Subscribe to USDe savings on Bitget to enjoy 12% APR guaranteed.

in finance •  8 months ago 

For this, Subscription limit is 200,000 USDe
APR details : Guaranteed 12% APR


Step 1: Subscribe Within Limits here :

  • Search for USDe and ensure your subscription amount is within the 200,000 USDe limit for either term

Step 2: Monitor Your Earnings

  • For 30-day term, expect at least 12% APR, with potential for up to 15%.
    For flexible term, monitor the current APR offered

Step 3 : Reinvest or Withdraw

  • At the end of the 30-day term, decide whether to reinvest or withdraw your funds.
    For flexible terms, manage your investment according to your financial goals.

Note: Always refer to the official subscription page for the most up-to-date product parameters and terms. Remember that while the 30-day term offers a guaranteed minimum APR, actual rates may fluctuate with market conditions.

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