No Time to Read? Join Our Monthly Zoom Call

in finance •  5 years ago  (edited)


The Incognito Project is 10 month old and growing fast. The main aim of the project is, to provide privacy mode to all your cryptocurrency transactions. We don't do that by making you buy a privacy coin, but by shielding your, for example, BTC to pBTC (1:1) when you move your funds to our own chain (and back when you want to move your coins to an external chain).

On Our Network we have several features going:

  • Validators run Nodes (similar to witnesses on this platform)
  • You can stake different coins against 7-9% APY (37% APY for our own PRV coin at the moment)
  • Trade anonymously on our pDEX (Kyber and Uniswap implemented as well)
  • Provide liquidity to a trading pair directly
  • Send, Receive coins
  • Create your own coin
    and much more

If you want to do your own due diligence (not a bad idea) you can find detailed information at If you are more the "tell me all about it" kind of person, join our monthly Zoom call.

When: Friday, 4 September 2020
Time: 3pm UTC | 10pm VN | 11am NYC | 8am LA
Where: zoom call
Livestreamed: on our YouTube channel

You can use this link to mark the date on your calendar, so you won’t miss it. Hope to meet you there!

One More Thing

Apart from running software on a VPS, validators can also buy a physical Node. The left one is our current one, the right one is what we are developing.

Instead of having multiple nodes next to each other, you will be able to stack them.

We call it Node Tree. What do you think?

First published at

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