10 Tips To Help You Save Money And The Planet.

in finanacesavemoney •  3 years ago 

10 Tips To Help You Save Money And The Planet.
Saving money can be hard, especially in today’s economy. The cost of living seems to be skyrocketing, while paychecks are shrinking. This leaves people feeling like they are always working for nothing. However, there are little ways you can save money and the planet. Here are some tips on how to make your life a little easier and more sustainable while saving yourself some extra dough.


Cut down on your consumption
One of the best ways to save money and the stuff is through cutting down on your consumption.

Consumption is a pretty word for "waste." You can start by purchasing less in general, but also by looking at what you’re buying specifically. For example, if you have four shirts that you wear all the time, buy a fifth one. If you have a pack of 12 makeup brushes and use five all the time, why not purchase a pack of 24 so that only two will be wasted?

This suggestion might seem counterintuitive with saving money and waste, but it's actually an easy way to cut down on being wasteful and spending more money than necessary.

Conserve energy
One of the easiest ways to save money is to conserve energy. By turning off your lights in rooms that are not being used, you can save a lot of money on your electric bill.

You can also switch from an incandescent light bulb to a more energy efficient option like LEDs or CFLs. According to Energy Star, LED light bulbs use up to 80% less energy than traditional incandescents, while halogen bulbs use up to 50% less. The newer CFLs only use around 15% more energy than standard incandescents, they last 10 times longer and work well with dimmer switches.

Save water
It's estimated that the average person uses about 400 liters of water per day. That's about 132 gallons! The good news is that you can cut down on your water usage by making some simple changes to your daily routine. For example, use a dishwasher to clean dishes rather than washing them by hand. This will save you time and energy while still getting your dishes clean. Also, wait until dishes are full before running the dishwasher. By doing this, you'll save time and water because the dishwasher won't have to run as long when it only has a few dirty dishes in it.

Purchase eco-friendly items
The best way to save money and the planet is by buying eco-friendly items. Items made of recycled material can last longer, which means you will have to replace them less often. Recycled products are also far less expensive than traditional products.

It might seem like a small thing, but by reducing your consumption of items made from virgin materials, you will be reducing the amount of garbage that goes to landfills. Buying recycled goods is a small change that can have a big impact on the environment as well as your wallet!

Reduce or eliminate your consumption of animal products
One way to save money and the planet is by reducing or eliminating your consumption of animal products. Eating a vegan or vegetarian diet can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from livestock, which account for 14.5 percent of global methane and 65 percent of global nitrous oxide. As a result, cutting out meat from your diet can help you save money on groceries and contribute to a more sustainable planet.

Buy used items
One of the easiest ways to save money and the planet is to buy used instead of new. When you buy something, think about how long it will last and if you’ll be able to use it for a while before you purchase it. Buying used items can help you save loads and save the planet at the same time.

This tip applies to clothes, furniture, appliances, electronics, and more. If you decide that something isn’t worth buying new, search online for nearby classifieds or check out your neighbors’ garage sale. You might find that perfect couch or dresser that is in great condition at a much lower price than what you would pay if you bought it brand-new.

Use public transport when possible
One of the best ways to save money and the planet is to use public transport when it’s possible. This means that if you have a car, use public transportation as much as you can. This can be as simple as using buses or trains instead of your own vehicle for short rides.

For example, if you need to make a quick stop at the grocery store on your way home from work, take the bus instead of driving your car. This will save gas money and help reduce air pollution emitted into our atmosphere.

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Saving money and the planet are two things that go hand in hand, and with these simple tips you’ll be on your way to saving both.

What are you waiting for? You’ve got 10 easy ways to save money and the planet, so start implementing them today!

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