Sow a habit - reap a character, sow a character - reap a fatesteemCreated with Sketch.

in finance •  8 years ago 

A more complete version of ancient wisdom says: "Sow the thought - reap an action, sow the action - reap a habit, sow the habit - reap character, sow the character - reap the fate." Analyzing every thought and every action is hard, but you can observe the general habits that most people in a community have, and assume that these habits make a significant contribution to the way they live. On the Internet, there are quite a few different collections and research results on what habits are inherent in millionaires and / or billionaires. Let's try to make a list of the most notable and most frequently mentioned habits, and also try to analyze their influence on who they are.

Reading and self-education.

In the top of all such analytical articles - reading books and improving skills. And with this point, I think it's pretty clear: if you want to constantly increase the standard of living and income, you need to increase the level of your knowledge and skills. Life is changing, new technologies, new opportunities, terms, trends are constantly appearing. The "once learned and enough for life" approach is an approach for someone who works all his life with his hands: a locksmith, driver, turner, etc. I by no means say that these are bad people or they are necessarily stupid - not at all. It is just in these professions that for the whole life, knowledge, received once, is enough for a lifetime. But think about it: do you know a lot of millionaire drivers? The increase in incomes is usually associated with constant development, with growth (be it career growth, or development in business), And this is always associated with acquiring new knowledge. Will this reading or training - not so important. The main thing is that professional development is hardly connected with reading books by Darya Dontsova or "50 shades of gray".

Early to get up and do not waste time.

Believe me, Bill Gates, Ilona Mask and you have exactly 24 hours in a day. And you need to sleep, too, everyone. But by the time the normal person just woke up, poked and scratched-checked the social network-brushed his teeth, millionaires already have time to do more than the same "ordinary person" for the whole day. And the point here is not at all in the flywheel of time, like Hermione. Just your time, as well as money, you can and need to be able to manage. I bet you never tried to notice how much time you spent during the day on useless activities (smoke breaks, TV, social networks, games, scrolling news feeds, etc.)? Try it, you will be surprised. If it turns out that it is realistic for useful lessons during a week to stably leave an average of 4-5 hours - bravo. Only the account should be kept not by the hour, but by the minute.

The usual result is 2-4 hours of useful work per day. So it turns out that for the same day, some time in 4-6 times more cases than the "ordinary man."

Modesty and moderation.

Modesty in this case is understood not as an offer to be "quiet" - on the contrary, most millionaires very actively break their way to the stars. Modesty and moderation means that self-made millionaires live within their means, their expenses are always lower than their incomes.

And do not say that "well, they are millionaires, they can afford it!" ... Do you really think that a millionaire has nothing to spend money on? Do you think in their lizness people do not come to them regularly to raise their salaries? Or at the level of millionaires there are no expensive "toys" that you would like to buy (cars, yachts, planes, houses, islands, football teams ...)? Not at all. We have already said that the ability to live within your means is just a skill that can be developed. And there are people who live without loans for $ 200, and there are people who are up to their ears in loans with incomes of $ 2,000. But one thing is for sure: you can not become a millionaire if you spend as much or more than you earn. This is even theoretically impossible (except, of course, winnings in the lottery or inheritance)!

Have several sources of income.

Life is changing, and no one knows the future. People (even the best specialists) sometimes lose their jobs, the business can lose customers, become irrelevant ... Depend on a single source of income - this is very risky. The more "streams" flow into your personal "lake" of money, the more stable the level of water in this lake. Even if one brook gets dry, it will be time to organize another, and at the same time to feed the lake from others.

The same principle is used by millionaires: even if it is lucky to find a niche and open a million-dollar business, this does not mean that it will feed you all your life. Many millionaires and billionaires first went bankrupt several times before they built their empires. Some opened new lines of business and also suffered a fiasco. But 1 successful project out of 5 is already a good result. Therefore, everyone tries to find new sources of income: new business, real estate, antiques, stock market - there are always a lot of options. And yes, every time you have to stuff a bunch of cones. But after all, therefore, the first items we have are reading and education. Every time to get a new trickle for your money lake, you need a lot of knowledge and effort. But it's worth it - it's the way to wealth.

Choose a circle of communication.

Millionaires are very sensitive to their acquaintances - after all, communication with people is also a waste of time, or its investments. So why waste time on those people who are completely useless?

No, no one says that you need to immediately take and break all ties with your friends, relatives and go looking for bored millionaires somewhere in the TSUM. But it's important to take a close look at your social circle. If any undertakings instead of support meet the phrases "yes, do you need it?" If, when you have firmly decided to go through an important training on the weekend, you are intercepted by "friends" and led into a bar - is this the circle of communication that promotes your development? Familiar people, social circle, way of life - this is what shapes our consciousness and worldview. In this regard, Dave Ramsey, a famous American financial journalist and author of the best-selling books Financial World and A Brand New Image of Money, remarked: "If there are four bankrupts in the room, then you will be the fifth." If there is only poverty around, crediting and the eternal circle of "salary-payment on a loan-beer-food-credit-salary", then this is definitely not the society that contributes to the level of wealth and well-being. And, on the contrary, being in the circle of successful, purposeful and cheerful people, it is possible to find with surprise that you are of some use to them ... This is how new projects are born.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Taking care of your health is a very important task if you want to succeed. Eternal sores, chronic health problems - all this is very distracting and confusing from the intended path. And to move forward and earn millions, you need to have excellent health. Well, or at least keep an eye on him. And, therefore, sport is an integral part of the life of almost any millionaire and billionaire.

76% of rich people devote a day about half an hour to exercise. Most often these are cardio exercises - running, walking or cycling. Zuckerberg runs in the morning and surfs, Bill Gates jogging, swimming, rowing, tennis (at least an hour daily), Sergei Brin (the founder of Google) is called the Silicon Valley Olympian. It is not necessary to become a master of sports or to have some incredible achievements in sports. It is enough to take sports as gymnastics for health. It is very necessary to become a millionaire ...


To set goals and achieve them is one of the most important habits of rich people. And this habit extends to all spheres of life: the ability to maintain a list of cases, the ability to create a personal budget and execute it, the ability to set a high long-term goal and achieve it for many years. It is impossible to become rich, aimlessly burning life, not having an understanding of where you are going and how you want to achieve the result you want. Ability to set a goal, plan and execute a plan helps in any endeavor, be it career growth, personal finance management or business building.

According to the research, rich people pay serious attention to the organization and planning of their time - about 81% of millionaires constantly keep their lists of cases. And among the poor people only 9% are engaged in this. Apparently, the set goal and well-designed plan of its achievement can really bring results.

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