the vague explanations that lack any kind of juicy detail or trash talkin to keep you entertained! Come on you know that’s what you wanna hear.....it’s okay your only human I suppose (I would assume and maybe even go out on a limb and say I would hope).
Back to me, Matt Olson (mathewolsonmusic). Guess what. I still make music guys! Some of it is in the same vein as Filthy Still, some of it is totally different. Still I think it works well together as a body of music for the most part. You can check out my music on SoundCloud right now, Bandcamp mattolson.bandcamp.com, and reverberation/my website www.musicwithmattolson.com (I didn’t pick the name out, I realize it’s sorta goofy but mattolsonmusic.com was taken by some jerk who plays saxophone, at least it was last I checked). My debut album “Adjustment (part 1)” will be dropping, probably on steem it if Facebook is gonna be a bust for getting the word out that it’s finally done. I’ve spent a long time recording this album totally DIY at home, learning how to make a record as I went. I started out with some very basic knowledge of recording that came from using 4 track cassette recorders, 8 track digital pieces of junk, whatever I picked up from recording in studios and making lots of demos in GarageBand over the years. I didn’t want this record to sound like one of those half assed GarageBand demos from my late teens and early 20’s that I recorded completely fucked up on a variety of uppers, downers, weed and powders that I since have either sworn off or learned how to do handle the effects of in a professional manner.
There was obviously a learning curve but with some pointers from FS’s upright bassist at the time we stopped playing, Matthew “Mule” McKinley from southern MD who had experience working in studios and engineering. He had done the engineering and mixing for a good portion of the recording of “Dirty and Low”, the last album we made, in his basement. He without a doubt helped me quite a bit to get started and to buy the right mic and interface to get me going. (apogee duet and Sm7b Incase your wondering).
You should check out his solo act as well. It’s some bad ass down n’ dirty blues with a touch of country, folk punk and rock n roll. He sing about sex a whole bunch and has a song called “Mustache Ride” so there! Go check him out.
I used to play upright bass during his set as he would generally open any show Filthy Still played and I love slapping that doghouse bass, even though my hand tends to stop co-operating with me after a while if I’m slapping too fast.
Okay well if You made it this far I truely and genuinely thank you for indulging my ramblings and shameless self promotion. Honestly it makes me wanna vomit a little but it’s what I gotta do if I wanna keep on not getting a real job. Right now I’m totally 111% broke as a joke so please buy something off my Bandcamp or wait a few days for my album to release and pick that up. I think I’m gonna do name your own price for the first little bit there so yeah! More merch will be coming out as well with my name on it. Also physical CD’s and get this shit.....cassette tapes! I know right? You can’t make this shit up! I’m kidding of course tapes are awesome, pick one up when they are finished. Let’s say 2 weeks? Thanks for reading I gotta go finish my record. Cheers!

Ps I’m also gonna be posting on here about philosiphy, politics, suppressed truths in science, history, medicine and the media, spirituality, anti war and empire stuff, government abuse of power and conspiracies, UFO’s, ghosts, GMO’s, corporate greed, police corruption and brutality, right to drive without a license in the US (it’s a real thing!) metaphysics, quantum physics, the supernatural, cryptozoology, false flags,basically anything esoteric, survival skills, tiny houses, general DIY, audio DIY repair and building from scratch, building DIY instruments, pedals etc...basically a lot of stuff in a whole shitload of topics. I’m a curious guy who gets pretty fired up about a lot of different topics. I hope you will decide to follow me as I’m going to be working on lots of cool new blogposts/articles that will break down my opinion on some controversial topics that are currently entering the mainstream dialouge, either directly or peripherally, and some less talked about topics that I believe need attention.

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