Sheikh Nizam Yaquby
Sheikh Nizam is an internationally acclaimed scholar in the Islamic banking industry.
With an advanced degree in Economics and Comparative Religion from
McGill University and having authored numerous fatawa related to innovative
Shariah compliant financial products, Sheikh Nizam is internationally acclaimed
as one of the leading scholars of modern Islamic finance.
- Sheikh Nizam serves on the Shariah supervisory boards of many financial institutions worldwide, including
several key memberships on the boards of the Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes and the Auditing and
Accounting Organization of Islamic Financial Institutions («AAOIFI»). He has served in Bahrain Mosques
from 1981 to 1990 where he taught Tafsir, Hadith and Fiqh in Bahrain since 1976. - He is an advisor to a number of multinational banks and financial institutions including Citi Islamic
Investment Bank. The Wall Street Journal lists Sheikh Nizam as «one of Islamic finance›s foremost scholars.»