in finance •  3 years ago 

We managed to get out of a complicated process that we face every year, which is the January slope, so we need to stabilize our finances so as not to suffer the rest of the year, and to achieve this it will be necessary to be very strict in our financial habits.

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Here are some common mistakes we make when finishing the January slope:

  1. Spend on things you don't need but want
    Passing the January slope, our finances begin to stabilize, giving us the impression that we could be a little more comfortable financially speaking and this may give us a chance to give ourselves some luxuries, which does not mean that it is bad but it may not be the right time since could destabilize our economy without realizing it.

2 not having a plan for your finances
We are starting the year so it will be necessary to make a good economic projection of the first semester where we take into account the things that we take out on credit during the Christmas holidays since not taking into account these purchases could harm us and generate interest in case of not being able to pay.

We leave you here this blog that may interest you: Personal budget to improve your finances

3 abuse of credit cards
As we mentioned in the previous point, some of our cards may already be loaded with Christmas expenses, so we must be careful not to get saturated in the first semester so as not to put the rope around our necks.

If you make any or even all three mistakes, it is time for you to have a very serious talk with yourself and put your personal finances in order. This is not only because we are giving you the advice, but because it will always be better for you to have healthy finances to face any eventuality that arises, thus avoiding that you find yourself in financial problems.

The most important thing is to make the decision and take the first step.

For getting financial help first, you may visit

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